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Escape to Death Valley over Easter Week

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Tyler will do the DVD burn for you when we get back from vacation. Do you have any of the pix you took of us in that old rusty car by Stella's that you could email us? My sister wants to use one for a present to Mom for xmas day..


My answers to the questions:


a)Chicken Rock brings the Pucker factor to life. Too bad it is now closed.


b)Wide variety of terrain and history, which always goes by too fast so you don't really have time time to explore

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Yes. BLM says it is because there are issues with the bridge, and there were several incidents at the Rock itself (roll-overs) that got them concerned over liability.


Now the big worry is that if they document people driving it anyway (going around the sign) they may permanently close it to all types of motorized traffic -- not just 4x4s.


I think CA4WDC is protesting it -- but they don't have a real strong history of getting things the way we'd like to see them with the Inyo BLM. So I'm not very hopeful that it will be re-opened.

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Hey Chuck, I've missed out on your DV trips so far, and don't want that to happen again. Missing the Manson house before it burned, and now the closure of Chicken Rock makes me realize I need to get out there sooner rather than later.


Do you think you'll be going again next Easter? I want to start planning on attending a few more trips next year and DV is high on the list.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Agreed DV is a MUST trip for me now!


I am sure I will be going back. Easter break (for my kids) has turned into a bit of a tradition. It would also be fun to do something this November. There is a group of Rovers that do a trip over Christmas break -- we've got so many committments that timeframe that I've never made it.


I'd really like to stay at Briggs camp. There are some awesome places to explore. Though now, you need to walk Chicken rock.

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Chuck, you can hopefully count me in for another DV trip next Easter. I tried to book the week of Easter as vacation almost a year in advance and hope if coincides with the DV trip. Ella and I had a great time. I also just put in an all aluminum custom built radiator that should withstand the rigors of DV. No more overheating up Lippincott Grade. Can't wait!
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  • 4 weeks later...
We are in also for next years DV trip for sure.. This time we will do the complete trip. Had a great time. Kai still talks about it and cant wait.!!


I am looking forward to Death Valley as well. I am thinking about where and what to do on the next trip. I think it will come down to the question of how much time we spend in the Panamints versus other areas of the Park. Here are some of the options I am thinking about:


1) I could see a trip where we do Cerro Gordo, drop down into Saline Valley, head up Lippencott, then exit by Panamint Springs, with maybe a couple nights at Osbourne camp or Minnietta.


2)A variation on #1 would be to continue out from the Racetrack via a route other than Hunter Pass as well and get into some other areas of the park. I haven't explored that side much, but would think with some advance planning there would be some good trails. This option would mean we would not be going to Panamint Springs or any of the cabins in the Panamint Valley area.


3)Of course, the final option would be to do something Panamint Springs focused. Maybe an overnight up in the Pleasant Canyon area, stay at Briggs, etc and/or some more exploration of the Striped Butte Area. Maybe exit via the Escape Route and Isham canyon. I've spent most of my time wheeling in that area of the park -- but there are still so many things undiscovered. I would really like to go check out Isham some day.

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  • 1 month later...

We are up for anything. Death Valley is the largest national park and it would be fun to explore some new areas as well. Whatever you decide, we will follow.


Have you decided on dates yet? I blocked out the week of April 9th when I sent in my vacation request back in May, but could move that by a week if need be. I just need some advance warning. Thanks again Chuck.

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Funny that you'd post in this thread just now. I just this minute got done posting in a thread on the Mendo List about a DV trip they're planning over Christmas break, thinking of going. Two trips there a year would be twice as good as one!
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We are up for anything. Death Valley is the largest national park and it would be fun to explore some new areas as well. Whatever you decide, we will follow.


Have you decided on dates yet? I blocked out the week of April 9th when I sent in my vacation request back in May, but could move that by a week if need be. I just need some advance warning. Thanks again Chuck.


If this trip was indeed the week of April 9, I would also be interested, I have that week off.

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  • 1 month later...
Ok guys, wanted to make sure all you Death Valley folks from last year knew I started up a new thread for this years trip. Plan would be to do things a little differently -- start in Trona, take the Escape Route into Striped Butte Valley (stay in one of the cabins there) and then exit out via Warm Springs and explore some sites on the Eastern side (specifics TBD). We'd then return and exit out North -- most likely via the Racetrack and Lippencott -- but I am also looking at other alternatives depending on where and how long we spend in the Easter section of the park...
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