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2011, 5th annual NCLR event...

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Mark the calendars now. Confirmed from HH that NCLR is holding Sept 30 - Oct 2nd 2011 for the 5th annual event. Is this enough warning to plan?


If the event went well this year, I'd like to hear about it. What did you like, what did you not like? Trail runs? Food? Shirts?


For 2011, I hope to have a lot of sponsors again..so reach out everyone.


I want some great food, and maybe this year again with a guest speaker/demo/ or even some dinner music? Dan?


I hope the shirts can return and I'll let the hint out that I am working on another little give away....


Anyway, we have more time this year....Looking forward to a bigger event for 2011.



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Good to start planning early!...how bout a Hawaiian pig Luau, if we can dig a big 'ol hole in the ground at area 5. That's for the food department and for the driving aspect, some sort of team competition (surely, we can come up with somethin by then)
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Josh, annual event is held at Hollister Hills and is a three day all club event.


There is a catered dinner on Sat night, which is a pay to play event, but if you are watching the pennies like some members last year, if is a voluntary thing.


Camping Friday and Sat night, trail runs, raffles and a ton of rovers. I have been every year (some overnight, some just for the Sat) and I will say that getting together with usually more than 50 land rover families is awesome!

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Good to start planning early!...how bout a Hawaiian pig Luau


Not a bad idea for our 5th anniv.


Expo @ Hollister did that and it was a popular dinner; instead of diggin ground - they covered the grill pit and cooked the pig that way. Turned out very tasty.


Also wwe can use the new obs course for a lil time competition.

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I like the pig idea too. The trail runs seem to be a standard thing that we could continue, but I think there are smaller events we could do to change up the routine. We've talked about getting an RTI ramp before. I've heard of blind folded drivers following a spotter for a timed or scored course. I like the idea of Camel Trophy style challenges with small teams to help get new and old members to work together. I think all of this is possible with the help and suggestions of our members. Get involved and tell us what you'd like to do for our 5th Annual Event!!!
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I did the blindfolded drive at Quail Lodge- terrifying, but fun. You really have to trust the person guiding you, and be able to focus on their voice alone (not all the others screaming, trying to lead you astray or into a tree).


I could volunteer to organize some kid friendly activities. Paul is a Den Leader for Scouts and I have a few ideas, mostly focused around outdoorsy stuff (knot tying, scavenger hunt with a compass, geocaching, making pudgie pies, etc).

Also, Eric found a Rover pinata at Target last week and can't wait to bring it to an event and bust it open with all his Rover Friends.

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  • 2 months later...

How about doing the Camel trophy challenge thingie with a couple of "Amazing Race" type challenges.


People could make suggestions/entries, submit them to the BOD and "most fun/challenging" be selected (just a suggestion).

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Let's also start reaching to our vendors for raffle donations. So BODs, Officers and Members if you have any ideas, let us know or feel free to reach out to your favorite vendor for donation to our raffle. Last year, it was great turn-out and results. Some suggestions have been made and will be considered like you need to be present to win.


And yes, we want to receive the actual donated item or gift cert before offering in the raffle to avoid having the chase the vendor afterwards.

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  • 2 weeks later...

another idea... if you made a large haul at the raffle at last year's event, you're barred from entering in 2011. you lucky SOBs know who you are...


(oh wait, if put into effect, that would prohibit me and my "girlfriend" from participating. we did quite nicely combining our tix last year, didn't we, dear?)

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Jim and I were talking about the MoM and voting.. I think we should have a contest to be displayed and voted on at the Annual Event....


Best Voting Box Made from Rover Parts.


My idea was a hood folded and welded into a box, retaining the LR logo...

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  • 1 month later...
If you would like to go with a Luau type event I have a lot of Polynesian friends who could help with pig above ground , below ground or both also my girlfriend teaches polynesian dancers that perform at Luau and fundraisers.
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If you would like to go with a Luau type event I have a lot of Polynesian friends who could help with pig above ground , below ground or both also my girlfriend teaches polynesian dancers that perform at Luau and fundraisers.


Why don't you ask the question...how much would something like that cost the club...I am always down for Luau, hungi or whatever "roast the pig" idea there is.


Also, FYI, Hudner Ranch access is secured for the annual event also, as of today.

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Also, FYI, Hudner Ranch access is secured for the annual event also, as of today.


I think we're going to need a trim party before the event. Has HH done any upkeep on the Hudner side? What is the condition of the stakes/trail markers we laid out?

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I think we're going to need a trim party before the event. Has HH done any upkeep on the Hudner side? What is the condition of the stakes/trail markers we laid out?


I could always go for some trim. Anyways, my rangie needs some trimming so this is a good idea!

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