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Annual Event Suggestions

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I am finally coming to an event! I just got back to the states from afgahanistan, and am getting cerrone's to get my defender in good shape for the event! Yay! Im gunna be bringing a few of my friends and my wife. I am a beginner, so go easy. Also, how can I order dinner for more than one person? Do I really have to go through the whole paypal process for each person?


Normally you are able to select a number of participants (more than 1) during the PayPal purchase process. I just checked myself and unfortunately you are correct, something I will hope will be corrected asap by the powers to be...... I will look into this....



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I am finally coming to an event! I just got back to the states from afgahanistan, and am getting cerrone's to get my defender in good shape for the event! Yay! Im gunna be bringing a few of my friends and my wife. I am a beginner, so go easy. Also, how can I order dinner for more than one person? Do I really have to go through the whole paypal process for each person?


Look me up when you get there. It would be awesome to put a face to the name :) We have a great intro run for people either new to Hollister or new to their vehicles who want to get to know either better on Sat. Make sure to join me for that!

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I've been thinking about producing a public service announcemet for Tread Lightly as part of keeping my Tread Trainer status. What I would like to so is at the annual event, ask people what they do to Tread Lightly while on the trails. I can shoot some b-roll later, but a montage of voices telling the story with video support would be a timeless piece that TL could use for some time. I hope people will think about this and be ready with a quick comeback when I stick a camera in your face and ask "how do you tread lightly?"


Thanks in advance

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Not sure how many kids (or ages) will be there this year, but maybe some stuff geared for the kids - arts & crafts, RC driving course (we would need cars/trucks from somewhere), free car wash (they wash our rigs for free), smores, treasure hunt.


Oh, and is there any way we can turn down the wind machine this year ;-)


For kids, smores! Load them up w/suger and stick them in your tent (smile). Be great to do e.g. treasure hunt but resource or getting volunteer adult to organize it is key. My wife and kids have another activity to do that wknd so it will just be me/no kids either.

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Welcome; we look forward to finally meeting you.


I am finally coming to an event! I just got back to the states from afgahanistan, and am getting cerrone's to get my defender in good shape for the event! Yay! Im gunna be bringing a few of my friends and my wife. I am a beginner, so go easy. Also, how can I order dinner for more than one person? Do I really have to go through the whole paypal process for each person?
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So we have recovery session (Will)

Slideshows (trips)


Great so far...


We should add atleast another demo/learning sesssion; what I've seen in past events are break-out sessions; type more informal lead by someone with gps experience and attendees to do Q&A; so for example (unfortunately Brian as I understand won't be @ our annual gathering) someone like Brian showing what he uses, how it works, and practical use e.g. Oregon trip.


Ha! Ha! How to finance LR repairs in diff market. I call that DIY if you can. Which can be another session LR maint perhaps lead by one of our Tony, Frank or Rod @ Besa.


Just some ideas.


I would like to take a moment and drop off canned goods @ the Food Pantry in Hollister before we head out to Hollister either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning; we did it last year and got thousand thanks from the food pantry manager.


I'd love to see some discussion of GPS techniques: pros/cons of different brands, difference between waypoints, routes, tracks, etc. This might be to equipment dependent but I thought it would be worth mentioning.


I also vote for recovery techniques.


Also, how about a session on "How to finance your Land Rover repairs in a difficult market" :-) LOL!!!

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I've been thinking about producing a public service announcemet for Tread Lightly as part of keeping my Tread Trainer status. What I would like to so is at the annual event, ask people what they do to Tread Lightly while on the trails. I can shoot some b-roll later, but a montage of voices telling the story with video support would be a timeless piece that TL could use for some time. I hope people will think about this and be ready with a quick comeback when I stick a camera in your face and ask "how do you tread lightly?"


Thanks in advance


As a club, I think it would make sense to take a moment and plug TL; not only to keep up with TL training status but also new club members or guest view of our club to support and promote TL. Let's do something Jim. Glad to help.

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I want to throw out the idea of coordinating some sort of ham radio check-in on Friday & Saturday for people arriving or confirmation of starting of events and changes in schedules.


There are 2 repeaters that cover the Hollister area and it would be wider coverage than simplex. I was able to hit both of these repeaters from my house in Oakland with 50 watts.


<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top">147.3150</td> <td valign="top">N6SBC</td> <td valign="top">Hollister</td> <td valign="top">Tone

</td> <td valign="top">o94.8es</td></tr></tbody></table> <table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td valign="top">441.9000</td> <td valign="top">W6MOW</td> <td valign="top">Hollister</td> <td valign="top">Tone

</td> <td valign="top">o110.9el</td></tr></tbody></table>

Since I won't be arriving until mid Saturday, would anyone care to handle this task? It just requires monitoring a radio & responding as needed.


Thanks in advance.

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I plan to arrive at Hollister Friday afternoon and will be glad to monitor these repeater frequencies as well as NCLR simplex 146.46 MHz.


Excellent Brian; good to hear you will be @ the annual; thought you had a vac scheduled/trip out of town.

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Shrek will be a no show this year (rear diff issue unresolved), LR3 will be my substitute.... no winch for recovery session, unless I can borrow someone elses truck?.... I can still provide shackles, snatch blocks (recovery bag)...... Also, I think the session should be aimed at beginners, with more hands help from the crowd.

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No problem Will.


I think most everyone can apprecate a basic recovery class newbie or as a refresher. If you can lead the instructions and bring your recovery bag of gears e.g. shackles, I can source a truck w/a working winch; let me also know if you need a volunteer vehicle to extract. Thanks for doing this Will.

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Assuming I'm still at the Event Saturday when the recovery class happens, I'll offer my truck with winch and recovery kit too. I'll probably be leaving HH around 4pm to get back to my g/f's LitCrawl show in SF. I plan to get there early on Friday.


and so it begins.....Brenton, these are the waning days of your "getting out to wheel"...LitCrawl, date nights, kids.......I see a snowball coming right at you..

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ATTN: Will


Saw you breaking the maximum speed law this past Sunday at about 4 pm on hwy 17 through Scotts Valley. I was traveling northbound when I noted a handsome LR3 hurtling down the southbound slow lane. Be careful in my 'hood, Mr. President!


haha, just returning from a week long cruise, forgot how to drive :)

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and so it begins.....Brenton, these are the waning days of your "getting out to wheel"...LitCrawl, date nights, kids.......I see a snowball coming right at you..


No kids, both of us are in total agreement on that. My girlfriend knows how much I love my truck and wants to go on some trips with me. She likes the way I camp (i.e. taking care of everything :)

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