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February Morg - overnight?

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Hmm, let me get this traight. I have spent the entire winter in Maryland and when I finnaly get back home to sunny and warm California, you want me to go on a snow run/ overnight snow tent camping? :rolleyes: Let me think on that :cool:


That's TWO nights camping in the snow.....:eek:

You should be used to the cold by now.

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Good to hear you got it all figured out. Nothing much worse than car troubles in bad weather.


I was getting a lot of transmission faults and the truck seemed to be low on cranking power in the cold mornings. It also started not letting me take the key out of the ignition after turning it off, acting identical to when you turn it off in gear. I figured the 2 things were probably connected somehow. Sure enough, I took it in to the local dealer here and they found the battery to be bad and the transmission shifter bad as well, which was causing the faults plus not letting me take out the key since the sensors thought the truck was still in gear when it was in Park. Changed out both and so far, it's perfect! Even in the mornings with single digits, runs like a dream.
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The kids and I will be arriving into Hollister right around sundown. Can't leave until about 3pm from the Peninsula. I'll have the tent trailer so I won't be hard to find...


I'll scope out Cedar Camp and try and find a site that will handle multiple rigs. It sounds like the rangers are open till 9pm so late arrivers should be fine..


Remember to bring plenty of firewood!

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I might be up for this. Driving down Friday night and camping makes the long drive down there for a MORG more doable. I suppose I could even bring the guitar...as long as the coyotes don't mind (they can even sing along!)
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Kids and I are packing up and should arrive before dusk on Friday and will set up camp at Cedar Camp. Plan is to camp Friday and Saturday.


Weather Forecast says rain Thurs, Fri, with 20% chance on Saturday and probably no rain on Sunday. So could be great conditions, could challenging...Who is in?




1. Arriving Friday

Chuck, Tyler, Marla and Robbie (Tylers friend)

Barry (chucks friend) and Cole (Tylers friend)


Tiger Dan?





2. Daytrippers - Saturday




DrewW (new Member)?


Alan (new member?)



I'll set up base camp at Cedar, looks like I'll try and hold a spot with enuf room for 4 or 5 tents. I'll bring plenty of wood...


Questions? Try my cell at 650-208-1175 or post em up. I'll be off the computer grid about 1pm on Friday, but am sure some of the other day trippers will fill em in...

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I'll try to make it...I've got a lot going on this weekend and it'll be a juggling act to try to fit it all in. It's partly dependent on whether a guy who wants to buy a car from me flakes or not, and if he doesn't whether or not I have to tow it to San Leandro for him.


Whatever, I don't think I can make it twice...:D

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As most of you know, I'm trying my best to get our 2009 sweatshirts and T shirts out as soon as possible. I expect the balance of our merchandise order any day, which then will start the packing/shipping marathon.


Now for this Feb MORG I have sweatshirts and T shirts from minimal stock on hand for the following


Jim McCarthy

Alan Brown

David Badillo

Daniel Harris

Gary Young

Stephen Neighbors

Mark Griffiths


no worries if your not on the list above

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I don't know if I'm going to be able to make it...I've gotten several things dumped on me for this weekend and it looks like I've got a pretty full plate. I'm going to try to rearrange some things today and get off work early so if you see me down there, then you'll know I made it...!
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Looks like I will be able to make it to the MORG with kids in tow.


Anyone heading down from the peninsula on Sat morning???


Also, will anyone be monitoring a specific HAM frequency???


Will--Could I get an XL sweatshirt instead of a L??

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Also, my 6 yr old son usually has a good time, but do many folks bring kids?





Drew, I will be bringing my 5 yo son and my 2 yo daughter along and I am sure there will be others as well.

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