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April MORG

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I’m headed up Highway 80 from Fremont and if anybody wants to meet me along the way I can pull over or meet at a StarbucksI( live on coffee). I will be out the door by 8 AM so I will hear the Oakland area around nine Sacramento around 10 should get up there by 11.
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Have strap.  Will travel.



I'll be heading up 5 to Sac then 80 to the trailhead.  Luke is also somewhere in Sac.  I'll have the radio on 146.460 and will listen for anybody out there.

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Right now looks like Me, Luke, Andrew -  who else?  Come on guys, the weather looks fine!  Chance of rain/snow in the afternoon but not too cold.  Should be good!

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Current update says Luke's wife is bringing their D5, and add yokreiger above with an LR3 and we've got a pretty good representation.


Looks like:


Don - D1

Luke - 109

Luke's wife (sorry, can't remember her name!) - D5

Andrew - D2

Nick (?) - RRC

yokreiger - LR3


I know Luke and Nick are bringing their kids.  Fun for all ages!

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Johann?  Maybe you mean Jean?  Rovergirl?


I'm about to head out myself.  I'll be stopping somewhere for an early lunch on the way and expect to be there about 11:30.


Anyway, will be on 146.460.  See you guys there!

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So the MORG is in the books.  We ended up with a Disco-fest:


Don - D1

Andrew - D2

Johan - LR3

Luke - 109 (on a D1 chassis)

Luke's wife - D5


We started off heading up the Signal Peak trail.  We'd gone through some ruts perhaps 10" deep to get to the trail head, but it was clear once there.  However there was a ton of water everywhere and we were skeptical of making it up.  We ran up the first couple switchbacks to the first technical obstetrical, with a rock/tree combo that can cause some trouble.  Luke was in the lead with me behind and we both cleared it but just beyond was a pretty good wash-out with snow, running water, and a slide area.  While I'm sure we could have passed it to do so would mean getting pretty off-camber with the down-hill wheels on fairly soft surface and a good drop to follow should things go poorly.  Luke wasn't super excited to run this line with his family in the truck, and we knew it would get worse further on so we turned around at this point and headed back down then around to Cisco Grove side.  Here we found the gate to the trail open but blocked by a deep drift that appeared to have been suspiciously left there intentionally.  I took a few goes at it and got over/through while Luke went into the store there and spoke to the guy behind the counter who told him the trail was closed and the rangers were patrolling the area.  Apparently the gate was only open because because some yahoo had broken it not long ago and it can't be closed.  He also reported there was over 5' of snow still on the trail a short way above.


I came back down and we headed over to Eagle Lakes Rd and took it south.  We forced our way up to the train tracks at the top (the road turns to a trail on the other side of the tracks but was gated) then came back down and explored a short way up past an open gate that appeared to service a pipeline access road.  This had so much water running down it I wasn't entirely sure it was actually a trail though there were sign posts along the route.  We had some fun basically driving up a river of run-off before again turning around and heading back to clear pavement.  We considered heading over and running a bit of Fordyce, but it was already 3PM and we all had 2-3 hrs of driving ahead of us yet so we aired up and headed down the hill.  


Not the snow run we might have hoped for but a lot of fun none the less!


My pics/videos (such as they are) here:


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