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August MORG

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It's time to start thinking about the next MORG!


Once again, I'm looking for somebody to lead as this is the same day we'll be heading out for the Sierra trip and I'll be attending that run so won't be available to lead the MORG.    Also, the next day is the Cars and Coffee event in Danville, so it's a full weekend.


Since I won't be present, it's up to you guys to decide where you'd like to go.  Some options include Hollister, Carnigie, South Cow Mountain, or just a basic trail run in the foothills.  


Who's up for a day of wheeling?  I understand RedRover won't be able to attend the Sierra trip...perhaps he'd like to step forward?  

(no pressure.... :) )

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I checked the calendar -- it says I have a big day planned of: 'Clean HVAC filter system', so obviously I will eschew that activity for off-roading.


Since it's August I guess Frank Raines is finished for the next few months... I'd be down for doing a Hollister run -- now that I can actually get RedRover out of the backyard it needs a shakedown before we make that massive hill climb to Danville C&C...   B)


So unless someone else steps up, I'm now a single vote for Hollister...

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Michele and I may make it after all since the Sierra trip has been pushed back so we can also do the Blackhawk C&C.  I'm thinking we'll just load up the rig for the trip, come down to Hollister Saturday, then stay in the east bay that night so we can hit Danville early Sunday before heading out from there for the Sierra trip.  


Of course I haven't told Michele this yet.  She was thinking we'd be able to pack on Saturday since we will both be away from home until Friday night.  :)

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Sure!  MORG starts at 10AM at the Ranger station.  We typically all get together and have a quick meeting to discuss plans for the day and also assess the equipment being used.  If you aren't at the ranger station within the first 15-20 min, we may have already left to the park gate.  Ask the friendly rangers and they will guide you over.


NCLR people will be on radio at 146.460MHz but be aware that it's really hard to make contact with people that haven't actually made it to Hollister, so if you're out on the main highway, we probably won't hear you.


Lastly, PM me if you'd like a phone number to contact.



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trying to sort out how I can convince the wife to let me leave Saturday, go to MORG crash at a hotel and than just hit Blackhawk on the way back



what to do... what to do 

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trying to sort out how I can convince the wife to let me leave Saturday, go to MORG crash at a hotel and than just hit Blackhawk on the way back



what to do... what to do 

That is exactly our plan.  Then we leave for the Sierra trip directly from Blackhawk.


I think it's important to do the MORG with as many vehicles that will be at the C&C as possible so we can 'detail' them appropriately.


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Hi everyone, my name is Chris and I'm new to this site, and also owner to a recently new-to-me LR (1st truck).

I've not off-roaded before, but want to give it go.

Would HH be good for 1st timer to learn from?



Welcome Chris! Hollister is a great place to learn what your Land Rover can do!

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Hi everyone, my name is Chris and I'm new to this site, and also owner to a recently new-to-me LR (1st truck).

I've not off-roaded before, but want to give it go.

Would HH be good for 1st timer to learn from? 



Welcome aboard - the MORGs are a perfect chance to 'get your feet dirty' and see what you and your rig can do.  We'd love to see you there!

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Hi everyone, my name is Chris and I'm new to this site, and also owner to a recently new-to-me LR (1st truck).

I've not off-roaded before, but want to give it go.

Would HH be good for 1st timer to learn from? 




Hi Chris!  Welcome to NCLR (and  :lr: !)


Hollister Hills is probably one of the best places to familiarize yourself with your truck.  I won't belabor the point since others already responded but we've got a good group of folks attending tomorrow, of all skill sets and technical abilities.


I'll likely be in either an old Range Rover Classic (RedRover) or will ride shotgun with club Secretary Erin in her Ipanema Sand colored '12 LR4.  Either way, stop by and say hi!

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Have to back out of this months Morg due to some suspension wonkiness and just general life business.  Have a great time!


That's a shame.  We'll have to catch you next time Ben.  Maybe at a wrenching day for that suspension stuff...

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Thanks for the warm welcome!  

I'll see everyone tomorrow morning at the ranger station @ 10am then.

You guys really made it an easy decision for me to come out tomorrow. 

BTW, how long will this gtg go to? Should I pack myself some snacks/lunch? 


I'll be in a white Defender 90.  The small guy in a big truck - it's all matter of perspectives, so I tell myself. haha! 

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BTW, how long will this gtg go to? Should I pack myself some snacks/lunch? 

I'd say most people hang around until about 3-ish... some will bail early because they can't play all day.


I always bring some food and beverages -- we'll be out on trail for a couple of hours and then will stop and break for lunch.


I'll be in a white Defender 90.  The small guy in a big truck - it's all matter of perspectives, so I tell myself. haha!


No worries. We've got small guys in big trucks, big guys in small trucks, women in 101FCs, dogs in Freelanders, no matter. I'll try to remember to bring an extra radio so you can listen in on the trail comms (unless you perhaps already have a Ham radio license?)


I'm not certain where you're starting from, but I'll be coming down from the South Bay. If you want to caravan down, I typically leave from the Coleman/Newhall Chevron and Starbucks near 880/17 interchange and the SJC airport.

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