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August MORG

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It was so great to meet everyone today - what a great group! 

You guys really made this a fun and enjoyable first time out for me!

Jared/Erin, thanks for the caravan from SJ and also guiding me down that first hill. 

And it was fun watching Don, Mike & Graeme come down Truck Hill. 


Here are couple pix... and more in this album: https://goo.gl/photos/m4zwX39wzriCdvD28

Others can also add pictures there. 


Thanks again!





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We had a good group of trucks show for the August MORG at Hollister Hills SVRA.  The rundown went:


RedRover (RRC)

Alyson (Discovery)

Mike (Discovery)

Chris (Defender 90)

Chris J (Discovery)

Don (LR3)

Jason (Discovery)

Graeme (Discovery)


For Erin & I (&RedRover) we had a late start but arrived to meet up with Chris and caravan down to HH.  Saw this cool thing at Chevron while fueling up:




Once we got to Hollister we played in old Obstacle course for about 15 minutes and ended up taking Gusto Grade up to McCray and eventually to the Top of the World.  We came back down using the Truck Hill Climb Return trail to get down to Truck Hill.


Don & Michele stayed behind and came down Truck Hill -- the result was relatively pedestrian, with conditions being far better than we've had them in the recent past.  Following shortly afterward were Graeme and Mike.


Once we landed at the base of Truck Hill, we found a shady place to enjoy lunch -- Chris J didn't really need shade since he came well-equipped with his own awning.  B)  


After we wrapped up lunch, Alyson took over as trail leader to bring the group through the recently-reopened Hudner Ranch.  We went up Sidewinder and got to enjoy unused trails with cut brush overgrowth left to drive on for unusually slippery conditions.


Here are a couple of photos of Chris and his D90 on Sidewinder:


IMG_0846.jpg IMG_0847.jpg


In the end, all was well and Don started tossing Hostess Twinkies at unsuspecting Land Rover owners.  Some were eaten, others became lodged between seats and consoles.




Thanks to everyone who came out and played for the day!  Hope to see you on trail again soon.



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