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Gauging Interest: Shaver Lake Snow Run, Feb 19-21

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A better place for all these albums is in the works but in the mean time, here are the links to the album and the upload page. have fun


Shaver 2016

Album http://norcalrovers.smugmug.com/Trip-Photos/Shaver-2016

Upload http://NorCalRovers.smugmug.com/upload/bbrms4/Shaver2016


430 on Saturday and the Shaver crew is likely digging out the last of the rovers looking forward to wood burning stoves, pizza and tall tales from the day.


We all know "pics or it didn't happen" so.... If you've got some good ones coming off the card, how about dragging a few over to SmugMug?? Some day, they may show up on the website ;-)


Cheers and safe drive home, Tom

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I need to find an easy way to pull stuff off my phone (android) and into Smug.  I've got pics and videos.  As I remember you can't upload direct from their app except to your personal account.  No way to go to a 3rd party account (NCLR)

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Had a great time this year.  this software doesn't seem friendly to google photos (picasa)   :( so here is a link to all my shaver photos:





Don i'm sure will write a eloquent story of the happenings, but here is my short version-  a few of us left early (call us group 1) - Don, myself, jose, antonio, (another guy from SCLR in a white disco)..  we made it to the bald mountain trailedhead with no issues.  started up the trail.  came to first big obstacle (its pictured in my album with the toyota finishing winching out of it.  it was deep, much deeper than it looked.  i led group 1 and i almost made it out, but no dice.  winched.  everyone winched that hole. we tried to get through there quick which worked initially, but it ended up taking a while. snow was nice in the morning.  turned into vanilla slushy in the afternoon!


everything else went relatively well until we got halfway to the lookout where the steel guardrail is that keeps you from falling into the creek.  i tried the skinny pedal method to get through it and ended up on my side..  blew the bead of passenger front at some point (potentially during recovery) but it seated easily with a tow strap and my compressor.  surprisingly the only damage i sustained was a dent in my roof rack and a small dent in the side of my hood (which i already pounded out for the most part). my dog was uncertain as to why he was standing on the window instead of the floor :)  that obstacle got better as lucas continued to shovel trying to make it into something a prius could navigate. much winching took place. it took a while to get everyone through and the snow turned to slush and traction went away.


after myself and graham got through i pushed on to evaluate the trail and dropped into a big hole again.  this was the end of the line and i eventually got turned around along with everyone else and we started our way out.  out was harder than in despite we were mostly going downhill, due to the slushy snow.  we had no bad experiences with others on the trail and the custodians of the trail came over the ham and were very nice to us.  we never saw group 2 except for chad and lutz towards the very end.    light vehicles and big floaty tires prevailed...IE NOT us..


i had a bad shimmy in the front end all the way home.  i just swapped tires to see if it fixes it.  perhaps i lost some weight or got some dirt inside it when i popped the bead. i am still learning when and most importantly, when NOT to use the lockers. sometimes they seem to hamper progress.  they certainly hamper steering.. well at least the front does.  the RTE bumpers held up quite well. i didn't ever lose a turn signal.


i can't wait til the next trip.


btw anyone with footage of me dumping it over- I would appreciate you letting me know so i can get a copy of it.  i of course forgot to turn the gopros' on for that part :(

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I need to find an easy way to pull stuff off my phone (android) and into Smug.  I've got pics and videos.  As I remember you can't upload direct from their app except to your personal account.  No way to go to a 3rd party account (NCLR)




Hook your phone to the laptop or tablet using a normal USB charging cable then look in the folder (normally DCIM) where the photos are.  You can cut and paste them just like you would with any other drive using Windoze Exploder.



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I need to find an easy way to pull stuff off my phone (android) and into Smug.  I've got pics and videos.  As I remember you can't upload direct from their app except to your personal account.  No way to go to a 3rd party account (NCLR)

If you log into smug mug you can a link to easily upload photos from your phone

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I had a great time this year.  I went with group 1 which was the early group and the snow was still nice and packed.  We made good progress until we got to revine area and encountered two large holes made but the water running under.   By the time some of the group made it trough there, it was time to turn around.  


I uploaded some of the videos and pictures i took durning the trip to smugmug.  Here is the link to the pictures:   




See you in the trail. 



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What is this magic link you speak of??



if you go to the box where you can select how you want to upload I believe there is an option that says "by phone" click that and you put a phone number in. it sends a link to your or someone's phone and then they can select what photos to upload in bulk. if you have an iPhone its like when you send multiple pics to someone, a little check mark appears. You would have to send it to Dons phone though Tom.

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if you go to the box where you can select how you want to upload I believe there is an option that says "by phone" click that and you put a phone number in. it sends a link to your or someone's phone and then they can select what photos to upload in bulk. if you have an iPhone its like when you send multiple pics to someone, a little check mark appears. You would have to send it to Dons phone though Tom.

Hmmmm, will check that out. Look for a link Don ;-)

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I'll check on this tonight.  I'm about to head out on a job this morning but it shouldn't take long.  When I get back I'll be doing some work on the RRC, then after dark I'll get into the pics/vids.  


I think this was the best Bald Mountain run in the last 3 years.  Last year the conditions were too dry and easy (other than when a small group of us broke off to explore on our own) and we ran into some 'people problems'.  2 years ago we got caught up in a big train and didn't get anywhere, just sat around all day.  (I understand a Toyota club did that to our second group this time).  


The lessons learned:

Break the group up.  4 or 5 trucks max.  

When one guy gets stuck at an obstacle, all the guys behind should be prepared to do the same.  So use that time to pre-rig your recovery gear like winch cable/snatch straps, tree straps, etc instead of just standing around BSing with everybody.  

Just follow basic trail ettiquete - the first guy through an obstacle waits for the guy behind him to get through, then moves on.  Just like making a turn on the trail.  That way we don't have to bunch everybody up in one spot.  

Leave early!  This gets you 2 benefits.  First, you might avoid some of the inevitable traffic on the trail.  Second, the conditions are better when the snow is still hard.  By the afternoon things were much more difficult with the warmer temps softening the snow and making it far easier to bury yourself.  


I wanted to have my 'early' group underway by 8:00, but we were all pretty disorganized at camp and didn't really get everybody in one place at the same time to discuss plans.  I ended up heading out about 8:15, which is actually pretty good by NCLR standards but we were still passing people driving into camp at that point.    We need to establish a run-time at least the day before, better yet the week before.  That way we have a better chance of seeing more trail time and less standing around waiting time.  It seems a little anti-social to take off and leave when others are still at camp or airing down or getting through an obstacle but we're just too big to run even a moderate trail as a single group.  


If I remember to re-read this thread when we do this in '17, I'll try to put some of this into practice.  I think I'll be aiming for a 7:00 AM departure for the earliest group, followed by an 8:00 and maybe even a 9:00 if we have more than say 12-15 trucks.  Of course who knows what next year's conditions will be so take all that with a grain of salt.  7:00 sounds harsh to some, but that still gives enough time to get up and about and have breakfast without having to get up before dawn.  9:00 is late enough even the sleepy-heads or late-night parties should be able to make it.  We just have to decide in advance who's going when and STICK TO THE PLAN.  


We have some military guys in the club....I'm going to recruit you guys as trail leaders to get our butts moving.  :)

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