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Gauging Interest: Shaver Lake Snow Run, Jan 30 - Feb 1, 2015

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I don't think I have any good pics, but I was with Tyler, Dan, Mark, and Graham on the 'extreme' group, a sub-set of group 1. We didn't exactly tackle much in the way of 'extreme', but we did manage to find some good ledges to play on as well as enough snow to get every one of us stuck at some point or another. We crawled around all over the mountain before getting back around dark. I'm sure Tyler and his friends have photos so hopefully after they've decompressed a bit they'll be post a few up.


Oh, and we saw two very elusive species - the rare skid-steer Jeep, as well as the equally rare unicorn Jeep.


Basically, we came upon a small group with one Jeep who had broken his left rear axle and lost it wheel and all. So they had lashed up a large log in it's place to hold up that corner and were dragging it out. I'm not sure if I should be impressed by their DIY inginutiy (hey, whatever it takes!) or scared that this was their master plan. Seems to me they could have just pulled the rear driveshaft and drove it out in FWD only using 4-lo, just stopping periodically to jack the rear up and push the axle back in. Then again, who knows what else may have been damaged.


The Unicorn was his buddy - they had lashed the lost wheel to his front bumper with the axle still bolted on and sticking straight out like a battering ram.


Tyler was in the lead and asked if they needed any assistance but I gather they weren't interested in our help.


We later saw the sled-Jeep had made it to the trail head, so I guess it worked.

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I don't think I have any good pics, but I was with Tyler, Dan, Mark, and Graham on the 'extreme' group, a sub-set of group 1. We didn't exactly tackle much in the way of 'extreme', but we did manage to find some good ledges to play on as well as enough snow to get every one of us stuck at some point or another. We crawled around all over the mountain before getting back around dark. I'm sure Tyler and his friends have photos so hopefully after they've decompressed a bit they'll be post a few up.


Oh, and we saw two very elusive species - the rare skid-steer Jeep, as well as the equally rare unicorn Jeep.


Basically, we came upon a small group with one Jeep who had broken his left rear axle and lost it wheel and all. So they had lashed up a large log in it's place to hold up that corner and were dragging it out. I'm not sure if I should be impressed by their DIY inginutiy (hey, whatever it takes!) or scared that this was their master plan. Seems to me they could have just pulled the rear driveshaft and drove it out in FWD only using 4-lo, just stopping periodically to jack the rear up and push the axle back in. Then again, who knows what else may have been damaged.


The Unicorn was his buddy - they had lashed the lost wheel to his front bumper with the axle still bolted on and sticking straight out like a battering ram.


Tyler was in the lead and asked if they needed any assistance but I gather they weren't interested in our help.


We later saw the sled-Jeep had made it to the trail head, so I guess it worked.


I'd be impressed. On a mt. bike i have ridden home with pine needles in my tires for a tube, with wood and zip ties holding frames together, and with shirts over seats and handlebars to make a 4 wheel stretcher. Probably figured they had it worked out, and egos a bit bruised, but alas, they got it out. I'd say impressive!

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I'd like to post some pics and write a nice trip report, but right now I'm stuck using my iPad. The laptop died the night before Shaver, so my evenings have been trying to find one that suits my needs for work, which isn't easy or cheap (Dell M3800 seems to be the winner). Couple that with a 4K chunk of change to Uncle Sam and the truck needing plugs and wires, I feel like a deer caught in the headlights right now.


So I may not post as much, but I'm still here everyday keeping tabs on everyone;)

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Here's a few pics I took over the weekend. Should have had my copilot shooting whilst i was driving but oh well :) Had a great time and was glad to finally make it up, even if the snow decided not to show up this year.






If anyone wants a full size of this one let me know- it's a 20K x 2K pixel JPEG









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Nice to see the Pizza tradition is alive and well! Since there was no snow this year, did you guys find Graham's keys that he lost a couple of years ago in the snow? ROFLMAO!


No he ran out of gas trying to find them.

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