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August 2014 MORG

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Hi NCLR folks -


Just starting a thread to track who may be attending the August 2014 MORG (August 2nd). I was just down there last weekend, but if there are others going for the day I may go as well.



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Hi Jared,


I may be able to head down to Hollister for at least part of the day. The following weekend is the meteor shower camping trip, which I am still hoping to do for the weekend as long as I don't need to go to Utah. I know Alyson was also e-mailing me asking if anyone was going to the August MORG, so I will let her know.


Let's post up on this thread closer to August 2nd if folks can go to Hollister.


Regards, David

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Booo.....So who do we still have? Me and Michele, Jarrod and Erin, Dean, and David. That's 4 - Anybody else? I think Chris is pulling wrenches getting ready for the meteor shower. Where's Jarrod's twin P-fab? How about Antonio?
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The P38 needs TLC. I need to replace the coolant hoses. When I arrived from Hollister, I noticed a leak and it turned out one of the hoses started leaking. Is good that it happened just as i go home. Love the P38, it knows where to break down. :-)


I should have it ready before the White Rock trip.


You guys have fun.



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Guest Pedram
Well what better place to test before a first big trip then at Hollister right? I got my truck back Friday then dropped it off at Cerrone's today to get some bugs fixed. Things needed a professional look and touch. But I should have my rig Wed. And I'll plan to bring the trailer again. Get some use out of it. I hope everything holds up. If not I have one week to fix it. Plus I need the miles on the clutch.
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Hello All,


I am new to Land Rover family. I just bought a 2006 LR3 HSE(110K miles) yesterday. I am very much interested to join you guys. I do not have any experience but just to meet and know you all lovely people and get a taste of off roading.


So my LR3 is stock with All Weather 19inch Good Year HP's :( , Not usre if I can do any or much off roading with these tires. And no extended warranty bought yet, so don't want to take much risk very first time. Can anyone suggest or refer me to extended warranty plan and idea of how much it costs if anyone bought it recently.


All said when and where do you guys meet or start from. I live in Fremont,CA. So if anyone starts from here or on the way i can tag along. Cant wait for the first trip.




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Hello All,


I am new to Land Rover family. I just bought a 2006 LR3 HSE(110K miles) yesterday. I am very much interested to join you guys. I do not have any experience but just to meet and know you all lovely people and get a taste of off roading.


So my LR3 is stock with All Weather 19inch Good Year HP's :( , Not usre if I can do any or much off roading with these tires. And no extended warranty bought yet, so don't want to take much risk very first time. Can anyone suggest or refer me to extended warranty plan and idea of how much it costs if anyone bought it recently.


All said when and where do you guys meet or start from. I live in Fremont,CA. So if anyone starts from here or on the way i can tag along. Cant wait for the first trip.





Hello Anudeep,


Welcome! I have a 2013 LR4 and I actually take it easy on the trails myself, though I have some upgraded tires and protection. I think you should be able to do almost anything the club does at Hollister with no problem. I am still planning to go along, so I can look out for you and help. If you follow me (on most things) you will be OK.


Just keep up with Pedram, he drives fast - though I never saw him in his Disco! :)



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Just call me. 510-673-0625. Never heard of Fremont......


Hey Pedram,


Very happy to hear you are going along to Hollister. I assume you guys are all meeting at 10AM? I need to send a text to Alyson in San Jose as well. I may have my usual off roading buddy, but not sure yet.


I am still up in the air about the following weekend, as my trip to UT changed my plans quite a bit.



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Guest Pedram
Don have you and Michelle ever looked into camping at Hollister for the night? If you drive down Friday night you can camp out at the sycamore site that has running water and showers. Flushing toilets. Just no heat. Fire pit would help. I have tons of firewood. Just a thought. And it's only $10 a night. So that would be like two day trips there.
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That would be great if you join us David. Are you driving your baby or in Alyson's rig ? 10 am ranger station.


Yes, especially since the following week's camping trip has been cut short or may need to be skipped due to my trip to UT. I am majorly bummed, but you know my situation - I have to go.


I would be driving my LR4 and meeting Alyson in San Jose or at the Ranger Station at 10AM. She has a D2.

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Don have you and Michelle ever looked into camping at Hollister for the night? If you drive down Friday night you can camp out at the sycamore site that has running water and showers. Flushing toilets. Just no heat. Fire pit would help. I have tons of firewood. Just a thought. And it's only $10 a night. So that would be like two day trips there.

Hadn't considered it, but worth keeping in mind for the future.

Not an option this time; Michele won't get home until Friday evening, then Saturday will be at Hollister, then Sunday we need to get packed/organized for the Meteor shower trip as we'll both be working away from home Mon/Tues. We may actually head up to Auburn and stay up there on Tuesday night as Michele has a conference call she needs to make in the mid-morning and she can't be on the road for it.


I'm used to driving a lot anyway. Walnut Grove to Sausalito to Oakland and back to Walnut Grove today. I had planned to be in Oakland tonight, but had something come up so I had to head back to the house. Luckily I didn't have anything critical scheduled for Wed in the bay, so I'll work from home then head back to Sausalito early Thrusday, then over to Oakland, then back to Walnut Grove....


See, there's a reason I drive that stupid looking little van instead of my Hemi pickup or the Rover for work!

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10 AM sounds good to me. Anybody else coming down I5?


I think we might have to find at least a LITTLE challenge while we're there. :)


Define "little challenge"..... Last month it was only me and Josh in his LR3 and he followed me up to that lookout, but got a bit lost and there were some rather iffy trails that gave me a lot of road rash. Woops! It was still fun, but I was a bit white-knuckled at times. I just reached 9,000 miles this week - promise it won't be anything that makes it so a tow truck has to come rescue me - hahahahaha.


I know I'm a baby, but aside from Michal, you gotta hand it to me for taking out a 2013 - :)

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