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OFFICIAL - Mojave Road 2013

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Week is fine, time is the concern. I will be doing final rides for the Tour de Tahoe and have soccer practice as well.


So, if I can listen and ride, anytime after 6. If not, later then. Tuesdays/Thursdays I am unavailable until after 7 due to coaching.

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Thanks Brenton, I am feeling the crunch. I have done nothing to prep the truck yet, but then again not broken anything either, and am going to try and get some stuff crammed in next week.


I want to wire some extra lights and add the secondary battery, but if I don't get that all done, I'll stick with food that does not need refrigeration. Have thought about ditching my tent cot for a hammock..anyone want to loan me tie up space on their bull bar?


Also, have been watching the 100° weather and thunderstorms. We will need to make sure we all have radio communication. Is there anyone on this trip still only on CB? I have no CB, but could get one in time.

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Thanks Brenton, I am feeling the crunch. I have done nothing to prep the truck yet, but then again not broken anything either, and am going to try and get some stuff crammed in next week.


I want to wire some extra lights and add the secondary battery, but if I don't get that all done, I'll stick with food that does not need refrigeration. Have thought about ditching my tent cot for a hammock..anyone want to loan me tie up space on their bull bar?


Also, have been watching the 100° weather and thunderstorms. We will need to make sure we all have radio communication. Is there anyone on this trip still only on CB? I have no CB, but could get one in time.


Hi - I will only have the CB radio. The HAM radio is a project but for the next year...

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Based on conditions, we may want a 1/4 mile between trucks. Anything to improve communications is a good thing.


If you want to go into a local HRO, maybe a club member can meet you there (with callsign) and can be the "recipient" of the gift for purchasing purposes.

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Hi - I just looked into HAM Radios and there are tons of options... Any recommendations for a hand held unit (brands/digital v analog/accessories? It seems that digital is the new way to go but please let me know if I should stay with the analog handheld.


Thanks a lot! I guess I will be making the transition to HAM a bit sooner than I planned :)

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I plan to do the same as Michal, i will get a HAM to listen in. I will get a hand held talkie. I am thinking of this :Baofeng UV-5R Ham Radio Transceivers Talkie. This is the same Tom has and it is easy to use. I found a good deal on Ebay


I am going to start studying for the test and hopefully i can take it before the trip. I will also bring a hand held CB.



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Is it that dusty? Drive with ALL lights on?


No word from the Rangers on trail conditions.


I plan to do the same as Michal, i will get a HAM to listen in.


That's good to hear. Just about everyone should have HAM communication.

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Mr. Prez/others with knowledge, since there are a few of us HAM newbs, what are the specs we should be looking for in a handheld device? Watts? Dual band vs Tri? Programmable? # of channels? Antenna options?


If this is discussed adequately elsewhere on this site, so advise.



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Mr. Prez/others with knowledge, since there are a few of us HAM newbs, what are the specs we should be looking for in a handheld device? Watts? Dual band vs Tri? Programmable? # of channels? Antenna options?


If this is discussed adequately elsewhere on this site, so advise.




Power is limited to 5W, for an HT. Dual band is fine. Most have hundreds of memory channels. I will get the antenna model number for what I'm using. Replacing the rubber duck antenna that comes with an HT is a good option.

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Why do you replace the rubber duck antenna? I have not on mine yet, so curious the thoughts.


If you are going to eventually get a HAM for the car, or use the handi in vehicle, think about an external antenna mount/antenna and then running the connector to the center console. Then you get the benefits of the antenna outside while inside with the handi. Just a thought.

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Replacing the rubber duck antenna adds a few dB to the HT, depending on the antenna. When I was at HRO getting my radio, I asked about an external antenna. I was told that it won't do much to increase your range, as you're limited to 5W, and it's the power rating that sends the signal a greater distance.


However a longer replacement antenna can be cumbersome inside the vehicle. On the DV trip, I found a way to keep the radio clipped to my shorts and had the antenna poking between the seat and center console. Didn't have any problems receiving or broadcasting.


If you just want to keep it simple go with the Baofeng UV-5R Antonio mentioned. A few people have that radio and are happy with it. It also make trouble shooting easier since there are people to ask specific questions.


I went with a Yaesu VX-6. I liked the smaller size and it's waterproof. HRO also offers a small cheat sheet manual (they have these for the popular radios) that's easier to follow than the supplied manual with the radio.


Try an HRO and see if you can buy it as a gift. Feel free to use my callsign KD2RVR as the recipient.


Other things to consider getting would be a car charger, and a remote mic.

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Replacing the rubber duck antenna adds a few dB to the HT, depending on the antenna. When I was at HRO getting my radio, I asked about an external antenna. I was told that it won't do much to increase your range, as you're limited to 5W, and it's the power rating that sends the signal a greater distance.


However a longer replacement antenna can be cumbersome inside the vehicle. On the DV trip, I found a way to keep the radio clipped to my shorts and had the antenna poking between the seat and center console. Didn't have any problems receiving or broadcasting.


If you just want to keep it simple go with the Baofeng UV-5R Antonio mentioned. A few people have that radio and are happy with it. It also make trouble shooting easier since there are people to ask specific questions.


I went with a Yaesu VX-6. I liked the smaller size and it's waterproof. HRO also offers a small cheat sheet manual (they have these for the popular radios) that's easier to follow than the supplied manual with the radio.


Try an HRO and see if you can buy it as a gift. Feel free to use my callsign KD2RVR as the recipient.


Other things to consider getting would be a car charger, and a remote mic.


Actually, I'd disagree a bit with the antenna point you made. A good magmount antenna (or a permanent mount one) will really impact your transmission range. There is a repeater in Palo Alto that you can do "signal strength checks" on. With my handheld, at my house, I can't ping it or have it acknowledge me with a rubber duck. Put a magmount on - and I get a signal strength of 4 with my handheld at 5W. Of course, get my rig mounted one going at 75W and I am up to signal strength 9.


Simply replacing the simple rubber duck with a longer wire antenna (I have one twice as long that I put on mine) -- also increases range greatly.


Also think about a spare battery, and a way to charge it from the car without having it in the radio.

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