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OFFICIAL - Mojave Road 2013

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I will be on road around 7 if not earlier. Standard route 5 south 58 to 40 and north. All luck, will be there on time. I will have HAM on. Should roll 200-250 clicks at full chat before I need fuel.


If you catch up with me (especially Bakersfield upward on 58) wave. If you want to fall in, cool. If you want to keep trucking by with a faster car, let everyone know I am coming slowly.


There is no way I am catching anyone. See you on road.

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Just call me a cheapskate turtle. ;)


I can go 70. Max. Downhill. Tailwind. No gear. On a good day.


Actually, I can push 70 on the flats all day long. Uphill, I hitch my truck TO the turtle.

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Day one is not short, and on Sat (as is the plan now) I am heading out to home so day 4 will be a long haul as well.


I want to drive at convoy speeds of the slowest truck for as long as the fuel remains in the truck getting the worst mileage. Then stop, refill, and drive again. I made Moab in 2 days both ways, and from start to stop each day had less than 40 min stopped.


I will convoy with others, but there has to be some hard timelines to follow. No long lunch breaks. Fuel, bathroom or keep rolling. Eat in the car in transit. Only real reason to stop is mechanical issues, and if those happen regularly, a decision needs to be made. As that seems a bit rigid for most, I drive by myself.

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Agreed on the hard timelines. This info will be in the Trip Sheet (I will send a copy to everyone), but I will state it here so you can start to plan accordingly.


The rally time at the Avi is 4pm, departure time is 5pm. If you are not at the Avi Casino ready to leave at 5pm, you will have to find your own way to camp. Sounds harsh I know, but the entire group can't wait for you and then travel to (and setup) camp in the dark. It's 2.2 miles heading northeast on the Aha Macav Pkwy from the Avi to the trail, and about 31 miles on dirt to camp.


If you are in a caravan, please pick a point person to notify me of updates (mechanical issues, running late, or so-and-so just joined us). If you're alone, send me an update if you're not going to make it by 5pm. Preferably, before 5pm.

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I am with Mike's plan. Minimum stops only for fuel, food and bathroom breaks. My average speed is 70mph. I feel if i go slower than that, i will fall sleep. I need to stay alert and look out for the CHP. :-)


Rupert, if you think you can keep up, you are welcome to caravan with me. I do plan to tow my trailer too.


As time gets closer, we can finalized the meet up place.



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Our exit point is I-15? How far from Las Vegas? I may consider leaving group at end and visit my daughter for R&R, hot shower, soft bed.... :)


Yes, I-15 is the exit point (just north of Yermo). Las Vegas is 2 hours north on I-15.



BTW where can we get hard copy maps? NPS website only gives pdfs.


The best map is the one from Tom Harrison (same guy who makes the Death Valley map). I bought my copy on Amazon.




Also, I have received the final copy of the Special Use Permit.

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Nathan, if you're still planning on heading down on Wed., I plan to camp at Balancing Rock Camp. Here's some info about it.


Balancing Rock Camp is a great campspot on the Mojave Road. It is located at:

N 35 06" 07' W 114 46' 26"

There is good Verizon cell phone coverage, and verizon 3G broadband coverage, no information is available for other providers.

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Living in Bayview I guess this went over my head too. We won't be in Laughlin, so no worries there. However, if you want protection on the trail from the murderous Desert Tortoise, you better come prepared!


.50 Cal mounted on the roof rack with Android remote control? Too much? Didn't think so.

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Why get all hi-tech? Strap a kid on the roof rack with a LAWS and call it all good. Fun for all!


I wanted to renick name my SWB "Puff the Magic Dragon" but don't think I can have that all set up in time. Of course, I could simply use the roof rack for drone landing..hmmm... Maybe we should put ICE on the side of the trucks?

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All joking aside, will anyone be bringing firearms on the trip? If so, you may want to let the Trip Leader Brenton know, so that if something happened to you in an ER situation, that and any other item of specific importance (medications, documents etc) could be specially secured immediately for transport with you or to ensure safety.
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The trip sheet has been added to the first post of this thread.




I will have limited internet access all of next week (phone only), and my laptop will be with me. If any edits need to be made, post them up and I will make them.


A week or two before the trip we will have a drivers call in meeting to go over the itinerary and trip sheet. Don't bother printing your own trip sheet. There might be last minute changes made, and everyone will get a copy at the rally point.

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Just got my Harrison Mojave Road map and a spiral-bound Mojave Rd. guide - pretty cool. Very detailed in terms of waypoints, conditions, etc. I know some of you know all this, but gave me a good idea of what to expect. Sounds really cool.


Between Mojave and Baja, I'm gonna have to figure out how to get a hold of a trailer with a giant fuel tank on it. Maybe get me a fuel tank from a tractor-trailer and mount it to a trailer with a super long super siphon.

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Are you petrol or ... I would think a small trailer with a tank (half for fuel, half for water) storage above and a roof top tent on top would be awesome. Me, I am taking 10 gal of fuel just in case...and I hope it is enough

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