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Metero Shower Trip August 9-11 Gauging Interest Thread

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I got these co-ordinates for White Rock Lk N 39.41923, W 120.38448, NAD 83. Elev. 7821 ft. Are these correct?

Tahoe NF has restricted campfires as of 6/1/13.

Make sure all have their campfire permits.

Recce: Lv overnite Thurs. 6/20 Rtn Fri. afternoon

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yes down wind!!


Rupert I have N39 25.12 W120 22.68 according to the book. It is really easy to get to. If you look at the PDF on the first page it shows the roads which are well marked. From HWY 89 its FR 07 to FR 86 to 9870 (at the junction of 86 and 843). Tom is going this weekend as well, he is planning on being there friday night, leaving sat. you guys might pass each other on the trail.

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I got these co-ordinates for White Rock Lk N 39.41923, W 120.38448, NAD 83. Elev. 7821 ft. Are these correct?

Tahoe NF has restricted campfires as of 6/1/13.

Make sure all have their campfire permits.

Recce: Lv overnite Thurs. 6/20 Rtn Fri. afternoon


Hey Rupert,


Where does one get a campfire permit?

Also, you are going up tomorrow and back Friday? For some reason I thought you were going up Saturday


I'm headed up tomorrow as well and have work related obligations in Truckee area on Thursday night/ Friday morning and possible as late as a lunch meeting.


Call or send me a note and let's see if we can coordinate to meet up there somehow. If you are getting a fire permit, does it make sense to get a 2 night or full weekend and I'll split it with you? (I don't know how/where/how much$) on those.





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I've answered the 4 question quiz to download the permit. If you want to take the quiz yourself go here; http://www.fs.usda.gov/detail/sequoia/passes-permits/?cid=fsbdev3_059516.


I have also posted the permit in our library section here;


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Hey Rupert,


Where does one get a campfire permit?

Also, you are going up tomorrow and back Friday? For some reason I thought you were going up Saturday


I'm headed up tomorrow as well and have work related obligations in Truckee area on Thursday night/ Friday morning and possible as late as a lunch meeting.


Call or send me a note and let's see if we can coordinate to meet up there somehow. If you are getting a fire permit, does it make sense to get a 2 night or full weekend and I'll split it with you? (I don't know how/where/how much$) on those.






Good News for me. I don't have to be back in RB til Sat. eve. Will stay @ White Rock from Thurs. til Sat. noon. Hope to see you...maybe Fri. PM?

Campfire permits are FREE and good til end of yr. See post #40?

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Good News for me. I don't have to be back in RB til Sat. eve. Will stay @ White Rock from Thurs. til Sat. noon. Hope to see you...maybe Fri. PM?

Campfire permits are FREE and good til end of yr. See post #40?


That's great news!


I will be there on Friday by the evening! One thing I wanted to check out was this repeater



146.640 (-) 131.8


Seems to have coverage over the area but not sure if terrain will prevent from hitting the lake.


I will monitor/call on both the .640 repeater as well as club simples 146.460 along the way in hopes of reaching you.


My cell is 650-796-6936 for when we are in coverage :-)


See you on Friday



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Back from White Rock. Met Tom Fri PM. He'll give a full report and post pics. We both got lost getting there, a little back tracking put us back on line. We both agreed going there @ nite is NO fun. Having daylight is best, tho a full moon helps. Don't bring a trailer, if I brought mine, I'd need spotting.

It was 7800+ ft altitude. Dress warm for nite. I guess it dropped 20 degrees in 2 hrs between 4 and 6 pm. No campfires permitted. I double checked with the Sierraville Ranger Station. Maybe later in the yr? Propane stoves OK.

To the T of CA89 and FS7 it took us about 1-3/4hrs from the lake. We guess avg speed was 5-10mph.

Tom brought me 3 gal of just in case gas. Definitely my level of comfort eased. Thanks Tom !

We found 6-8 campsites, some multiple vehicle sites, some with fire pits (not that we'll be able to use them).

Pack it in pack it out. Nearest dump was north of T, a FS campground towards Sierraville. Tom has to haul his south to the Truckee area.

We used NCLR channel to communicated, range was 5mi? The 64 repeater was useless, couldn't hear him til he switched to the simplex.

The T is a rest stop and can be used as a rendevous point.

SOs and kids might not like the trail to the lake....make them count the gravel washes as a diversion. Right Tom?

Aug. should also be a good time to bring a pole, the fish should be big enuf by then.

More later.

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sounds awesome. the tougher the trail, the less use. plus, it'll be warmer in August. thanks, ruperto! look forward to Tom's report and pics.


you might want to change your screen name to Recce Rupert...


Griff: Recce Report posted in the "Official" thread :-)



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Back from White Rock. Met Tom Fri PM. He'll give a full report and post pics. We both got lost getting there, a little back tracking put us back on line. We both agreed going there @ nite is NO fun. Having daylight is best, tho a full moon helps..


Woah, I didn't outright agree to this -While I am so good at getting lost (yes, wet paper bag joke applies) and getting Lost at Night would suck exponentially more than by day... I have over 300watts of LED and this is a great excuse to light'em up!!!


Detailed report, veteran leaders, top off tanks in truckee, snacks and car comforts for the kids, HAM Comm on trail and to Camp is a great add, etc... should be very fun experience.


Also _ had up to 3 signal Strength bars of AT&T from my camp site. Rupert less and I'm sure non-existent elsewhere. Perhaps we set-up HAM relay back to base camp with cell coverage? Chris, happy to discuss...

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  • 5 weeks later...
anyone plan to meet up friday afternoon or saturday morning? Im in sac. so I could leave first a.m. Saturday


I'll be there by Fri. early afternoon.

Driving down from Sierraville.

Can meet at reststop south of Sierraville

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