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PISMO, Fail. Epic Fail.

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First a great big THANKS! to everyone who reached out this past weekend when I encountered some difficulty (plenty of them) after playing in the dunes on Saturday.


For those wondering what happened, here is the story:


After about 45 minutes on the beach, we headed to the dunes. I spent a good hour up and down, but had a hard time gauging the stability of the sand and had a few times where I had to back up after trying an agressive climb. However, everything was looking good. I hit one climb and after giving in a second try, I realized it wasn't going to work so I started backing down when I noticed some fluid on the sand where I just came from. I put it off as condensation and moves onward. Suffice to say, it wasn't condensation, but coolant.


After driving just a few more minutes, I noticed my thermostat hit the upper indicator as I tried another climb. I got to a safe spot; stopped the vehicle and let it cool for a bit. I didn't see any other leaks and after using all of the filtered water I had; I moved on to leave. Here is tip #1: make sure to bring coolant or water reserved just for this purpose.

Unfortunately, I was a bit back and had a couple of climbs to get out. Worse, when I started the climb, the engine/transmission sounded like it was overworking and not gearing correctly. Like it was just roaring with no power.


So after 3 tries to climb; I called the tow company. Here is where I will add tip #2: If you are going by yourself, take a cardboard sign that says "I will pay you $200 if you can tow me out!". Why? because the MINIMUM charge to get out with the only tow company allowed there is $300. I got hit for $400. I had a recovery strap which might have gotten the job done, but there were not too many large vehicles out there by me.


When I got out; my vehicle ran, and was running on a decent temp, but I stopped to feed my kids (3 hours stuck on dunes with no beach to play on - I was in trouble) It wouldn't start. When cool, the vehicle would drive, but when it was too hot, it wouldn't start. Never saw any leaks anywhere. Thought I might be able to drive home and deal with it up here. After a series of mistakes to painful to recount just yet; I got it to British Motors in SLO. Here is tip #3: don't get the vehicle injured after 1PM on Saturday or else you aren't going to get any good help until sometime Monday or later.


Dropped the vehicle off on Sunday afternoon and today by 10 I got the call from British Motors. My wife was guessing a blown head gasket at $3200. After everything else, I was expecting something just as bad


Vehicle is ready. It appears that somehow, I rattled a connector loose in the coolant line and the $2.50 piece of plastic broke. But that wasn't it alone. The hose clamp for the air intake was loose (attached pic) which was causing a major problem with the air/fuel mixture and that appears to by why the engine was roaring then dying. At least that is what the theory is. And that takes me to tip #4: take the extra 10 minutes and make sure you don't see anything amiss under the bonnet. Had I done that, I *could have* spotted the loose connection and fixed it. No guarantee, but if you don't look, you know your percentage of finding it. Now that wouldn't have solved the broken connector on the line, BUT it would have allowed me to get off the dunes and possibly even home since I had filled the reservoir with enough fluid to drive and I knew I needed to add coolant. I have no idea how this came loose, but it happens.


I thought I was prepared. I had plenty of water, my shovel, a recovery strap and a cautious attitude about the adventure. I planned on staying in areas where others would be and I had good phone reception. Now I know that wasn't enough for this trip.


Every trip off the road leads to learning a few more tips for a better experience, I just wish my lessons could have been spaced out a bit more.....


(and yes, for those wondering, I am not allowed in my own truck in Pismo any more. Wife's orders!)

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Wow! at least you lived to tell about it. Great write up and I hope you get the reprieve from the wife to attend the NCLR Pismo trip. What your wife and kids will see is a BUNCH of Land Rovers running around with boxes of parts and fluids, tow straps and radios.


As the NCLR-Pismo trip was my first, and so far only, trip to the dunes, I describe it to my non NCLR friends "like taking an entire NASCAR Pit crew with you". While your wife still might not let you take the truck to the dunes alone, at least she might let you take it back with a few NCLR buddies ;-)


Glad to hear everyone was safe and sound and you are $3,197.50 ahead of the game ;-)





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Sounds like you learned a couple of valuable lessons and noone got hurt. Glad to hear they were both minor issues overall. Its tough when you are alone, stressed and not thinking straight. Thanks for sharing.
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Yeah man glad you are OK, I know your pain. I have broken something on all trips except the last day at hollister (blown HG, turbo exploded, rear diff, misc other adventures) and now I carry all of the stuff on the list below and thanks to the incidents I know how it all works. Painful though, I know how stress in the situation can totally mess your mind up.
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Glad to hear that the repair costs were minimal. Be cautious when using low range for extended periods at speed. This just KILLS the cooling system. If you find yourself in LOW 3 or 4, just change over to HIGH RANGE 1 or 2. Your coolant system will thank you!!!!
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I actually did try shifting from lo range to hi, but I was never going that fast to max out gears in low range.


Yeah, all things considered, I am happy about the minimal cost. I am not as happy about having to drive to SLO tomorrow to collect my truck. With the theory (concern) that there were going to be major repairs to be made, we left the vehicle and I drove up in a rental call to get home. Had I spent the night in SHO, for $100, I could have had a quiet night in a hotel and been home in time for dinner tonight. As it ends up, I get a day driving. Maybe the dog will enjoy the ride......

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That's OK, I knew that as well. I guess another rule to add to this story would be #5 Don't go out on a trip when MORG is happening. Its like "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" with no lifelines!


Unfortunately, things got much worse.

While I was told my vehicle was fixed and drove down this AM; it wasn't. Returned rental car, ate lunch and almost got to 101. Tested heater, Didn't work. Went back to shop for inspection. Along way, another red-line on temp. Appeared thermostat failed- possibly locked in closed position(?). When tested at high RPM, it was not thermostat alone. There was a failure in the thermostat assembly- hairline fracture. Which they didn't catch the first time because they didn't run the vehicle on the 101 and really get it up to a higher RPM. Worse? I asked them to check and make sure heater was working. Since they forgot, I did once the vehicle warmed up. Lesson #6 When heater doesn't work; coolant isn't making the full path is a potential cause.


Making it worse? Yes, I can make this worse and it is all damn true.


When pulling everything apart for assembly; sand got into places where sand is not helpful. After thermostat assembly finished, installed (which is a darn big effort), tested; truck is jostling way too much. 30 seconds later? Check Engine Light, bright as day. Vacuum leak according to the 'puter. 2 hours later, I hit the road. 1 hour into drive home (3 1/2 hour trip) Check Engine Light goes off again. I guess they didn't get a solid enough seal on the EGR valve. Lesson number 7: clean off your workspace. (Or "Sand is NEVER helpful to the internal components to a motor.")


So in place of fighting rush hour traffic back into the East Bay, I got home 6 hours later after a WONDERFUL trip to SLO again. It was like f'riggin "Groundhog Day".


Guess who is making a date with Tony & Frank in RWC. GO ahead. Guess. No more hints.

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Where were you during the Shaver Lake trip when I needed you?




These things are all over the hospital, we use them for joining hoses, i should get a box and give everyone one. That way if you pop a hose you can really just cut out the bad part, join the good ends and viola!

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  • 9 months later...
Anyone interested in hitting up Hollister for a few hours this Sat.? If you're going on the Shaver trip, it'd be a good time to test your equipment, like your winch and Hi Lift.


Hi All,


The air compressor failed on my LR4 and need to have it fixed before any offroading trips... As a result - no MORG for me in Jan

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Current plan is to get there by 10! Anyone want to caravan from the city/anywhere in between? Will be heading down 101


Hey Nick,


I am likely going to make it - either alone or with my buddy that usually joins me. I may not be able to get on the road as early as you guys, but possibly. I'll be taking 101 as well. Maybe you can text me when you guys are a few miles from the 92 (San Mateo Bridge) exit and I'll see if I can leave and maybe meet you on 101 as you are driving.





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Fun times for a small turn out. Today, I mounted the GoPro on the drag link, set it on wide angle, and hoped for the best. The results are awesome! Here's the first video. I'll get the rest up tomorrow.


The only issue was that I couldn't get into lo range. The same problem occurred on the DV trip last year.



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Fun times for a small turn out. Today, I mounted the GoPro on the drag link, set it on wide angle, and hoped for the best. The results are awesome! Here's the first video. I'll get the rest up tomorrow.


The only issue was that I couldn't get into lo range. The same problem occurred on the DV trip last year.




Awesome - wish I was there but my disco4 is still in repair :((((

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