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OFFICIAL: 6th Annual NCLR Shaver Lake Snow Run, Feb. 8-10 2013

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I'm having Photo bucket Issues.... they broke it. It's very hard to find things now. Sorry. I don't understand why they mess with a working site to make it the way they want.
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Holy bejeezers!! I disappear of the internet grid for a coupla months, and Dan takes a fall to get out of Shaver Lake (hope yer pickin' up speed buddy!!), and now Griff rolls his rig! That's a good note on securing stuff, as last ime I rolled a rig I had a framing hammer, skilsaw, and a chainsaw juggling around to see who got the window seat when all was done! Glad yer OK, and yeah, the pride may need a stitch or two to mend, but ice is ice and you did yer best. Minimal damage from what happened.
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So I figured out some way to make this work. Here is my late but ready to go picture bonanza.


My day started like this.




Got on the road to meet up Brenton and Mark at the Shell. Then heading together down Madera to meet Colin, Paul and his girl.




Saw some smoke and thought a house was burning down on the way so I took a quick picture of it.






I just want to make sure this works before I continue.... I will be back..... Dinner calls as well.

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After some time we all headed out.




In the background you can see a Damn damn. And the rain starts. Snow is coming!!!




We are at Shaver...




After setting up camp we have daylight to burn and a big group to have fun with. So we decide to do a "scout run". Colin heads the team there fallowed by me, Brenton, Mark, Lutz, Paul, and I feel like I'm missing someone...?... Sorry Oh yeah some of the guys from SCLR. I think Keenan was the missing guy. But I there were a good amount of us. If I posted this aftter the trip instead of three weeks later I might have had it still fresh in my head.

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So we all head out to hit some fresh snow before the big day.


Colin leads the way.




Finding out the trails are not that bad and we can continue this further without a hiccup we decide to turn back before dark.




Since I had my hat on sideways the truck didn't like it and got me stuck so I needed a hand from a friend and the good old tow strap.




So after everyone turns around after a few attempts we head back.


On the way back I go from second from the lead vehicle to last so I get this picture from a blind corner.




I pull over to light up the area and then I'm shewed away to go guard up hill from on coming traffic.




After about two and a half hours we get Colin unstuck while Mark is still on his side. In the process of getting Marks truck out Colin got a little close for comfort and broke an axle trying to get out. After Lutz and Brenton winching the limping beast out we were finally going to get the 110 back on her feet. Dark, cold, and hungry everyone pulls together like crazy organized people and gets two cars out of hell. Mark was really in shock and disappointment. I was trying to calm him down while we freed the two cars out. The last truck is out and back on the three and a half tires. Loosing a bead to dirt from the wild icy road. Cracked Alpine glass and broken heart was the only thing Mark was in for tonight. After pulling the plugs and running the motor to clear out he oil the had set in from sitting for almost 3 hours now on it's side. Buttoned everything back up and it fired up with a little welcome smoke. Lutz and Brenton where support vehicles that night. Got back on the road and finished the drive with caution back to camp. Here is what it looked like after the mess.




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We got back to camp safe... First night there and we have done some damage.


Next morning I wake up and get my breakfast ready. I'm in for a long day just in case.




The group waits for me to finish up since I was the last to eat and we head out in our big group. NCLR and SCLR together as one.




After going over some safety notes and preparations we are lead by Brenton.




Now we get to the farthest point I have ever been. It's a patch of snow covered ice over a steep grade of rocks. About three tries and Brenton backs down not being able to continue without breaking something. So we give Chuck a whirl at it.




After some chipping away at the ice with a shovel and making some place for the tires to grip we get some results. Chuck is up after a few tries. I fallow and make it first time out. (I had to convince everyone else that if a Toyota guy can do it in a shockish LR then anyone can) So hurray ME!!!




We continue to chip and dig taking turns and driving one at a time.




Pretty soon all the White LRs were up on top and all the Dark ones were still trying to claim the hill.


I guess snow white is snow right... Cheesy jokes....

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Yeah no problem. I'm trying to organize my photos because they are all mixed up in my album. So I miss something and go back to fix it. So it's taking me a little more time. But I'll get it. I missing names of people and some minor details but I'm trying.
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The day started nice and is getting dark fast.




I stole Brentons shovel and I'm digging graves




Time to head back and relax by a fire.




The LAST day. Pack up and drive home....




I don't know if it's just my luck but this stuff never ends!!!





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sweet pics, Pedram. you must have felt good helping the yota. :)


the 110 saga continues... back and forth with the insurance (State Farm) and now just waiting to hear from them. the estimator is indicating that i should expect a payout because it's just too difficult to find parts, value the truck, etc. blah, blah, blah. I've got other ideas...

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Yeah! on KBB which is what a lot of Insurance brokers/agents use value as an example Mark's car with 70K on the clock (not actual) is worth $23,810 in excellent shape! WTF they may total it if they go off that. We all know what they are going for on the street... kinda like early 911's .



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Yeah, I hear you guys. i went down this road after rolling the G4. Used comps and provided detailed pricing info for all the upgrades. Got them up $5-6K, so I was willing to accept a payout. The 110 is a different animal, of course. We all know that I could easily get $40K for mine (without the current damage). I've collected comps for '80s 110s, D90s and whatever else I can find. I haven't heard anything from the insurance company in some time. I will call tomorrow if I haven't heard anything by today. As I said, the estimator seems to think they will wanna pay out. He didn't say total it, but I know that's what he means.


I've started my communications with my rover connections and have a laundry list of ideas, depending on how this pans out. Let me know if you guys run across anything interesting in terms of 110s for sale.

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Mark, If that is the case please find out what the "buy back" is on the 110 for you and if you are interested in other 110's I have connections but would also be personally interested in your 110 for purchase:)
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They are not wanting to total it, they just don't want to repair it. What was the actual damage Griff? Alpine window? Dents? What they want to know is how much is the window/install/other damage.


So, give them an estimate for the parts from AB/RN and the estimate for "some labor" and tell them you will take a check and sign the release. They don't want to get stuck trying to fix something their shops don't have experience with to have you argue "it's not right" and want it done again.


Did you tell them it tipped over?

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"Damage to truck: small right rear quarter dent; both front doors pushed in slightly - still open/close, tough getting the driver window up and down; slight kiss to right front fender; bent mounts for front aux lights; roof around sunroof pushed in a bit; side view mirrors with a little more movement than normal; driver side rear tire flat due to coming off the wheel a little and crap getting stuffed in there; and, worst, blown out driver side alpine window. Truck drives straight and totally fine."


So, reviewing this..get your comps ready. And make sure you are comping against the Camel trophy's that have and will sold at 70K as they are in theory "just 110's". I think they will think about salvage as they have to repair side, roof, roll cage, etc. And buy back will be expensive once they figure this out.

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Appreciate the input, Mike. Yeah, it's gonna be a problem. I don't want salvage, obviously. I have some comps already, including D90s and older, but restored 110s. The external cage is fine and the damage to the body panels is not major, but getting new door skins would probably be less expensive than repairing them. The roof is the primary problem. Needs replacement.


I have heard nothing in at least 5 days. Will follow up this afternoon. In the meantime, I will source what parts I can from RN and others.


Thanks again.

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