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Gauging Interest in 2013 NCLR Alaska trip

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Time for an update/checkin. I spoke with Danette Woo this morning about our permit. She is processing the revised permit and we should be all set by the end of this week. Right now, we have 6 trucks (Brenton, Sean, Antonio, Alyson, Bill & Shayne), but I have the permit set at 10 trucks and 15 people. I figure there's a chance we might pickup a few people at OE (Shayne has a friend who might join us too). If we do get a few people we need to let them know that we're taking a more direct route along the trail. If they want to do a lot of sightseeing, that's fine, but they might wind up on their own.


If you're NCLR and want to meet us in Laughlin, NV on Sunday evening (May 18th) to run the MR, please let me know before the trip. Otherwise one of the extra spots might be given to someone else. I'm still trying to leave on Wed. night (May14th) so please plan accordingly.


edit: The revised draft was just sent to me. I'll print it, sign both copies and return them to the office. The superintendent will sign them as well and return one original copy to me, while they keep the second original copy. I will also get a copy emailed as well.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I got that email/pdf packet today as well. I don't think we'll have time to stay for the BBQ on Sunday. It's about 3 hours from the Expo to Laughlin. We'll need fuel, last minute provisions, get on the trail and find the campsite (hopefully before it's too dark). We should plan to leave OE by 3pm on Sunday.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, since we took the big bus (aka Delta) to/from the event, I guess Michele and I are the only ones back yet. OK, Michele isn't actually back as she had to go straight to Seattle for work so I guess it's just me.


Expo was pretty cool. I'd do it again, but not next year. And I think I'd make a point of driving my own rig and camping on-site as you'd get a lot more out of it that way. We stayed at a hotel in Flagstaff which was about 30 minutes away - we didn't realize it was that far when we booked it, but it was the closest Marriot property and we have lots of Marriot points to burn. We certainly weren't the only Expo attendees at the hotel.


Although pre-event they made a really big deal about making sure you had signed up for specific classes and how they would be checking your name badge, I never once saw anybody checked. I'm pretty sure you could just walk into any class you wanted to. In fact, I know some people did just that. Heck, one instructor asked if people were supposed to be signed up in advance...he had no idea; he just showed up to teach the class.


Over all, I think I missed out on a lot of stuff. Having been once, I think I could get a lot more out of it if I go again. Most of the classes I signed up for turned out to be a little remedial; they didn't present much I didn't already know, but it did turn out to be good for Michele who has no experience; heck, I didn't think about it until she told a driving instructor while taking a new LR4 around the obstacle course, but she's never driven anything off-road, and has only driven our LR3 on the highway.


I suspect Brenton had it right - jump right into the Camel Skills area and stay there. Those guys looked like they were doing the most interesting stuff.


On the vendor front, I found it a little disorganized. Not that I have any good suggestions on how to do it better, but every time I walked through I found somebody I hadn't seen before, or didn't see somebody I had previously. I did pick up a new (demo) OzTent, but they offered to ship it for only $20 so I didn't have try to bribe Antonio into hauling it back for me.


If nothing else, I was reminded of one truism: Unimogs are supremely cool. I have absolutely no reason to want one but I do. After all, what man can look at one and NOT want to take it for a spin? I was really hoping somebody would take one out on the course on Sunday, but I had to settle for watching an F550 based EarthRoamer. Pretty darn big in it's own right, but no Unimog with 50" tires.


I also made a point of not going into the motorcycle area as I know how easily distracted I am. Heck, I hardly ride the bikes I have now...no need to re-light that fire. Better to just focus on the Rover.


I'd post up some pics, but I didn't take any! Typical....I never think about pictures during an event, only after. There are plenty over on expedition portal though.

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