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Gauging Interest in 2013 NCLR Alaska trip

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Vehicle Requirements:

Road ready for a trip of 6000 miles.

Pre-trip maintenance for paved and unpaved roads (forest service and gravel).

Two spare tires.

Camp gear.

Two 5 gallon jerry cans.

Tire repair kit.

FRS, CB, Ham radio. (Prefer HAM)


Fuel Costs:

Anchorage & Fairbanks prices are about $0.20 to $0.25 per gallon more than SF Bay Area prices.



Canada and other Alaska area prices may be up to 50% or more than California prices.


Ferry Costs:

Alaska Marine Ferry System will publish 2013 prices in October 2012.


Trip duration:

21 days. 250mi avg. per day. 3 out of 4 camping days with 4<sup>th</sup> day motel stay.


Available dates. (Last wk. of May to last day of July)

Ferries leave on Fridays.

1<sup>st</sup> choice: 2 days before Friday of Memorial Wknd (May 29, 2013)

Last start date for participants with school age children to be 3 weeks before school year begins (July 31, 2013?).


Planned routes (proposed):

SF Bay Area to Red Bluff.

Red Bluff to Silver Lake State Campground WA.

WA to Bellingham, WA

3 days on ferry.(Ketchkan,Wangell,Petersburg)

Haines, AK (camp,fish?)

Kulane Lk, YT (camp)

Tok, AK (RV campground)

DAY 9: Fairbanks, AK (motel? B&B?, RV campground? Chena SRS?)Supplies?

TBD (Artic Circle?)(Cold foot, AK?)(camp)

Denali NP (2 days) (camp, tour)

Anchorage (1 day) (cheap motel) Supplies

(Whittier, AK)(Daytrip)

TBD Kenai Peninsula (camp? RV park?, fishing trip?)

Tok, AK (RV campground)

TBD (Alcan Hwy to Dawson, YT)?

TBD (Alcan Hwy to Dawson Creek, BC)? Supplies?

Rtn trip begins via St. George to Vancouver to Washington, USA

TBD (Alcan Hwy to Whitehorse, YT)

Rtn trip begins Cassiar Hwy to Vancouver to Washington, USA



Prepare for cool weather ala Mark Twain “The coldest winter I spent was a summer in San Francisco.”

In May, snow is melting, spring is starting, and voracious mosquitoes are looking for tourists.

June, warmer weather, mosquitoes have found any tourist.

July, warm weather, tourists have found the mosquitoes.

August, starting to cool, most tourists are starting to leave.


Forgive the bad humor, Alaska is a huge state and we will be traveling through different climate zones, from cool, to warm, to warmer. It can be wet or dry depending on the areas we visit.


If you’re interested, please review the information previously posted on NCLR forums re: 2012 NCLR Alaska trip gauging interest.. (http://nclrclub.org/forum/../Downloads/ak%20nclr%202012%20gauge%20interesrt.php)

It has websites, links etc. for you to peruse to help you in your decision making.


I’d like input from those who want to participate by the Annual meet, so we can set more details.

Proof of participation is purchasing your ferry ticket by the end of December 2012. That would help in determine group rates, reservations, etc. by the end of Jan. 2013.



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I am interested. Let's talk about the trip/trip details during the annual.


Hope we can have a few mins infront of our NCLR club members to talk about this trip and answer questions. Are you planning to be @ the annual Rupert?

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Will be there Fri. afternoon with RTT on M416.


In Mr Burns voice, "Excellent." Lol.


Looks like you gave up on Sierra 4x4 Trailers; don't blame you w/the company being back logged. RTT on M416 - tell us more.


Also I just purchased my RTT today for the Alaska trip (Tepui is having 15% off on RTTs including the awning). Burning the mid-night oil at work this year (miss several NCLR trips, but that's ok 2013 will be the year to make-up). My sales numbers are up and will be able to take some time off next year (3 weeks for this trip) if surpass my sales goals (and could use the money for the trip - smile).


I want to also hit up sponsors for our trip.


C yah at the annual event.

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If we can get 6 vehicles to go, we'd probably get better sponsorship response. 2 vehicles can't really be considered "official", 3 maybe, 4+ for sure.

Pulling kids out of school early can qualify as a home schooling for this trip AKA "what I did for my summer vacation".

Food supplies can be bought weekly at our major stops ie. Bellingham Fairbanks, Anchorage. Safeway/Carrs, Fred Meyer, Walmart, Costco are located in those cities.



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Thanks Rupert for the details. By the way, review your #1 post above; looks the HTML is not loading properly.


And I like the home schooling idea.


Good to hear Antonio and Colin are interested; makes the interest list 4.

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You'll have to blame it on Colin when he moved the thread to the members only section. :P:p


FYI. Google Maps sez approx 17 hr straight driving from San Jose to ferry terminal in Bellingham,Wa. That's some hard driving for those who want to cut time and it's not including rush hour traffic etc. Lv NLT 1800 hrs Thurs and Ar by 1500 hrs Fri.

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FYI, for those who want to fish King salmon,looks like best time is June,July,August depending on location. So I propose as 2nd choice Lv June 14th and return by/after July 4th.

Disadvantage would be more RVs on road, and campsites maybe crowding. Cheap motels may not possible(?).

Need input from Brian.

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Did I hear my name??


Our trip went from June 24 through Jul 26. We were a week or two later than we wanted to be because we couldn't get ferry reservations with a stateroom on an earlier date. Actually I think the weather is better in May/June than in June/July, particularly in the coastal areas. We hit a lot of wet and gloomy days even in the interior. Mosquitoes may be worse though.


It didn't seem too crowded the time of year that we were there but it was 2008, the pits of the recession. No real problems with motels or campgrounds being full. It has probably picked up some since then.


We are not up for an Alaska trip next year. We missed our Canadian Rockies trip this year and plan to try again in 2013.

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Thanks Brian.


Another FYI. The earlier we go, the more chance of frost upheavals on the road. And the greater chance of windshield damage to your vehicle. RV blog sites have recommended duct tape and tarp on side windows. I also recommended plastic headlamp shields found on Atlantic British and a DYI grill guard of chicken wire to protect from flying rocks. Tour buses and truckers will be doing 70+mph, while we try to survive at 30mph (ask Brian on his attempted trip on the Dempster). Those 5hr drives can end up to be 7+ hr. 250mi avg/day can be a long day. Speaking of day, remember daylight hours will be longer as we head North, summer solstice is June 20.

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We should put pros/cons by Months.


Here's what I picked up from the info so far:



Con - greater chance of windshield damage and body damage from flying debris/rocks. Cold temp.

Pro - Camp grounds not crowed.


May or June

Pro - Better Weather

Con - More mosquitos


Judy or Aug

Pro - ?

Con - ?


Is early to mid Aug good before my boys start school?

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Pro - best weather*, still plenty of daylight

Con -most mosquitos & RVers



Pro - most RVers left for home

Con - weather beginning to cool, tourist spots beginning to closeup for winter*


* as stated previously weather varies region to region. 3yrs ago AK had the coolest, wettest summer in yrs. (global warming?)


3 yrs ago I traveled back on the entire AlCan Hwy and got a rock on my windshield just 50mi from Dawson City,BC. I wouldn't worry about body damage, just the possibility of rocks at the windshield.

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I'll be at the annual, anyone interested we'll have a meeting 1 hr before the Sat. dinner to finalize the trip date and duration. I'll also have new info on the Cassiar and the RV Park in Anchorage.
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We have three trucks interested so far:


1) Rupert

2) Me and my son

3) Antonio

4)... Anyone else.


Will schedule another Q&A/gauging interest meeting in Nov or Dec before the end of the year w/Ruppert leadig the trip planning. After, will be posting route plans, budget plans, suggested items to pack, activities list, and potential sponsors to help offset some of the trip cost.


The 2 big expenditures for this trp (not couting vehicle prep/maint you may need to do on Land Rover) are: cost of fuel, and one-way ferry ride from Bellingham, Washington to Haines, Alaska.


I checked out the 2013 Ferry schedule and fees - est is about $1500 for 2 passengers, 1 SUV and a cabin accommodation w/two beds and window view. Cabin w/o window can save some on cost. Or sleeping in a tent on the deck is est $1100.


This thread and another thread has details about planning for this trip: http://nclrclub.org/forum/showthread.php?1559-2012-NCLR-Alaska-Trip-Gauging-Interest-Q-A-and-Pre-Planning-Discussion-Thread&highlight=Alaska


This is Brian aka HMBRover trip report from 2008: http://www.lrrforums.com/showthread.php?7978-Hunt-s-2008-Alaska-Expedition


And high level map below from the SF Bay Area to the Ferry ride @ Bellingham, Washington to Haines, Alaska then to Denali and then Artic Circle.



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So far we have 2 trucks committed, Antonio is strongly leaning to go. Anyone else? Mike Beaver is offering air support in supplies,food, medical and emergency fuel(?)

Beav, The only places I feel that we may need emergency fuel services is along the Dalton Hwy in AK and the Cassiar Hwy in BC , could you check on public landing strips between Fairbanks and Wiseman and along the Cassiar for rendevous points?

Ron, we could dry camp @ the BLM Arctic Circle wayside or continue past Coldfoot to Wiseman and stay @ a B&B there. Check out Wiseman AK lodging.

Tok to Wiseman is about 12hrs, hard driving but do-able, includes a hr stop in Fairbanks for food staples skipping Santa and the North Pole.

Alternative is to camp outside of Fairbanks and then drive on the Dalton the next day and return by dark to Fairbanks.

Let me know when school's out for your kids, let's narrow our window to June 7 or 14 or 21. Antonio, is the 7th too soon for you?

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