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2012 Mendocino Rally Volunteers August 3 & 4

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Enrique gave us the idea and Tom help remind me this year re: the 2012 Mendocino Rally (original thread here): http://nclrclub.org/forum/showthread.php?1392-Rally-Volunteers-Needed


I reached out to Jim Robison, event coordinator for the Mendocino Rally; he is looking for volunteers from our club to help monitor blockage points on the race course @ Cow Mountain OHV during the rally. Ham lic/radio equip is required for this duty: http://mendocinorally.com/ - seems to me Land Rovers as course monitors/blockage points, Rally Cars, Off-Road... are good match (smile).


Duties include sit at your assign post and report via Ham (freq will be provided during orientation) if anyone tries to enter the course illegally, and report on the passage of the rally cars or any issues/problems.


Non-hams is are also needed and may be assigned to accompany a ham operator at these blockage points and can indicate who they want to assigned with.


With this said, bring your Land Rover and let's have a good showing of members on this event. This should be a fun event, PR opportunity and chance to get involved with the rally community plus help Jim Robison who wants to make the Rally an annual event only poss w/the help of volunteers like us.


Here's msg from Jim:

Hi Ron,


Nice to hear from you. The first step is to register and volunteer at RallyData.com. That will get them on the volunteer mailing list. In the comments section, they should indicate that they are in the Land Rover Club. That way we can be sure to assign them to the same teams. I hope to have a special stage that will run much like a rallycross. If we can do it, it would be a great activity for your folks.






More details to follow but the general agenda are:

- Pre-party Friday night; last year party for volunteers and racers were sponsored e.g. Parducci Winery and Mendocino Brewing Co; Shirts given to volunteers. Avail camping overnight Friday.

- Saturday: volunteers attend training early morning, and report to their assigned location before the start of the race. Looking for our club to cover course blockage on Cow Mountain OHV to keep rally cars on course, and provide communication (ham) support. At the end of the race, award ceremony.


Mendocino Rally: http://mendocinorally.com/index.html


First step, register in the volunteer database: http://www.rallydata.com/default.cfm

- Select the radio button "Mendocino Rally Aug 3 & 4" event, and "I Never Registered Before" (unless you are a returning volunteer)

- Then click "I Want to Log In" button.

- Will bring you to the registration pag. Fill in contact info including email address and contact tel, and if you are a ham operator, provide your callsign and equipment type/model # e.g. 2M Yaesu 2800M and HT

- Also make sure to indicate your T-shirt size (default is large)

- Next mark your availability to volunteer, put Friday night and Saturday day (unless you can only do Sat)

- For now, put Comm (Ham) for the volunteer areas. Jim will provide us more details later.

- And this is important, put "Member of the Northern California Land Rover Club in the comments field.

- Click Submit. Look for email confirmation.


Another msg from Jim:




There is always a shortage of hams, so anyone checking Comm (Ham) will be assigned to a radio position, most of which are on course blockage points....


We will have the Red Mountain Campground both Friday and Saturday night. We need to keep the gate locked, but we will have the key, and I can give it to someone planning to stay at the campground. I hope they can attend the welcome party at Parducci Friday night - wine tasting from Parducci and food from Guy Freri, plus a free raffle of assorted goodies.


See you in Ukiah,




Register Club Members Volunteering for the Rally (updated 05/10)


1. Ron (ronct110) Ham Lic D110

2. Tom (TomOwen) Ham Lic DI

3. Dave (Sasquatch) non-ham LR3

4. Chuck/Tyler (Dessertcrawler/Lilcrawler) DII







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Tyler and I both signed up -- and both of us are HAMs. But we only have one Disco2 between us.



Enrique gave us the idea and Tom help remind me this year re: the 2012 Mendocino Rally (original thread here): http://nclrclub.org/forum/showthread.php?1392-Rally-Volunteers-Needed


I reached out to Jim Robison, event coordinator for the Mendocino Rally; he is looking for volunteers from our club to help monitor blockage points on the race course @ Cow Mountain OHV during the rally. Ham lic/radio equip is required for this duty: http://mendocinorally.com/ - seems to me Land Rovers as course monitors/blockage points, Rally Cars, Off-Road... are good match (smile).


Duties include sit at your assign post and report via Ham (freq will be provided during orientation) if anyone tries to enter the course illegally, and report on the passage of the rally cars or any issues/problems.


Non-hams is are also needed and may be assigned to accompany a ham operator at these blockage points and can indicate who they want to assigned with.


With this said, bring your Land Rover and let's have a good showing of members on this event. This should be a fun event, PR opportunity and chance to get involved with the rally community plus help Jim Robison who wants to make the Rally an annual event only poss w/the help of volunteers like us.


Here's msg from Jim:

Hi Ron,


Nice to hear from you. The first step is to register and volunteer at RallyData.com. That will get them on the volunteer mailing list. In the comments section, they should indicate that they are in the Land Rover Club. That way we can be sure to assign them to the same teams. I hope to have a special stage that will run much like a rallycross. If we can do it, it would be a great activity for your folks.






More details to follow but the general agenda are:

- Pre-party Friday night; last year party for volunteers and racers were sponsored e.g. Parducci Winery and Mendocino Brewing Co; Shirts given to volunteers. Avail camping overnight Friday.

- Saturday: volunteers attend training early morning, and report to their assigned location before the start of the race. Looking for our club to cover course blockage on Cow Mountain OHV to keep rally cars on course, and provide communication (ham) support. At the end of the race, award ceremony.


Mendocino Rally: http://mendocinorally.com/index.html


First step, register in the volunteer database: http://www.rallydata.com/default.cfm

- Select the radio button "Mendocino Rally Aug 3 & 4" event, and "I Never Registered Before" (unless you are a returning volunteer)

- Then click "I Want to Log In" button.

- Will bring you to the registration pag. Fill in contact info including email address and contact tel, and if you are a ham operator, provide your callsign and equipment type/model # e.g. 2M Yaesu 2800M and HT

- Also make sure to indicate your T-shirt size (default is large)

- Next mark your availability to volunteer, put Friday night and Saturday day (unless you can only do Sat)

- For now, put Comm (Ham) for the volunteer areas. Jim will provide us more details later.

- And this is important, put "Member of the Northern California Land Rover Club in the comments field.

- Click Submit. Look for email confirmation.


Another msg from Jim:




There is always a shortage of hams, so anyone checking Comm (Ham) will be assigned to a radio position, most of which are on course blockage points....


We will have the Red Mountain Campground both Friday and Saturday night. We need to keep the gate locked, but we will have the key, and I can give it to someone planning to stay at the campground. I hope they can attend the welcome party at Parducci Friday night - wine tasting from Parducci and food from Guy Freri, plus a free raffle of assorted goodies.


See you in Ukiah,




Register Club Members Volunteering for the Rally (updated 05/03)


1. Ron (ronct110) Ham Lic D110

2. Tom (TomOwen) Ham Lic DI









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Right on Dave, and Chuck/Tyler. Chuck since you and Tyler are licensed and only one vehicle - could Tyler ride w/non ham lic like Dave. We could use more LR vehicles on the trail. Will figure this out I am sure on the day of the event.
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Yea, that could work. He wants to be "ride along comm" with an actual rally vehicle, but I don't think thats gonna happen.


Chuck, I wouldnt be so sure ;-)


Ron et al: Jim called me yesterday because I had inquired about the photography need he had posted in his reply email when I signed up.


He is stoked that NCLRC is getting involved in the event and will have us on the track and for HAMs, in comm related activities. (There is a volunteer coordinator that will match needs/skills) In talking about the photography, he said he lost a sponsor this year because they did not get the right type of images they wanted/thought they would etc.. blah blah blah... So I offered to shoot event for him and provide him, and his sponsors, with more "marketing centric" images. (I moonlight as an event photographer so not a stretch for me...) He is very grateful and I was sure to make the reference that NCLR glad to support in this way as well blah blah blah... :-)


I was concerned that he would be taking a licensed HAM out of the Comm-pool and it turns out he also has very good support from Napa Valley Ham Radio Club (I could have the name wrong but apprently this is a popular event for the loal HAM club) so I got the impression that, while needed, it is not as critical a need for him at this event as other folks have at theirs. In any case, it sounds like it will be a very fun, family friendly, come on out and enjoy the experience kind of event. There will be a designated "spectator area" and vendors and such. He mentioned he will drive the first car, followed by a couple of "pace" cars and then it's game on. He is meeting with BLM this week to finalize soome of the course details etc... but all systems are go and it sounds like it is going to be a fun weekend.


I may or may not stay for the Post-party/Awards event as I plan to get back home to ride the Tour de Peninsula on Sunday but that event sounds like a blast...


So Chuck, reply to your "Volunteer Welcome" email with an "offer" to put Tyler-Comm in a pace car :-) Who knows, he could be one Waiver away from a ride.


Cheers, Tom

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Yea, that could work. He wants to be "ride along comm" with an actual rally vehicle, but I don't think thats gonna happen.


Never say never; might inspire Tyler and actually join the rally when he is old enough.

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Ron et al: Jim called me yesterday because I had inquired about the photography need he had posted in his reply email when I signed up.


He is stoked that NCLRC is getting involved in the event...


That's excellent to hear that Jim is stoked to see our club involved in this event; if all goes well and it should, this can be an regular annual volunteer event for all of us/our club. Good PR and visibility for the NCLR, and fun event!


And thanks for letting us know that Jim has good support from the Napa Valley Ham Radio Club. To that point, we want to welcome not only ham radio operator volunteers, but also non-ham; seems like Jim and his volunteer coordinators will find something for everyone to do. We can all meet up and join the festivity on the Friday pre-party event, and put our volunteer hats on Saturday.


Also got your PM. Like your thinking about re: sponsors; let me shoot you a reply later. In the meantime, need to help my two youngs boys with their homework first, and then bedtime for them; after which freedom for me... to roam like a cell phone on the net. Lol. C yah.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Dave and folks interested in attending this fun and PR event.


We are still on; so far, it will be me, Tom, you, Chuck and his son. Anyone else.


Schedule goes like this: http://mendocinorally.com/page9.html


Friday (optional) Welcome Party @ Parducci Winery in Ukiah 5:30-7:30pm. Volunteers get free admission and drinks.

Note: I am planning to work half-day and would like to attend this event.


Friday (optional) Camping in Cow Mountain Ukiah (no cost for volunteers)


Saturday (required) Volunteer Registration 8am. Meet at the Mendocino Ale Parking Lot. Volunteers get free t-shirt and assignment (ham and non-ham assignments). If you have ham radio, great; if not, plenty of other assignment to do.


Saturday (awards banquet) 9pm Final Score Posted and Awards.

Note: I can't stay this late and will have to leave by 5pm Saturday. Folks are more then welcome to stay for the award ceremony.


Post up - anyone else interested in going?

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It looks like I can make this. My plan would be to make it in time for the friday night event and camp friday and saturday. I think my son is in as well. Sounds like a blast. I will confirm everything and register on the rally website.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ron, Updates coming fast and furious from Jim and Pat of the Rally Committee. I'm planning to head up on Friday afternoon and may stop in to see some friends at the lake but will likely stay at the campsite. Post visit, I will head over to either the pre-party or campsite depending on timing. I will be the even photographer but will carry the radio. I've been asked to shoot the pre-party and various parts of the rally-cross etc.. then planning to head back Saturday night after the race as I'm planing to ride the Tour de Peninsula with my daughter on Sunday AM (UGH!!)


Info provided in case you were gathering NCLR attendees and logistics etc. My cell is 650-796-6936 and I will also be on the NCLR HAM simplex frequency when I get into the area, especially when heading into the campsite as I have no idea where that is ;-) If I don't speak to you before, I'll look for the CT trucks! (save me a spot in the "Rover's Only" section ;-)


See you Friday, Tom

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Hi again Ron,


Speaking of updates fast and furious, this JUST in from Ron. Apparently a fire in the area threatens the event. Stay tuned.



Hi Tom:


There is a fire in or very near our rally area. As of 10:45 this morning it was 400 acres and about 55% contained. At 7:00 this morning it was reported as also 400 acres but only 30% contained so it seems like a lot of progress was made this morning.


Our rally may need to be postponed or cancelled depending on how soon the fire is fully contained and when BLM allows entry to the area. I will keep you informed. The fire is called the “North Fire” and you can monitor it at http://cdfdata.fire.ca.gov/incidents/incidents_current.



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I was just thinking about the event when I heard about the fire.


I also received Jim's update.


Will just have to keep our fingers cross.





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Jim, Rally Organizer, tells me that fire is contained, and Rally is on this Saturday.


I will be there Saturday early morning; trying to wrap up work so I can be there for the pre-party Friday nite.



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I am trying to make camping Friday night, but if not, I will be there Saturday: 8am volunteers register @ Comfort Inn: 1220 Airport Park Blvd, Ukiah, CA


Will PM you my cell by Friday morning. See schedule: http://mendocinorally.com/page9.html


I've been assigned with the Communication Group. Group leader is Pat Coyle. We meet @ the pool patio of the Comfort Inn @ 8:30am and then depart @ 9:30am to our designated stations.


Frequencies: Primary: 146.45 Simplex

First Backup: 147.55 Simplex

Second Backup: 146.55 Simplex


Will bring my ARB fridge to stock up on cold water and lunch/dinner.


Also don't forget to wear your NCLR shirt (expected to be warm Saturday afternoon) and NCLR hoody if you have one @ night.


1st rally car starts @ noon and last car expected to finish @ 8:30pm.

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I was told we'd have to meet the "keeper of the key" to the campsite on Friday at the pre-party. I'll have my phone with me and will try to monitor both Race Channel 1 and the NCLR simplex as well. I don't have a hoodie but happy to get one if you can bring it up to Mendo.. XXL if it works.. :-)


See you up there, TO

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Here is what I know so far from Jim:


Hi Tom,


The gate to the camp will be locked Friday night. Be sure to coordinate with the "keeper of the key" at the Welcome Party. He will organize a convoy up there to be sure all campers get in,



See you in Ukiah,



I just sent a reply asking for a name, will advise.



Jim Robison ✆ jim_robison@comcast.net

3:20 PM (3 minutes ago)


to TomOwen

John Breckenridge will have the key.


Chuck, Are you leaving from Woodside? I'm leaving from same area and pending your itinerary, we may be able to caravan... "NCLR - Peninsula Chapter" :-)

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Here is what I heard from Pat Coyle of the Communications team:


Chuck: John Breckenridge, WB6FRZ, will be at Parducci and will have the key to the front gate. Best thing is to meet up with John at Parducci and work it out from there. Last year there was a convoy from Parducci to the gate. Pat


We are leaving from Woodside area -- were planning on around 2pm or 3pm to make it to Parducci in time. Happy to caravan.

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Chuck, Tom and anyone else going, I'll try and make it to Parducci tonight, but still have work to do. Otherwise, don't wait up; I will leave early early Saturday and meet you all @ the Comfort Inn for the Reigstration @ 8am-8:30am.


Pat Coyle said he will start the Comm orientation between 8:30-9am and then shortly after the orientation, head to our assigned stations on the Rally course. Race starts @ noon. Bring your DSLR, spare battery and enjoy the race!


I have my mobile ham in the DII, and also brought HTs as back-ups. Pat said HTs will be ok as long as we use a mag mount antenna to improve reception.


Also for those interested in coming to this event, not too late to join us.


I just got my license last year; here's some basic ham operating rules, and good operating practices I am brushing up with:


- FCC Regulation: you must identify your station every 10 mins (or more frequent) during contact.

- When calling another station, say the station's call sign you are trying to reach and then identify your station (your call sign) e.g. WB6FRZ, this is KI6WSR (using Chuck's call sign as an example).

- When calling any station, say CQ follwed by your call sign

- When responding, say the other station's call sign folled by "this is WB6FRZ (your call sign)"


Easy as pie (smile)!

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