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Death Valley Trip Report

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Another amazing DV trip. Thank you to Chuck and Dan for all the planning, and thank you all for being a great group of people to wheel with. Cant wait for next year!


I took around 400 pictures and should have a link posted later this evening.


:: EDIT ::


Here is a link to all the photos i took. Enjoy! I can send the full size originals if anyone would like them.




Also let me know if the link doesn't work.

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It's hard to say...Antonio was going to bring his trailer but had to drop out at the last minute due to a family emergency. I was a bit concerned since we were going to be going on a lot of unknown trails. As it turned out, it probably would have been okay, but would have been a bit of a PITA at times when the trail (or the turnaround spots) got a little tight. It might have worked us a bit to get it though Goler Wash and I really would not have wanted to spot an LR3 towing a trailer though Echo canyon...but we left our camp set up and did that as a day trip, so that wouldn't have been the case this year. Not sure yet where we're going next year, exactly...but it's looking like some new trails for us then as well.
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That little spot with the boulders- Kevin had some trouble with his bumper, I got a suspension fault. Not sure where we were, but it was the first day on the way to camp. That could have caused some trouble for a trailer, but might have been passable with a spotter or two and ladders?
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Well DV seems to be the most expensive trip of the year. The "repairable" puncture in my tire would have been repairable except I drove a few hundred feet too far and the inner sidewall is toast. They say it looks like I drove over a nail. Given the wear it looks like a new set of tires are in order.


Lu's flat was not repairable as it was a shredded sidewall (no more Hancooks)...and given the wear it looks like a new set is in order for her too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, where are the pics? I want some video of Echo Canyon! And some pics of Titus...


Ran into a guy out at Apple -- who just got back from DV. He did the Lippencott Grade up to Racetrack. Look at what he ran across -- he said the rig was loaded with camping gear, food, etc... clearly didn't make it far in. Looks like he lost control going down the grade, ran into a wall or something, and ended up rolling. Flatbed tow truck charges are $2-3K.

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Ouch! Some people just have no common sense.


I don't have a lot else to do but sit around and try to recuperate so I guess I'll try to spend some time today resizing and uploading pics to Photobucket.

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