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Death Valley 2012 - Week of April 8th - gauging interest

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Ok, looked at the School Calendars for our kids schools and it looks like the week of April 8th is the time for the annual Death Valley Trek.


Haven't planned it yet -- but am thinking about exploring some hithero unexplored parts of the Park (think NorthEast) while still mixing in a few of the old favorites. Would rally up this time at the Panamint Spring Resort-- planning a Saturday morning (April 7th) early morning start (Friday would be the day for you to get there from the Bay Area.


Would plan a schedule that would get most of us back to Bay Area on Saturday night, so we've got Sunday to recover and unpack.


Post up if you are interested. This would be a family friendly, expedition (as in moving each nite or so to a new campsite) type of a trip. Stock vehicles should fair OK, but there is potential for body damage and pinstriping.


The family is telling me they would really like to:


-Check out Osbourne Cabin

-Take some time in Hunter Pass to explore the Lost Burro mine

-See if we can't arrange something up in the Cerro Gordo area (snow permitting)


Of course -- we still have Briggs camp to get to as well...


Post up your interest and thoughts.

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Yeah, I just did a quick Google Maps lookup for Panamint Springs. Around 1100 miles sounds about right for the trip.


How much extra fuel do you carry? I almost bought a used NATO can at an Antiques show last Sunday. For $20 I should have grabbed it, to add to the two I already have. I have 2 other Blitz cans with the lame CARB cap, but they leak like crazy and would only take them if they would be really needed.

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Depends on where we go. Generally, not real narrow. But there are a few spots (if we go there) where the trees get pretty close together. I think we lost a couple mirrors and ham radio antenna's on that section. Of course -- there are some narrow spots along the shelf roads we will be climbing -- but the danger there is going over the side .. not scratching things!
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Last year was fantastic and it was a pleasure being part of the group. This year is an enthusiastic YES for me and my eldest.


Look forward to seeing details roll out and plans come together - What can I do by way of assisting you in this?


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Awesome! I know you wanted to come last time. Any must-see places in Death Valley?


Actually, I know very little about Death Valley or any of that area of CA in general. This is my one of my main motivations for being in the club. I've lived in CA over a decade and have seen very little of the state...I will have to just go on the more experienced club members recommendations!

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Count me and my daughter Ella (5) in again. We had a great time last year. I booked vacation almost a year in advance in for the week of April 9th in hopes of another trip. Ella was just talking about wanting to go to Death Valley again last night. Can't wait!


Beaver, are you going to break-in the Land Trailer?

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Good to see we'll have the Beav along this time. I hope he makes cookies again! We bought a new dutch oven and I am ready to make some good stuff this time. I'll refuse to let myself be rushed.


Should be a fun trip -- good mix of folks who've been there and those who haven't. I do promise some fun places -- but many I haven't been to before -- so we will be testing my navigational ability!

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Good to see we'll have the Beav along this time. I hope he makes cookies again! We bought a new dutch oven and I am ready to make some good stuff this time. I'll refuse to let myself be rushed.



Beaver and Rob bought a dutch oven and made a killer blueberry cobbler when we were in Moab last October. Can't wait to see what the cook-off brings in Death Valley.


I am sure Beaver will also bring an adundance of cigars and I will bring some Gentlemen Jack to keep us warm by the fire.

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Last year was fantastic and it was a pleasure being part of the group. This year is an enthusiastic YES for me and my eldest.


Back checking the date with my eldest’s school schedule it does not work - Will pass on this now in favour of another trip that better meshes with the BCS schedule.

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