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Gauging Interest: Wilderness First Aid

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We hosted a Wilderness First Aid class about 2 years ago; about time for another or refresher I think.


Anyone interested in taking the same class from same instructor Bobbie Foster? Had a great time, learned a lot, and first aid lessoned learned actually came in handy in one of my family trips.


16 hrs/$100 per Student. Need min 14.





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I don't know if this is the right place for this I'll also post at the annual event thread as well as the thread for the first aid class I was/am going to teach. Maybe I could do a brief basics at the annual event this year like the winch class last year.


I think that would be geat Chris. Posting your offer to do the class is fine here, and perhaps you can share more more details in the annual event thread. I think folks will appreciate the first aid class.


Bobbie Foster reached out to me recently. I rememder her class Wilderness First Aid (WFA) from 2 years ago; we hosted a 2 day WFA class (Land Rover volunteered one of their facilities to hold the class); focus was outdoors, what can you use/do w/limited resources. Bobbie wanted to know if our club would be interested in putting together another class like that.


I think if you do a class, and folks want to get more, we can setup a WFA next year.


Cool! Let's get a first aid class going. Thanks!

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