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Gauging Interest - NCLR Baja Mexico San Felipe, Sea of Cortez and Beyond Oct 22-29

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I drove a diesel 4runner in Nicaragua last fall and beat up a Rav4 in Costa Rica a few years ago. LOTS of cool places to explore. I would love to take the LR down there.


Sounds like you can be a volunteer trip leader for this (smile) future trip! Like to see pictures and stories next time we are @ Mexxis or discuss while we are in Baja this Oct.

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Ok guys. Carlos might not be able to make the trip.


I know we have a stop, and then go, and now stop on this trip!


And come to think about, talked to some folks and their SO (significant other) have concerns about our safety/well being in Mexico including mine.


Instead, me and family might be taking a trip to the Grand Canyon or Oregon instead. Suppose in Oregon worst they can do is call me "Californian" vs dodging bullets in Mexico. Lol.


Post up if you agree or still want to see this trip happen!

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Hi Ron,


Sorry to hear you are backing out from this trip. I had high hopes that this trip would have become the first NCLR international trip but I understand your are concern about your safety. I am sure no one wants to be dodging bullets in Mexico but we do not have to go very far to have this happen to us. All we need to do is drive by East Oakland or Richmond and you may be dodging bullets there too.


Since i started planning for this trip for a while now. I do still plan to make this trip. Anyone still interested to come is welcome to come along but i do not plan to make this a formal NCLR trip. Let me know so we can start the planning. I still plan to stick with the planned date and route but subject to change depending who is still coming.



"What's the famous slogan from Camel Trophy "One Life Live It"



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I think in this case One Life Want to Keep It (smile)


I was exaggerating on dodging bullets in Baja Mexico. And I hear you Antonio.


Understand trouble is not in Baja Mexico; doesn't mean I don't want to consider this 2012 or future trip when the preception of safety by is not an issue.


And folks still interested in going to Mexico, you need to get your passport now. For my family trip to Asia early this year, we sent our old US passports last year, expecting an 4-8 week process and suprisingly got the new ones in the mail rather quickly (in 2 weeks). But wouldn't take a chance now considering recent government budget cuts!

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If we have at least 5 rigs I am still in. Less than that and I think I will fall in to the postpone category.


However I know that Ted has scheduled this time off so we will probably be looking at an alternative trip. Look what we did with less than 8 hours for the Merced River trip.



So other than Antonio and I who else is in?

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I would still like to make it happen, but I was going to be a passenger in Beavers truck. I understand the safety issue, as I am sure it is on everyone's mind. But I also believe that if you follow the rules we established: only driving during the day, always staying in a group, avoiding known trouble areas, then I think we should be fine. With 4-6 built vehicles, I don't think we will be a target. When you see the rigs rolling down the road, I don't think we look like push-overs. There are easier targets down there. There are plenty of people still traveling to Baja without any incidents.


I agree, drive through Oakland at night and you will be in more danger than most places in Baja.


I have scheduled time off for that week. If this does fall through, I will be up for another trip that week and will probably bring the family.




Here are some links to other trips completed in 2011:









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If we have at least 5 rigs I am still in. Less than that and I think I will fall in to the postpone category.


However I know that Ted has scheduled this time off so we will probably be looking at an alternative trip. Look what we did with less than 8 hours for the Merced River trip.



So other than Antonio and I who else is in?



Im still up for it as long as we have a group of trucks.

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Yes, lets keep this trip alive! So far we have 3 vehicles coming and we need two more. I have a friend that showed interest ealier and will check with him and see if he still wants to come. I think a group of five vehicles will be a good side this way is more manageable.


I do agree with Ted, as longest we stay away from crowed places and obey the law we should be fine. We need to use our common sense and and respect people.


Mark Perez are you still interested in coming? If so, let me know that way I can save your spot.



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I'm still in but may leave early.....end of September.....




Do you plan to meet us there or do you have some other plans?


No one has confirmed 100% that they are coming regardless of how many vehicles will be in the the group. If you plan to join us a long the way that will make 5 tentative vehicles. My fried has requested vacation time for this week but not sure if he will get it.


As much as I will like everyone to join me on this trip, I understand that safety is the main concern for most.


I am committed to this trip even if I have to go by myself.


Aspire to Inspire before you Expire!



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No one has confirmed 100% that they are coming regardless of how many vehicles will be in the the group. If you plan to join us a long the way that will make 5 tentative vehicles. My fried has requested vacation time for this week but not sure if he will get it.


As much as I will like everyone to join me on this trip, I understand that safety is the main concern for most.


I am committed to this trip even if I have to go by myself.


Aspire to Inspire before you Expire!




Antonio, will you be driving your RRC or P38?


I am planning to ride with Beaver in his Disco as I have some prior committments up to Saturday morning and won't be able to get my truck ready. I wish I could bring my P38...


The article in Overland Journal is great. We will have to hit up a few of the spots they highlight. I am thinking of buying the almanac they mention as well. I already have the NG Baja North map, which is pretty good.

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Hi Ted,


I plan to drive my RRC down to Baja, since is the vehicle I have being setting up for this trip.


Yes, these are the people that have show interest so far.

Antonio -Confirmed

Beaver - Ted

Mark - Joining up later maybe?


Vihn, friend just waiting to get vacation approve for this time.


Michael, it seems that you guys plan to leave on Saturday and meet up at the border that day, is the correct. That if you guys are coming.



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Hi there,


Pedram and I built a rear bumper and tire carrier for my RRC. We still need do some modification to the gas can holder and looking for ideas of what to built on all that extra space. thinking in building a cooler holder right on top of the gas cans. Not sure yet.


Here are some of the pictures of the tire carrier.





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