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Gauging Interest: Return to the Lost Coast

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What did you want me to bring for pot luck? I'll have to pick itup @ Safeway in Willits. Call my cell by 9pm tonite. I got late shift @ work.


Rupert, will let Mr DiscoChef help organize the pot luck; I am bringing Kinders to BBQ (bringing propane grill); Enrique is bringing soup; I think Brenton said sausages.


And if we can all bringing our own plates, spoons/folks, glass and napkins then we won't have to worry about supplies other than what we want to share for potluck Sat.

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We will be bringing our Spot Tracker along and have the tracking service which will report our location every 10 minutes (unless the forrest canopy prevents satellite view). If you'd like to allow your family or close friends to track us, you can pass on this link and they'll see our semi-live location on Google Maps:




I just performed a check-in this morning, so there should be at least one point on the map.


I will plan to check-in each night at camp and again each morning before we leave camp. During the day, tracks will be captured every 10 minutes or as communication allows.



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Dinner is looking good! I think we could use some veggies in the form of a salad and dessert. If we take the kids into consideration ( yeah, sometimes I do that) they will want smores. Ingredients:

Graham crackers, marsh mellows & Hersheys chocolate bar.


I also have a couple bottles of Cabernet to share and some New Castles, yum :)

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We are bringing smores supplies, but could probably use another set. We've got the sticks for roasting the mallows!



We also have the fixins for S'mores and marshmallow roasters.

I also have spinach dip and bread, and will be bringing something else dessert-ish to share.

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Yeah I'm bringing a couple different types of sausage, and I'll also grab a salad in a bag (Asian with sesame orange dressing and cranberries) for the potluck. For lunch on the way up tomorrow, I think Dixie and I would like to stop somewhere in Willits. She's not fond of cold food and since that's what we're having for lunch Sat. and Sun. I think a warm meal is in order for Friday's lunch. I'll grab a big box of wood at Safeway too. Can we collect firewood at camp too?
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Does that mean you found a ride Jen? If so, where?


I won't know for sure until this afternoon, but am currently waiting on parts to arrive in SJ...I will know by end of today. LRSJ parts dept and Superior body shop must think I'm nuts, I called them so much yesterday. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The body shop is in San Carlos, which is kinda/sorta on my way up there, so I may have to pack my Honda full of supplies (and kids), head up there tomorrow and swap everything out and continue on my way. I'm so paranoid I'm going to forget something. I have checklists and a huge pile in the garage.


(did you know it's $79/HOUR to rent a Range Rover???? and LRSJ would not loan me a Rover for the weekend.)


Edited/ Update: Parts are in, Rover being put back together again, will be ready tomorrow morning. So I'll be meeting Rupert in Leggett around 5 and see you all in the evening. :)

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[quoteWe've got the sticks for roasting the mallows!


Now, THAT is a contribution!!! rofl




Here's a list of food items for Saturday's feast under the stars;


Jen- Spinach dip & bread, a dessert-ish mystery item and well know smores.


Brenton- Sausages & Asian salad with sesame dressing


Sasquatch- Wild berries and freshly picked greens or whatever those creatures eat (J/K, he hasn't said)


Ron- Kinders BBQ


Kevin- Soup and snmore making stuff & Cesar salad.


Nigel- Has not disclosed as of yet.


Rupert-May I suggest you pick up a smallish tray of veggie sticks at Safeway.


Enrique- I will eat all your goodies!!

















Not!! Tortilla Soup, Chips & salsa and tenderloins of chicken breast in a Spanish Sherry&Tomato sauce.

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Ok, time is here! It's Friday. See you all @ the Lost Coast.


Good to hear Jen is going to make it, and last min decision Antonio/Mark welcome - good choice. Sorry to hear Michael that you couldn't make it - next time; take care!


To the Lost Coast we go. First our meeting point in Hercules @ 9am: 828 Willow Avenue, Hercules, CA; there's a gas station there, Starbucks, and places to grab food/b-fast.


Will have my CB 7 on or reach me via cell xxx-xxx-xxxx


So we have the following (10 LR Trucks):

- Ron/family 1 DII vehicle (confirmed)

- Kevin/Lucinda/family 2 LR3s (confirmed)

- Enrique - 1 LR3 (confirmed)

- Sasquatch/GF Jette - 1 LR3 (confirmed)

- Jen 1 LR3 (confirmed)

- Antonio - 1 RRC (confirmed riding with Mark)

- Nigel & his son - 1 LR (confirmed)

- Brenton/GF Dixie - 1 DII (confirmed)

- Rupert - 1 LR3 (confirmed)


I made a contact list and will bring it along the trip (thanks for PMing me your cell #).


Next stop (optional) for folks who want hot food. Our friend Granville Pool aka Granny is suggesting Bluebird Cafe on 13340 S Highway 101, Hopland, CA (about 2 hrs away from Hercules). Read the review - looks good. We will be packing sandwiches but if folks want to stop-by and eat for about 1 hr, we are game.


Next stop along 101 or on the way is our friend Granville @ his Tea Cup farm; he is looking forward to seeing all of us; he lives in Redwood Valley (3 miles from 101 Freeway in Redwood Valley, CA); about 30 mins from Hopland or 2 1/2 hrs from Hercules. I won't post his address (for privacy) his but will give directions and address during our drivers meet or via CB 7.


Next is fuel stop (must top off or fill up) @ the gas station in Leggett. Address is 67670 Drive Thru Tree Road, Leggett, CA. Tel 707-925-6099.


From there on, we're about 30 mins or 22 miles from the entrance to Usal Rd on Hwy 1.


Important directions to Usal Rd: After filling up your tank in Leggett, take Hwy 1, go 14.7 miles. Look for mile marker 90.88, turn right - that's Usal Road. Reset your Odometer. Continue on Usal Rd. If I recall, camp ground was between mile 5 and 6. Mile 6 is a wooden bridge (left after the bridge leads you to Usal Beach) - you have driven too far from camp if you pass the wooden bridge.


Like Kevin, we also started our SPOT tracking; used Astateofmike for "Help" and "I am ok checking-in" contact on the SPOT (thanks Mike); will send Mike a SPOT msg after we get settled @ camp safely ea night; here's our SPOT tracking link (will turn on once we are on the road): http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0BXupnNQithGUKkBYc1qH9gNF196N3qpR


Pic 1 - packed and ready to go since last month. Lol.


Pic 2 - Bringing a pair of Maxtrax (shovel on the other side)


Pic 3 - Extra fuel can (probably won't need it; just in case for me or others); BBQ grill, and Trashoo Bag full of firewood (return home with trash)


Pic 4 - New ARB fridge fits well in the D2; room for my two boys and our dog Shakespeare


Pic 5 - aftermarket DVD player to keep the boys entertained


Pic 6 - CB, GPS, and cup holders for coffee (a must)


Ready to go. Lost Coast Awaits Us. Here's the photo galley/music Kevin put together from the last Lost Coast trip: http://www.kevinsuttlephotography.com/Land-Rover/Lost-Coast-April2010/11969081_F5c9e#851468012_FFFP9-A-LB

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Great Trip!! Trail conditions were too good, therefore, an easy leisurely drive with a few mud puddles. Will let Ron and others share their stories.


Arrived home at around 5 PM as I had to break away from the group due to my son not feeling well this morning. Seems he has the stomach flu.


Great to be with old friends and meet new ones (Nigel, Jen & Mark) and their families.


Ron- Another Great Trip! Thanks for planning it and making it happen!!

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We just got home about 45 minutes ago after leaving Glass Beach around 4pm. It was a great trip for sure! Yes the trails were pretty easy, but the mud puddles were fun. The only damage occurred on the way home when I yes strapping down the cooler in the cargo area. The tailgate wasn't fully opened and the strong wind caught it like a sail and over extended the hinges, bending the lower one enough to make the door not close properly. It took Sasquatch standing on the roof ladder to get enough down force on the door to close and line up with the latch. So I need to get that straightened out soon. I'll post a proper report tomorrow with pics for everyone to enjoy. Thanks again Ron for another fun trip!!!
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Man! I am TIRED from that run. I was soooo happy to see 101. I really needed some straight hwy to drive. Thank you Ron for setting up another fun run! Too bad things were so dry and recently repaired along Usal. Each time we've done this run, I've said "we sure could have used just ONE more day" to explore even more. Granny was very gracious in letting a bunch of Rovers invade his space. I hope we didn't wear out your dog Granny! We had a great time and it was fun to see new faces as well as the regs on the trip. Thank you to everyone in celebrating Jette's birthday with us!!! Here's a few pics - sorry for the low quality and ungodly bad picture taking techniques!































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