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Gauging Interest: Return to the Lost Coast

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<< Another thing we can do for Jen and anyone else leaving the Bay Area later but no later than 1pm, and est being in Leggett (top off fuel) around 5pm; take Hwy 1 and if be at the entrance of Usal Road off Hwy 1, we can meet you there between 5:30-6pm and guide you back to camp. We need two LR vehicles (equiped with Ham radio/also one @ base camp) for this mission. >>




I'm still working on trying to be able to call in sick on the 12th and meet up with everyone in Hercules. If I absolutely have to show up to run the Staff Development that morning, I may have to ask for the above plan. Good to know, thank you!

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Ron et al,

I'm leaving RB around 1pm. Eta to Willits about 4:15pm & gas up,Leggett around 5:15pm,Usal Rd around 5:45 to 6:15pm.Cmpgnd by 6:45pm.

I'm repairing my CB now hope to have it ready by then.

Ham KJ6IOF, monitor what channel?


PS I do have bad night vision! :)

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Ron et al,

I'm leaving RB around 1pm. Eta to Willits about 4:15pm & gas up,Leggett around 5:15pm,Usal Rd around 5:45 to 6:15pm.Cmpgnd by 6:45pm.

I'm repairing my CB now hope to have it ready by then.

Ham KJ6IOF, monitor what channel?


PS I do have bad night vision! :)


Rupert, you are not too far off from Jen. If she can't leave in the a.m. and leaves San Jose by 1pm, her eta to Leggett is 5pm.


If you guys caravan together to Usal (you two should exchange cell #), we can send a party of two LRs to come and get you both entrance to Usal Rd off Hwy 1.

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I can vouch that growing season's over. RB's had an influx of pay by cash from non-residents in the last coupla weeks. :) Suspicous characters??? It's that temporal time-shift.. some people never left the 60s...
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Axe & gas powered chain saw will be part of the recovery gear for this trip.

Ham & CB Radios as well. Fire wood and may be an outdoor gas space heater too.


Kevin, will you have the ARB bumper on one of the trucks by then?

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OK. so this is looking to be a great trip. but (since this is my first NCLR trip...) want to be clear, bringing a mostly stock 2000 Discovery II, the only mod is the CDL. Will pickup some recovery straps and a CB prior to the trip. Anything else I should insure I have ready? Plenty of off-road experience so its not my first trip to the rodeo... just wanting to make sure I am clear on the kit required for the trip! :D
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Oooooooohhhh! Looking like a sweet trip already! Enrique/Nigel - we can meet at Mexxi's early am and caravan to Ron. Jen - cough, cough, cough =)


What about meeting at the Park&Ride on the South West Side of 680 & Bollinger? Then proceed to Hercules? Just a thought... not so far off of 680 then?


I'm looking forward to this trip!

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**What about meeting at the Park&Ride on the South West Side of 680 & Bollinger? Then proceed to Hercules? Just a thought... not so far off of 680 then?**

This would be plan A for me (if I can call in sick, still working on my boss). What time would we meet there?


Plan B would be to meet up with Rupert in Leggit at 5pm. I'll PM my cell, but...will I have AT&T cell service there? I seem to have very spotty coverage with AT&T as soon as I even see a tree.

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OK. so this is looking to be a great trip. but (since this is my first NCLR trip...) want to be clear, bringing a mostly stock 2000 Discovery II, the only mod is the CDL. Will pickup some recovery straps and a CB prior to the trip. Anything else I should insure I have ready? Plenty of off-road experience so its not my first trip to the rodeo... just wanting to make sure I am clear on the kit required for the trip! :D


As far as recovery gear is concerned, we'll have you covered, but it's nice to have your own equipment. With a good chance of rain and muddy conditions, All-Terrain tires (or MT's) would be your best "bit of kit" for a trip like this.


Meeting in Hercules at 9am sounds good to me. See you then!!!

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I placed calls last week to the ranger stations in the area to check on any known road closures, etc. There are no known planned closures at this time. As for bears...they are all starting to go into their hibernation period, so they shouldn't be a problem. Before anyone starts to worry, I was told by a ranger in April, that the black bears in this area keep to themselves and we just need to make sure we don't leave food out or in our tents...lock it in your truck.


The Suttle's will bring one can of bear spray along just in case. If anyone else has a can, probably not a bad idea to bring.


Ron, as you add to our trip information sheet, please add the following contact information...


Area rangers:

King Range Ranger Station: 707-986-5400

Richardson Grove State Park (patrols North Usal Road): 707-247-3318

Standish Hickey State Park (patrols South Usal Road): 707-925-6482

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