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Annual Event Suggestions

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Timed trial course that tests the skills of a team consisting of a driver and a spotter. Points for time, accuracy, style, etc.


Shorter runs for those with kids or runs that start later for those with kids.


Something for the wives who might not want to go on any runs.

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Event has moved to the weekend of October 8th becuase previous weekend was laready booked.

Keep the suggestions coming. I want to make this year great for everyone...a must attend!

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While I still need to wait to see if I'll be able to attend, I want everyone to know that I'm working on including a demonstration of ham radio during this event.


This will require a few individuals with a license & gear to be out at a few key areas and a station at the base area. I'm thinking of including it as part of the trail runs, but a meeting between the key parties has not yet happened. Interested in participating? Let us know.

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I'd like to have more interaction with the members and include group activities or mini challenges:

Timed run through the new obstacle course

Balance your vehicle next to the water hole in the old obstacle course

How fast can you change a tire


Might be a good time to have a TREAD Lightly session for the club


Another recovery demo would be cool


There was talk of getting an RTI ramp last year. Is this something we can try and get this year?


Of course we need to have the trail runs, but a lot of people have done them numerous times already (maybe only one run instead of both morning and afternoon?).

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Slide show of our trips: we have Snow Run, Oregon, and now Dusy among others to show case....


Who can bring the laptop, and projector?


Love to help with presenting videos and/or slideshows. Not sure I can secure a projector, but I will see.

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I'd love to see some discussion of GPS techniques: pros/cons of different brands, difference between waypoints, routes, tracks, etc. This might be to equipment dependent but I thought it would be worth mentioning.


I also vote for recovery techniques.


Also, how about a session on "How to finance your Land Rover repairs in a difficult market" :-) LOL!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure how many kids (or ages) will be there this year, but maybe some stuff geared for the kids - arts & crafts, RC driving course (we would need cars/trucks from somewhere), free car wash (they wash our rigs for free), smores, treasure hunt.


Oh, and is there any way we can turn down the wind machine this year ;-)

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Not sure how many kids (or ages) will be there this year, but maybe some stuff geared for the kids - arts & crafts, RC driving course (we would need cars/trucks from somewhere), free car wash (they wash our rigs for free), smores, treasure hunt.


Oh, and is there any way we can turn down the wind machine this year ;-)


I will work on the wind machine. This year it will be powerd by hampsters not a V8.

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  • 1 month later...
I am finally coming to an event! I just got back to the states from afgahanistan, and am getting cerrone's to get my defender in good shape for the event! Yay! Im gunna be bringing a few of my friends and my wife. I am a beginner, so go easy. Also, how can I order dinner for more than one person? Do I really have to go through the whole paypal process for each person?
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