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2 weeks, 1 classic, Sierra Madres Copper Canyon central Mexico!


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Hey Guys,


I just put up a post at LRR of my Copper Canyon Mexico trip over Christmas and New years. I also have a trip log up at http://www.sheltonmaple.com/addisonshelton/barrancasdelcobre.html


The LRR post is here: http://www.lrrforums.com/showthread.php?p=141540#post141540


and the picasa web album is here: http://picasaweb.google.com/ad.shelton/BarrancasDelCobre#


It was a great trip. Enjoy the photos!

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Fantastic trip report and photos Ashelton!


U gonna have to share trip planning and details during camp fire duirng the NCLR Shaver Lake Snow Run; are you going still? There's space for you!


My next question is when are you going next; I can see a trip to Central Mexico in the making - u lead - we follow.


Another NCLR member here Enrique aka DiscoChef was thinking of a trip to Mexico - Southern Mexico.


Be great if we can put a trip together in the future; 2 weeks in Central sounds good; again, thanks for sharing your photos/trip.


C yah!

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