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KIDDE Fire Extinguisher recall


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Thought I'd share my experience with this.


I'd heard about this recall, but since my D2 has been in the shop for the last 5 months, I didn't get a chance to check the extinguisher I keep in my car until now.  Turns out mine is affected so I filled out the necessary form, but the last mandatory question was is this extinguisher kept in a vehicle, yes or no.  If you choose yes, you then have to put the make model, year and VIN of your car.  I assumed this was for things like RVs where an extinguisher seems like something the manufacturer would include because they're being nice, so I chose no.   It's been a few hours since I submitted my request and my curiosity about the VIN request and should I have listed my car was still peaked so I called their number to inquire and was told the national highway transit authority wants to keep this information on file for their purposes.  I spoke to 2 different Kidde representatives who pretty much said its so the government can keep track and that's it.  Nothing at all to do with Kidde or the type of replacement unit they send.  I was also advised to keep my original submittal for replacement and to not redo it to include my vehicle. 

So if you have an affected extinguisher and have yet to submit for a replacement, it's up to you if you want to include your vehicle info.  Here's the Kidde link to check your extinguisher https://www.kidde.com/home-safety/en/us/support/product-alerts/recall-kidde-fire-extinguisher/

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