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Wrenching day @ British Recyclers, 5-30

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From what I read on the linked site it sounds like no trail so plan on some bushwacking.  Probably best there's no trail as a place like that would be easily overrun.  It sounds like plenty of people have visited as it is.


If you do a little research, there are lots of crash sights in the Sierras.  This one sounds like one of the easier ones to find.  Heck, planes have gone down in Yosemite and even knowing it the SAR people sometimes didn't find them for years. 


For a good read on SAR related stuff in Yosemite, pick up Off the Wall -Death in Yosemite.  It sounds a little morbid, but it's actually quite interesting.  It accounts for every recorded death in the park, including some pretty bizarre things.  The author was a SAR ranger there for many years.  Heck, I've got the book somewhere.

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