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OFFICIAL - Mojave Road 2013

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Amazon.com has good prices on the Chinese VHF/UHF radios. Search for Baofang on the Amazon site and you will come up with a lot of options. These are not the "best" but at ~$35 it's adequate for trail use. These can be a bit hard to program from the radio itself. They also list a USB programming cable. There is public domain PC programming software available that I can post if anyone is interested.


I second Chuck's comments on an external antenna. If you get the antenna out of the cockpit and onto the roof then you will do a lot better with range. Either a mag=mount or a fixed antenna (like a CB antenna only made for VHF/UHF) will do much better than something you can add directly to the radio. You will need a coax to radio adapter but these are available at Radio Shack or HRO.


It's great to see so much interest in ham radio. I think it adds a lot of security and safety on the trail.

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Hello everyone. I just got off the phone with Danette Woo (she issues the permits) and she doesn't recommend traveling across the Mojave Road. The forecast is calling for rain every day this week, and all of the major access (and our emergency exit) roads have been closed by the county. The phones are also down at the Kelso Depot.


Flash floods have been occurring pretty regularly over the past few weeks and the campgrounds have now been closed as well. My hope was to make it out there before the rains came, but my work schedule wouldn't allow it. I don't want to cancel the trip before hearing from everyone first. If it is cancelled, we can be issued a new permit at no extra cost, and it would probably happen in the middle of next summer.

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It sounds like even if we still want to go, that we can't due to the roads and campgrounds being closed. If this is the case, I'm ok waiting until next year. I don't want to lose my car or see someone else lose theirs.


Can those of us that are confirmed to go now be kept on the list for next summer?

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Dear All,


I second Alyson. It does not seem particularly safe to go and even if we go, we might be stuck for days digging our cars.


That being said - as some of us taken vacation days for this trip - is there an interest in organizing something instead of the Mojave Trip for the same days?





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Absolutely. All of the original people who signed up for the trip will get first dibs for the next trip.


Weather in So Cal was humid and flash floods. I am sad to miss this trip, but for safety and tread lightly, I am ok if it cancels. On the list for the next trip.


Tough call Brenton, I know. But I think the right call and fully supporting it.

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I am still down to go but it seems that the roads are closed. Since most people have taken the time off for this trip. Can we go somewhere else? Like Death Valley or up to slick rock. Just a thought. If we have the call tomorrow we can discuss.


I am definately up for any trip as I am in a need of some adventure :) As I am a newbie to the club I will simply follow other's lead (though Death Valley sounds great) but really I have no preference (as long as it is not a Rubicon type trail as my car is too long/wide to come out of such trail undamaged).


I attach something that I found for Death Valley trails:



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While I like the idea of going somewhere else, I'm a bit skeptical on having enough time to properly plan another long trip in such a short time. If someone wants to take the reigns, go for it.


On the plus side, this does free me up to get a better handle on the planning for the Annual Event (still a lot to do), so I will probably focus on that. If you'd like any help in planning though, I'm more than happy to offer some assistance.

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Suggestion for DV trip, I dont know if anyone in the group has gone with Chuck on his last DV trip, why not pull up his itinerary and retrace his steps? Or modify it a bit?

For Black Rock, I haven't done that since 03', any trip tix in the archives?


Bummed... :(

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Suggestion for DV trip, I dont know if anyone in the group has gone with Chuck on his last DV trip, why not pull up his itinerary and retrace his steps? Or modify it a bit?

For Black Rock, I haven't done that since 03', any trip tix in the archives?


Bummed... :(


Hi All - I just checked DV road conditions and it seems that the same storm that passed through Mojave also hit DV. Many roads (BUT NOT ALL) are closed and thus, DV trip will depend on which roads we are planning on taking...



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I agree with Brenton about there not being enough time to plan something else. That being said, I won't be on the call tomorrow unless we are going to discuss Mojave 2014. If I can make a request for next year, please, please PLEASE do not plan the trip during Labor Day. My job requires I work that entire weekend every year until I die or quit - whichever comes first.


Now, where is that thread about the MORG this Saturday....

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Labor Day is still too close to monsoon season, which is August/Sept.


MR 2014 will be in June or July next year. It's really the only time of year that has about 0% chance of rain, and I'm not going unless Soda Lake can be traversed.


Is it worth having the call tomorrow night, since it was setup to go over logistics and last minute details for the trip? Doesn't seem so at this point. If anyone wants to call me and talk, you should have my number.

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Labor Day is still too close to monsoon season, which is August/Sept.


MR 2014 will be in June or July next year. It's really the only time of year that has about 0% chance of rain, and I'm not going unless Soda Lake can be traversed.




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Sorry to hear this news. Been outta touch a bit lately. In actuality, it works out because work is not cooperating with my plans. Not sure I could go anywhere else either. Damn it, Jim!


I won't be on the call tonight, if you have it. It's back to school night and I will be attending.

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