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Hollister Monthly meet-up - June/July/August

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Hello Michal,


I will not be able to make it to the June MORG (I will be in Boston), but definitely will be there in July and August (will have the new LR4 by that time). Let me know when you are heading down and I will try to join too - will be nice to meet you.



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Sounds good to me. How familiar are you with the trails in the park?


This video shows some good sections, what other areas are there to play around in?


Prairie City is fairly small, but has made some recent improvements at the park. Because of distance from Bay Area, the club went one time with a combined event at Specialized Recycling. Maybe Rocklin Land Rover would host a BBQ or something in their lot, so those who attend could get together after the MORG?

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Prairie City is fairly small, but has made some recent improvements at the park. Because of distance from Bay Area, the club went one time with a combined event at Specialized Recycling. Maybe Rocklin Land Rover would host a BBQ or something in their lot, so those who attend could get together after the MORG?


SF to Hollister Hills is 111 miles

SF to Prairie City is 108 miles


I am moving to Granite Bay next week which is north-east of Sacramento. Would love to go to an event at Prairie City but will be up to my ears in boxes and getting the house sorted. If you all come up to Prairie City, I will try to come by to get the truck dirty for a short while.


Unfortunately, I can't offer up my house for a BBQ this time, but maybe in the future.

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I'm in loomis which is a bit of a dive from prairie city, 20 miles to the north according to uncle google. Y'all are welcome at my place as long as you promise not to judge on the status of our home renovations. We purchased a short sale and doing all the work yourself takes time. I'm close to Folsom lake and some other wheeling if desired
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I have to admit, Prairie City is quite a long drive for me, being in Monterey. Add to that the fact of the Meteor Shower trip the next weekend... normally I would be happy to meet up with anyone in Hollister. But I think I'll top off the fluids, change as needed, and prep for the next weekend. Sorry Alyson.




I have considerable experience with Windows/*NIX servers and HTML/CSS if such help is desired/required.


Just sayin...

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That's ok. Land Rover RWC invited me to their event at the Land Rover Experience Driving School on the 11th and I'm going there again on the 25th for owners day....


Lucky Lady! Make sure to tell Ramsey and the gang I say hello...as do we all!

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So the ARB saga continues but it's bad news for this weekend. The long and short of it is, is there anyone needing a co-pilot? I purchased bearings through Atlantic British and was assured by the sales person that the bearings were Timken but when they arrived they were some cheep Chinese knockoff that seemed to be constructed out of aluminum foil and pieces of used nails lubricated with sand. They were so bad that we had a difficult time getting pinion preload set. What junk. Those are going back and I need to order some more. It is highly unlikely that they will be here and installed before Saturday morning. So now I need a seat. Anyone?
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