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Official High Sierras Trip Thread

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just to update, looks like 3 trucks so far are down with sponsed dinners, 2 trucks per night. if we go this route Christian and I will team up for friday's dinner so that no one will have to worry about setting up camp and making dinner for the group.


bring on the thongs!


as for the HACE APE, start hydrating the week before, no joke you need to pee every 4 hours light yellow colored. that way you can enjoy a few drinks on the trip!

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Head went in yesterday. I'm heading to the shop in the am to put the radiator and intercooler in. Last bit is getting the temp sender/gauge to work and then I'm set! Hoping to get a trial run up to Tahoe this weekend for the death ride. No trails but a long drive and big climb.
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I'm fine with any of the options. If we team up for dinner then who is left for me to share chef duties with? I have to let you know...I like to wrap everything I cook in bacon.


The potluck idea for Saturday sounds cool too though...


Honestly, I'm not surprised about Jen's decision with all this talk about felt thongs and indigenous bacteria, thought crossed my mind a few times as well...LOL

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Alan!! Awesome. We need to hook up for a project I'm working on. Hint....Vaca entera!!!


Vaca entera! very interesting ;)


I built my little grill "crucifix" to hold lambs, goats, pigs, etc. I've used it many times and it works great. I need to make some minor changes to the design but it gets the job done. It can hold up to 200# but its designed for 50# animals or less...but the idea/design could work for a cow...we just need to make it much much bigger with more metal and use stronger pullies!! lets talk about it on the trip. I'm curious to what you have in mind. Us crazy Argentines are always thinking about BBQ's, LOL



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Yes I was admiring your set up. Perfect for the lamb and pig sized critters. Anyway I'm looking forward to talking asado with you.


This is shaping up to be an awesome trip guys. Who else is taking their dog? Jess and I are taking Minka my German Shepherd. She is cool with other dogs and awesome with kids and strangers.


Vaca entera! very interesting ;)


I built my little grill "crucifix" to hold lambs' date=' goats, pigs, etc. I've used it many times and it works great. I need to make some minor changes to the design but it gets the job done. It can hold up to 200# but its designed for 50# animals or less...but the idea/design could work for a cow...we just need to make it much much bigger with more metal and use stronger pullies!! lets talk about it on the trip. I'm curious to what you have in mind. Us crazy Argentines are always thinking about BBQ's, LOL



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Nice Alan!!!! I volunteer YOU as the one who transports the carcass!


Okay, lets talk about what to bring up. I can take whatever...I wouldn't want anybody gnawing on the carcass the whole way up there **cough**sasquatch***cough , lol

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OK everyone here is the latest info:


First: The Camel is down, turbo might be blown. Looking to see what options I have, might be able to replace the turbo before the trip, might have to borrow a truck or just get drunk and depressed and lock myself in a dark room, haven’t decided yet.


Second: Dinners. As of today 6 trucks (if I go) are making the trek. So 2 per night for dinners. Friday is Christian and myself. Saturday will be Sasquatch and Alan. Sunday will be Griff and mystery guest. If I do the head count correctly we have 10 maybe 11 people to feed each night.


Chris and Ron

Christian and Jessica

Alan and a Buddy



Mystery Guest total of 2-3 people


Third: extended forecast showing 90’s during the day so please start hydrating today! Remember that you need to drink at least 3-4 liters per day while at camp. preferable a mild carbohydrate/electrolyte drink (better than water for many reasons, you need more calories, it helps absorption, blah blah). I like the Gatorade G2 as there not as many calories but still all the stuff you need. Also doesn’t taste as sweet. One of the problems with high altitude is you lose your appetite although you have higher energy requirements and your “insensible loss” of water (ie water loss from breathing etc) is higher so although you aren’t sweating you are losing water. YOU CAN’T HYDRATE IN 24 HOURS. It takes 2-3 days to properly tank up so start now. remember that we are going to be by lakes so if you don’t have a filter you can borrow mine, no need to carry in 100 gallons of water.


Fourth: at these elevations you need to eat a fair amount of carbs, try to limit the fat intake relative to carbs. Trail mix is a great snack for this elevation. the reason being blah blah science blah blah research blah blah. If you really care I’ll tell you otherwise just trust me.


Fifth: misc things to pack to help enjoy the trip:




rain gear

cold weather gear


warm hat

water bottles

day pack for the hikes to the lakes (make sure you have a way to bring fluids along, water bottle or camel back etc)

insect repellent


Sixth: cooking will be different. not all stoves will work well. water takes much longer to boil (at 10,000 ft water boils at 193.6F not 212F like at sea level), camp fires are harder to light. if you need to boil water plan extra time and I highly recommend a Jet Boil if you don’t have one.


Seventh: I still need emergency contact info from a few people, you know who you are.


That’s it for now. I will update as I learn more.

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OK everyone here is the latest info:


First: The Camel is down, turbo might be blown. Looking to see what options I have, might be able to replace the turbo before the trip, might have to borrow a truck or just get drunk and depressed and lock myself in a dark room, haven’t decided yet.



Wanna take the LWB on a test drive? Seriously, if you're not going to be off-roading too hard (where it may get dinged up) you are welcome to take it or the D1. just need to get it smogged (D1)/

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Chris your the man of the hour! You have to go bud! This has been all your work for months. Enrique you are awesome for offering a truck to our fearless leader. I can assure you the trails are super light. When they shot the Four Wheeler TV segment the local dealership brought up a new fully loaded Ranger Rover with stock everything without issue.
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