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Official High Sierras Trip Thread

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I'm on the fence. I think I can now leave San Jose about 1pm, which would put me into Bishop at around 8. I still would need to leave late Sun night or really early Mon morning as the boys start Cub Scout camp Monday and I'm supposed to be volunteering that day.


But the photos look beautiful and I haven't been out at all since Death Valley. Sick of taking the Rover to the grocery store and back- boring!

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so google puts livermore to bishop at 5 hours, then another 3-4 off road according to the GPS data i have from Christian. So from San Jose I would add about an hour (friday traffic etc). so that is into camp about 10pm. depending on what time monday you have to be at cub scout camp prob better to leave sunday while it is still light out for the trail part. also, you would have to drive in alone most likely as we will be into camp when you get to Bishop. I can mark the trail as we go with some surveyors tape. it's a long drive but you would be there all day saturday and a good portion of sunday.


for everyone who is going I'm planning on posting an update tomorrow and will need to start gathering the contact info's etc. either PM or txt (209-423-3888) or email (clsolis@yahoo.com). I am really excited!!



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So far it looks like I'll be able to make the trip! I've recruited a buddy to come with me. He has a brand new RRS supercharged but is too sissy to take it wheeling on this trip, lol...so he is just coming along for the ride. I'll most likely bring my fishing poles. Cheers, Alan
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So far it looks like I'll be able to make the trip! I've recruited a buddy to come with me. He has a brand new RRS supercharged but is too sissy to take it wheeling on this trip' date=' lol...so he is just coming along for the ride. I'll most likely bring my fishing poles. Cheers, Alan[/quote']


Awesome Alan. Hope you do make it.

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OK Everyone we are now in the month of July which means the High Sierras trip is coming up!! Let’s start to finalize the guest list, make some plans for dinners, etc.


So things I need to know vs things I think I know:


Guest List

Myself, my dad Ron, brother Daniel (he may not be able to make it)

Christian and his wife

Da Quatch solo


Mystery guests 2-3 people

Alan plus 1

Jen is a maybe


so 10-13 people, 6-7 rigs.


I was thinking of pairing up and dividing up dinners. 2 trucks take a night and make dinner for the group, would allow for easier packing etc. Problems would be if people have dietary restrictions. We can also pot luck each night (fri, sat, sun) of just potluck one night, or be a bunch of loners and not do anything together. So let me know what you guys think about this.


Now’s the time to send me the emergency contact info so I can put that into the list. I would like to email everyone a list of all the contacts so if there is a problem everyone’s family can be in touch. Also, as I mentioned I can receive texts from my wife so if someone needs to be contacted she can relay the message.


Plans are the same as the original post, meet on friday at 11am and drive in. I’ll be there thurs night with Christian and I caravanning thurs.


Check out the attached and let me know via pm, text, email, or phone call 209-423-3888 clsolis@yahoo.com

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Looks good that I'm in. I've asked a couple guys if they want to ride shotgun, but haven't gotten confirmation yet. Probably just be me and the HAPE ape (ask me later).


Haven't decided on the rig yet. Might opt for the van because I'll be doing some more rigorous wheeling in the Sierra Buttes area the following weekend. Plus, would be more comfortable to drive the van that distance.

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High altitude pulmonary edema? I got something for that but if you take it you can't come within 100 yards of me.


LOL! Never had it, of course, but a buddy and I always joke about the HAPE ape coming to get us when we're at altitude. Personally, I'm more interested in a raging case of HACE. Then again, in all likelihood, we're all gonna be victims of a phenomenon solely inherent to Sasquatch - PINAS, or pheromone-induced nocturnal arousal with spooning.

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Fishing RODS! RODS! Poles are for catching catfish...or those guys who talk like Borat. RODS!!!!!!!!!

LOL...somebody woke up on the wrong side of the forest huh? Wait...So you use a rod to catch a fish or was it a pole to rod a cat? Or a rod to catch a cat? or pole to fish a cat?...I get confused

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OK I need a vote from the group regarding meals or I will make an executive decision. Votes need to be in by midnight Sunday 7/15.


Choice 1: team up and host a dinner. 2 trucks per night


Choice 2: everyone responsible for their own meals


Choice 3: Pot luck saturday night for which we will need people to sign up for the following:


Appetizers 1 truck

Sides 2 trucks

Main course 2 trucks

Dessert 1 truck



Also need emergency contact info.


(side note may also need a truck but that is a totally different story)

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I just went through my gear and realized that my wading boots are a bit too tight. Guess my feet are still growing...my wife's a lucky lady!! Doing some research I found that there's a bit of a movement to ban felt soled wading boots. My Chota STL's are in great shape and if anyone needs a size 12. they're available for a case of beer or bottle of GJ. On the serious note, is it illegal for felt now? All the big mfgr's are offering vibram soled boots now and I'm spoiled with felt and studs. Help..
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I just went through my gear and realized that my wading boots are a bit too tight. Guess my feet are still growing...my wife's a lucky lady!! Doing some research I found that there's a bit of a movement to ban felt soled wading boots. My Chota STL's are in great shape and if anyone needs a size 12. they're available for a case of beer or bottle of GJ. On the serious note, is it illegal for felt now? All the big mfgr's are offering vibram soled boots now and I'm spoiled with felt and studs. Help..


Why on earth would felt be illegal? I have felt and I've been using it in the Sierras for years. I'd say your fine...

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B'fasts and lunches on own. Dinners by Chris. Fine with me. I know you're not a dietician, Chris, but your medical training and frequent journal reading should make you the obvious choice for providing healthy and sustantive meals for we laypeople, especially since there are fears of HAPE Ape, PINAS and the like.


Hey, 'quatch! I'm sure there are a myriad of micro-species residing in your pelt, although depending on the extent of your range, the majority are indigenous and therefore would not create a problem.


Don't know about anyone else, but I was planning to don my felt thong (also known as a tunic) for some lap-swimming. Sounds like this may not be copacetic with the local lake denizens... hell, maybe it won't be particularly appreciated by the trip-goers either. Guess if I meet resistance, I can always go without.

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