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Need Help with Routes for Lost Coast Trip

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I need some help with routes for the Lost Coast. I am going with some of my buddies on Sun to Wed and we are just using the back road guide. Does anybody have any good ideas on routes and trails. Gps or what ever you could give me.




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Hey Josh, if you have time to call bookstores, pick up a copy the Northern California Trail Guide - see this link http://www.rocky-road.com/guidebook.html


Cost about $20-25 at Barnes and Noble. 1st chapter has detailed info re: Lost Coast, and the book comes in handy for other trails.


Brenton posted GPS track info here: http://nclrclub.org/forum/showthread.php?1774-Lost-Coast-NCLR-2010&highlight=lost+coast


GPS works in open areas of the Lost Coast, but there are spots covered with trees and maps from the book will keep you on track. For timers on the trail, I'd highly recommend having both.


Here's a thread of one of the many trips we've taken to the Lost Coast: http://nclrclub.org/forum/showthread.php?1046-Gauging-Interest-Return-to-the-Lost-Coast


Tips for you; repeat of what you probably know already.

- Before heading out there, call the ranger station and check trail conditions.

- The Lost Coast trail is basically old logging trails; traveling only during the day; there are off shoot trails that lead to nowhere. Get the book I mentioned above.

- Yes, travel w/your buddies. Buddy system.

- Bring supplies of water and food for emergency

- Be careful. I've seen signs where people might be growing something illegal. Also bullet casings (target practise)


Wish I can go with you; we are planning a Lost Coast trip again in the fall.


Be safe; have fun!

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