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Gauging Interest Yet Another Snow Run/Camping Stanislaus National Forest

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Ok folks if you missed the famous NCLR Shaver Lake Snow Run (thanks Brenton for organizing that trip), here's your chance to get some snow driving time (before the snow melts - ha! ha! ha!). Open to all stock LR vehicles. Not as extreme as the Shaver Lake snow run yet not too far (2 hrs away from Livermore), but be prepared for the worst snow stuck situation and have e.g. cold weather camping and clothing, food supplies...


Snow came late this season. Current snow condition is decent right now @ Bear Valley Ski, and suppose to be more rain to fall in the next 9 days. Hoping snow level is still decent for this trip.


Last summer the club camped @ Wa Ka Luu Hep Lo campground (very nice) and had a great time wheeling at nearby trail. For this snow run, will camp @ the same campground and hit the same trail (last years trip thread): http://nclrclub.org/forum/showthread.php?1437-Day-Trip-Merced-River-Road/page12&highlight=board+crossing


Details from SNF site: http://www.fs.usda.gov/wps/portal/fsinternet/!ut/p/c4/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDfxMDT8MwRydLA1cj72BTJw8jAwjQL8h2VAQAzHJMsQ!!/?ss=110516&navtype=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&cid=FSE_003693&navid=100000000000000&pnavid=null&position=BROWSEBYSUBJECT&recid=14863&ttype=recarea&pname=Stanislaus%2520National%2520Forest%2520-%2520Wa%2520Ka%2520Luu%2520Hep%2520Yoo%2520(Wild%2520River)


Ramdom pictures from last year's trip:












Planning to go skiing @ Bear Valley the wknd before this trip, and will recce/check-out the snow level @ Boards Crossing area see if worth our time for the snow run.


Will be up in the 4000 ft elevation. Plans are to do 1 night of snow camping (all my wife can stand - lol) and next day wheeling on the snow. Also want to test out gears e.g. ham, Maxtrax...


Thinking wknd of March 24th or 31st. Anyone interested?


If 31st, we have to leave right after the MOM or members meeting @ Mexxis, and then camp Saturday night, and go snow wheeling all morning and afternoon Sunday.


Drive from Livermore to the campground is about 135 miles one way x two (figure 11-13 mpg) and 2 hours away via 680/580E, 205E, 5N, and then Hwy 4 East to Boards Crossing/Forest Road 5N75: http://www.rei.com/guidepost/detail/california/campgrounds/wa-ka-luu-hep-yoo-campground/6886

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I'm not sure we're going to make this one as a camping trip. Depending on snow conditions, I think a better trail would be the fire road that Boards Crossing Rd turns into. You can follow that for a long time and the elevation continues to increase the farther you go. The 4wd trail on the East side of the river may be quite difficult with snow and ice on it??
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Hey Ron,


I might be up for the trip, but won't know until later in the week. I may need to be away the end of March and won't know for a few days. I'll definitely post back to this thread if I am able to go. I would love to go camping and try out my LR4 in the snow! I'll keep you posted in the next few days and watch this thread. Sounds like a blast!



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I called the Stanilaus National Forest (SNF) Calaveras District re: our trip.


Wakalu Hep campground is closed for the season (opens April or May depending snow level allowing vehicles to get thru); there is camping allowed. bit only dispersed camping meaing in the forest, and completely undeveloped setting. Camp fire permit is required, and need to "pack in out/pack it out (haul your garbage out). http://www.fs.usda.gov/activity/stanislaus/recreation/camping-cabins/?recid=14833&actid=34


This wknd or next I am planning to check it out and see the snow level. Also check out poss camp spot and areas where we can drive. Might also stop by and check out SNO-Park either Spicer or Lake Alpine. Will report back.



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I'm not sure we're going to make this one as a camping trip. Depending on snow conditions, I think a better trail would be the fire road that Boards Crossing Rd turns into. You can follow that for a long time and the elevation continues to increase the farther you go. The 4wd trail on the East side of the river may be quite difficult with snow and ice on it??


Thanks Dave; I will check that out.

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Hey Ron,


I wanted to just follow-up with this thread about the snow run. Unfortunately, I won't be able to go this month because of work travel and then my parents are coming to visit from March 20th until early April. I am really sorry to miss the snow run as I was hoping to finally drive my LR4 in the snow and go camping. The good news is that my dad will likely be able to join me at the April MORG!


Take lots of pictures and have fun!



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Sounds like a plan Nick


And if you father wants to join, pls extend the invite; seems like a cool guy - "scotch and good stories around camp fire" type. C yah!

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Looks like it Jen. This is the Ski Lodge near the area where I want to go snow camping; Bear Valley Ski Lodge via Hwy 4:http://www.bearvalley.com/basecam.html


Have a trip to the Grand Canyon this coming wknd. When I come back, want to do a recce trip on the 24th to check out the area (day trip), and possible do this snow camping/wheeling on 31sth (need a min of 2 vehicle/buddy system) if enough snow. Will see.

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Right after the MOM (Members Only Meeting) @ Mexxis on the 31st, let's head up the Stanislaus National Forest via Hwy 4, romp in the snow in our Land Rovers for a day, head back home before night fall, or stay for 1 Sat night (optional) camping in the snow. Then head back home after Sunday breakfast.


With the current rain pouring at the moment, and hopefully more to come - should be plenty of snow left for this trip. Will just have to keep an eye on the weather and make sure safe conditions.


Make shift campfire (will need to pick-up a fire permit the day of this trip)


Test your cold weather clothing, and camping gears. Finally get to use those snow shoes collecting dust (lol).


Drive on the snow (will be bringing a pair of Maxtrax and recovery gears), test your tires, skills and patience.


Also I am donating a 1.5L of Eco Vino Cab in its new packaging (see pic) for field testing (smile) once we find that spot in the forest to camp, keys put away and ready for camp fire, marshmallows/smores, and stories to share.


Suppose to be 80% less carbon footprint than two glass bottles, 90% less waste and less landfill, easy to pack, light weight and not breakable. Stays fresh for a month after opening. How does it taste? Will see - you be the judge! Eco friendly or not, if it doesn't taste good - won't be buying it again.


And thank goodness for companies that sell marshmallows in smaller packaging. Usually can only find them in large packaging and end-up with left-overs; we have one purchased since 1976 and still working on or make great door stoppers (lol).

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David, actually we need test vehicle to recovery. Lol. J/k.


I think with the LR4 - you will probably be recovering me. Good way to find out how the continentals will hold up in packed or powder snow. Also will get to experiment w/airing down.

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Hahahaha Ron!


I hear mixed reviews about the Contis in the snow, but definitely willing to try them out. I haven't aired down yet, but have a guage and portable compressor. Let me talk to my dad when he arrives and see if he is up for doing a day trip. I'll probably drop my mom off at the mall, she can stay there for hours. Haha!


I'll keep you posted.




David, actually we need test vehicle to recovery. Lol. J/k.


I think with the LR4 - you will probably be recovering me. Good way to find out how the continentals will hold up in packed or powder snow. Also will get to experiment w/airing down.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think a better trail would be the fire road that Boards Crossing Rd turns into. You can follow that for a long time and the elevation continues to increase the farther you go. The 4wd trail on the East side of the river may be quite difficult with snow and ice on it??


Exactly Dave.


Break in the rain today allowed me to take the family for a Sunday drive on Hwy 4 and then turn off to Boards Crossing (not maintenained by snow plowers - see pic 2) and then unto the fire road 5N02R.


Recced/checked out the trail conditions. Since all the rain we've been getting, thinking trail might be buried w/snow. Passable for sure; just thin blanket of snow on the trail in some areas; mostly slippery trail due to the melting snow and water coming down on the trail - see pix.


If my wife's Subaru can make it, our Land Rovers can also.... Lol. However.... I actually stopped before "Perez Hill" due to our Subbie's lack of clearance for the next obstacle; our Subaru is relatively new so she'd kill me if we knocked out the oil pan (smile).


With this said, we parked at the foot of Perez Hill, ate lunch in the car and then took a hike on foot further up the trail (last two pictures). Bit more snow on the trail as we went up - where the fun begins.... Still passable.


It will be awesome next week Saturday 31st if we can swing a day trip on this trail right after MOM. Optional camping overnight on the trail - just print/bring a camp fire permit!


Shaver Lake is our extreme snow run; this is a mimi-me snow run (smile); anyone up for it next Saturday after MOM?

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Ok folks, been thinking about this.


Was up @ Boards Crossing for a day trip in the snow as noted, and was fun while it lasted. However, the snow was thin as you can see in the pictures, and I don't think it will be much of a snow run.


Then I was talking to Carlos (Mexxis) yesterday re: a return to Boards Crossing in June; sunny weather, spend the full weekend to relax, enjoy a great meal and 4wheeling on the trail.


So let's move this trip in June, and spend more time at the MOM this Saturday. :D


Pictures from last year's summer trip to Boards Crossing; meal and dessert Carlos made was just awesome and there was enough challenge on the trail to make it worth while.





















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Good call Ron. I was going to bail on this one =). There's a "hot tub" on an eddy of the river built out of rocks that is awesome when the temps hit 100*!!! Shhhh. Secret. We can plan a snow run at the 6-7k zone easy enough for the next month. I'll keep the forum posted. I have plenty of Garmin wayside points saved for a day trip.
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