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Gauging Interest: NCLR Shaver Lake Snow Run 2012 Edition

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Due to a scheduling conflict sadly I am not going to make it.<O:p</O:p


I have just spent the week up at Shaver Lake, did some off road work with the P38 but the snow is sparse.<O:p</O:p


The most interesting thing up there currently is the lake which has been drained it to the lowest level since 1891 acording to a representative we spoke to. Very cool and here’s a few photos. They will start filling it again next month.<O:p</O:p

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ok so my wife and i are confirming that were coming. should i call and reserve a camp ground?


Go ahead and send a request for 230. I'm not sure if Colin has sent his request yet, but we'll need both anyways. Be sure to include the nights (10th & 11th), and your phone number. They will call you to confirm the dates, site number, and payment info.



P.O.Box 600

42696 Tollhouse Rd.

Shaver Lake, CA 93664

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Only one person can reserve one campsite. I asked Colin to send a reservation, but I'm pretty sure we need at least one more, I'll check the numbers. If you can send in a reservation request we should be covered for those who have confirmed. The limit is 4 trucks or 8 people per site. If you need more info just post up, or give me a call. 6 5 6 7 3 8 6 in the 415 area code.



Just checked the Google Doc. Right now you're in Colin's campsite, but I need to check that he has a reservation. The next person to confirm for the trip would need to reserve a camp site. You could still send in your reservation request as there a few more people that are interested and will probably join. Remember you can only submit your reservation request through fax or snail mail, they won't do it over the phone.


Cool, so I'm in Colin's camp. Any confirmation that they received his reservation request?

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Right now, if you take a trailer it will occupy the last open spot in a campsite. Barron (BEAR) has submitted his reservation request, and I have you in that site. The next person who signs-up will need to get a reservation.


Are you aware of the hill climb to Camp Edison? It can be a bit of a dusy, so keep that in mind with your tranny and towing the trailer.

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