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Gauging Interest: 4th Annual Shaver Lake Snow Run Feb. 18-20, 2011

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Unfortunately I am not going to make it. Sara is OK but very shaken up. Chevy Suburban (Sara)+ pedestrian (crossing the intersection on a red) at night in the pouring rain do not mix well...


O oh! Glad to hear your family Sara is ok. Afraid to ask about the pedetrian. Take care and hope all goes well.


I am sitting out on this run (due to work load); maybe next year for me.

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Little bit late, but Tigerdan left my shop at around 5 pm with different front driveshaft, eta was around 9-9:30. Have fun!


Good to from your Eric. I am sure Dan made it safe like he always does. Also Eric we owe you a Atlantic Bristish gift cert from the raffle. Take Care!

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THANK YOU to everyone, especially Brenton, for making it a great trip and making two SoCal infiltrators feel so welcome. I had a great time and am already looking forward to next year. It was the first time my LR3 had seen snow off-road and below freezing temps.


A special thanks to Sasquatch for letting us squat in your pop-up the first night!


By the way, the "really stuck LR3" was mine... down to the chassis and skid plates from front to rear, all four tires not in contact with the ground... it was a mess.


After trying winching, yanking with a tow strap, and a tandem pull (a Disco and D90 at once) to get me free, we had to swallow some pride and let a Diesel powered F-250 yank me out. Short story is the LR3 does NOT like having chains on in the snow. Air down, no chains, snow mode, leave the DSC on, and it will go over anything as Lutz's video shows.

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The 4th Annual Shaver Lake Snow Run was another fun filled NCLR adventure! The conditions this year were different than previous years with multiple storms hitting the area before and during the trip. Over 2' of snow fell in the couple days we were there alone. The snow was able to be packed pretty well which offered the group plenty of opportunities to get some good driving time in. Previous years it was hard to travel over 20 yards without having to stop.


Friday, 2/18/2011


On Friday morning the first part of the caravan met in Gilroy. Almost half of the group decided to meet at the Shell station and by 10am we were on our way to Madera. At the Valero station everyone fueled up their vehicles and had the chance to grab some lunch. At this point we heard from TigerDan that he had a bad vibe from the front driveshaft and wasn't going to be meeting us. Once everyone had eaten we headed for our destination at Camp Edison.


During the drive I got a voice mail from Paul stating that they had a DMV issue that had to be taken care of in Clovis and would be returning in a few hours. Along the drive up the mountain Chris' CT110 let loose with some coolant, so we pulled over to let it cool down and then continued the journey. We arrived at camp in the afternoon and began setting up our tents and kitchens. That evening there was a wet snow falling that made it kinda miserable to sit around a campfire so it didn't last for very long. In the evening Neill and Josh from LRCSD arrived as did TigerDan who came by way of Eric Z.'s place after fixing his driveshaft. It was also Lutz' birthday, and his mom made him a wonderful cake.


Saturday, 2/19/2011


On Saturday morning everything was covered in about 12" of snow from overnight. There was a large part of the group who left around 9am to get to the trail. The conditions along Dinkey Creek Rd. made for slow going. At the trailhead there was a 3' wall of snow that Pedram had to break through in his Toyota. While of airing down to 10 psi a small group of Toyota's arrived. They got out to talk with us and already had cans of beer in hand and went ahead of us to blaze the trail. They surely didn't work as a team. In fact, the last vehicle of their group was left behind just 50' into the trail. We drove around him and continued in the tracks established by the Toyota's.


From the beginning of the trail to beyond the bridge crossing the creek we were able to maintain a great pace. Just beyond the bridge was a tree sticking out just on the edge of the trail. Steve hit it and lost his driver's side view mirror and front turn signal lens. Eventually we were behind the Toyota's again and had to wait for them to get unstuck. They weren't helping each other out very much so sometimes it took someone 10 or 15 minutes to get going again. At one point the lead vehicle had overheated from all of the plowing it had to do. Just before the long hill climb (about half way along the trail) there was a short yet rather steep section of the trail where running ground water had kept the snow from accumulating. Pedram went first and got most of the way up, but had to winch himself the final 10' to get on level ground. Only 3 vehicles made it up without having to be tugged with a strap. There was some carnage done to a rear bumper, but most people were able to get across.


By this time it was almost 2 in the afternoon and I figured it was time to start heading back. It usually doesn't take as long to get back to the trailhead, but getting everyone turned around can be hard to do. Fortunately we were able to find a spot that worked quite well to get so many trucks out of the way. There was another little tricky spot on the way out that was fun to get through.


On the way back to camp most people had pizza to eat at the local pizza joint and talked about the days adventure. It was a nice evening for the most part weather wise. It had finally stopped snowing and we were able to all sit around the campfire and chat with each other. There was another system on its way so it did start to snow on us later in the evening, but we were having such a good time it didn't really matter at that point.


Sunday, 2/20/2011


Snow again had covered everything over the course of the night, but there wasn't as much as the night before. So much snow had accumulated while we were there some of the tents were pretty well buried and had to be dug out. Everyone got packing and started heading home before too long. Along the way down the mountain we passed by a chain inspection point along Tollhouse Rd. because the road conditions were pretty bad. I cruzed with Steve and he pulled over to put more air into his tires. While waiting someone showed up in a D1 and asked us about our trucks. We talked for a little bit and I handed him one of the club cards and told him to check us out.


Here are the links to the pics and video I took:


pics- https://picasaweb.google.com/rovrflo2011/NCLRShaverLakeSnowRun2011#





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But that's not all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



My turn....



You tube hit it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





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