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Gauging Interest: Return to the Lost Coast

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My wife and two boys Max and Jake had a great time @ the Lost Coast.


What can we say! Formula for a great trip = great company, food, cooperative effort, and great time @ the Lost Coast.


Thanks to everyone for pitching-in from communication on the radio, potluck, navigation, etc... For 10 trucks, plans went accordingly yet flexible enough to adjust to fit most everyone's needs.


Agree - we need to do upper Lost Coast next time (pic 3)!


Now back to work.


Argg. I dream of the next trip (smile).


Here are random shots:


Pic 1 - how to drive a Land Rover over a large puddle


Pic 2 - how to really drive a Land Rover and get Kevin muddy


Pic 3 - Lost Coast Part II


Pic 4 - Excellent Potluck; Thanks to everyone's contribution including soup made by Enrique (taste of Mexxis/menu item from Mexxis) and Suttle family (pic); yummy!


Pic 5 - Happy Kids = Happy Parents


Pic 6 - Geico's brother


Pic 7 - How does my butt look?


Pic 8 - I want one of that (smile)


Pic 9 - Land Rovers! Land Rovers are coming!


Pic 10 - Glass Beach

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Great pictures Dave; that would be cool Brenton - go ahead and post your trip report; Nigel and others - great seeing you guys/gals + kids @ the Lost Coast. And Enrique, hope Sebastian feels better.


Let's do this again - next time Lost Coast Part II New Areas to Explore.


More photos from our camera: http://www.spotadventures.com/trip/view?trip_id=233183

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On Friday morning our caravan was ready to leave Hercules around 9:30am, and head for our first stop, Granville's Teacup Farm. Before stopping to see him, we ate lunch in Hopland at the Blue Bird Cafe. Granville's farm is very nice! There are a wide variety of chickens to see (and hear!), and of course the Rovers;) Granville decided to join us and quickly backed a bag and brought his two grand daughters along. Unfortunately, Ziggy (Granny's RRC), the engine started running rough and overheated a little. He decided to turn around and head home to be safe. We fueled up in Willits at the local Safeway and made our way to Usal Road. Once we were on Usal Rd. it was getting late and the sun was setting quickly. By the time we arrived at camp it was dark, but setting up camp is easy with the lights on the roof rack. Once we were around the campfire Sasquatch (Dave) brought out a cake for Jette's birthday and everyone got to celebrate with her. Ron told us about our destinations for Saturday, and started making plans for Sunday. The next morning we broke camp and continued into the Sinkyone State Park.


We were headed for Usal Beach by 10am and soon came to a wooden bridge followed by a memorial plaque mounted on a rock (you can read the plaque in the photo album). At Usal Beach we came across our first water crossing. Enrique, of course, made the biggest splash of everyone during the crossing:P I followed Enrique across the river and wound up needing to give him a quick pull out of the sand. After our photos were taken we headed on to Needle Rock for lunch. Eating around a couple dozen grazing elk, and hearing the crashing waves of the ocean is a wonderful experience. Kevin lead us to the next campsite, Wailaki Camp. We had a huge potluck dinner of Mexxi's tortilla soup, sausage, fresh fruit, cake, pasta, BBQ and about 3x more that I can't even remember!


The next morning we headed home with planned stops in Shelter Cove and Glass Beach. Shelter Cove is a kinda cool and kinda strange place. I believe Ron mentioned Hitchcock on the way into town. And the deer around the airport landing strip... classic. We got a group shot at the lighthouse, refueled & grabbed burritos, then made our way towards Fort Bragg and Glass Beach. After the burrito I was on a quest to find a piece of red glass. Certain colors of glass are scare at the beach, and red is one of them. It took 20 minutes of searching to find a piece of red glass. From that point people started saying their good bye's and the group split up and headed home.


Here are the pics from our trip. Thanks again Ron!!!

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Thanks for writing a summary report Brenton; only changes are that Granville said his RRC didn't overheat; just started to miss fire north of Willets (due to been sitting for months); he didn't want to take any chance of problems on the trail; so he turned around; funny he said it ran fine on the way back. Hope Granville can join us next time.


And great photos Antonio.


Hey guys, we got lucky; it rained the week before our trip, and after (raining now); we lucked out on good weather during our trip.


Back to the Lost Coast next time!

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