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Off road clinic day moved. May MORG?

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Just got off the phone with the Park Rangers at Hollister and they have a park closure planned for the same day I was planning my off road clinic, April 25th. Some kind of big MDX race or something other :mad:. At any rate, it would seem like the date for this thing will have to be moved.


The main and most important point for this event, if it actually happens at all, pivots around the participation of our club members since I don't think going out and renting 5 or 6 jeeps would be feasible with the economy as it is and would take away from my desire to expose them "SPECIFICALLY" to the incredible capabilities of a Land Rover. With that in mind, it may not be a bad idea if I planned to bring them with me to the May's MORG the weekend following instead, May 2, if that is allowed and OKd with the BODs.


I know I heard from some of you showing interest to be a part of this but most had previous engagements that limited how much or how long you would be able to stay. Would it be ok if I brought a bunch of guys with me for May's event to "ride along" and get some first hand instruction from you, the actual owners of the vehicles explaining the capabilities of our many different models and TC generations and wide spread of years?


In case you had not read about this before and have no idea what I'm talking about, and to keep from repeating and making this tread even longer, just read the original tread under Off road clinic under trips and events. In case this gets a green light from the BODs, please post if you think you could be a part of making this thing happen!

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  • 1 year later...
Great trip down to Quail Lodge on Saturday. The weather finnaly decided to cooperate. This is my second trip where I've had the priviledge to represent the club at a Redwood City Land Rover wheels event. You always get 2 completely diferent looks on the faces of people at the end of the day. There are those looks that say " I can't believe I let myself get talked into this. I hope I never see another dirt road in my life". But then there are those looks, much like the looks on our own faces the first time we took a rover product off road, that say "WOW, that was FUN!!!! So what's the next step in learning the capabilities of my Land Rover?" Several of those made sure to write down the information I gave them about how to contact us and some have emailed me already to comfirm that they have signed up and joined the club and can't wait to come out and meet the rest of us on the next outting. I know going down to Carmel is a little far and fighting Saturday afternoon traffic to come back to the bay area is a pain but it is a great way to get our name out to people who are locals to our geographical area, own Land Rover products and at least have enough interest in off roading to try it at least once. I enjoyed myself and I think it is a venue we should continue to participate in as much as we can!
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