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Thanks for the update Phil.


That's right Mary will be contacting each one of you re: $25 deposit; your card will only get charged $25 if you don't show up!


Price to pay for not showing up - since the space could have been taken by someone on the wait list but didn't get-in because class is full.


Anyways, show up - no charge.


C yah all there!


I received an email also. I'm going to wait to submit credit card info. Don't trust the internet connection security in this hotel.

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Same Here. I am assuming they are busy.


She is just busy; so your turn will be up. Remember, you are confirmed; the call from Mary is to re-confirm that you can make it and to get your CC that will only be charged if you don't show up.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ron, I haven't heard anything yet as well. Can you please post Mary's contact info for us to confirm our slot for the training on the 20th?




Brenton and others. if you have not received the email or call, pls go ahead and reach out ot Mary. If you get her VM, leave a msg. Bottom line - you are in but want to make sure she knows and give her your CC.


And as mentioned earlier, I spoke to Mary in person, and went person by person, all your guys are confirmed (registered (folks who signed up) and waiting list (Leigh)). Mary is going to call/email ea to get your CC number. Slow process for her/busy; non-profit org so gotta give her some slack. Now if she worked for a bill collector, you know she'd called you on Day 1. Lol.


Joking set aside, I understand; you guys have to plan out this Saturday and just around the corner and if you're not sure if in the class, be a waste and disapp.


And thanks Colin for the update. Glad you finally got the email or call from Mary.


Here's Mary contact info for those who have not gotten an email or call from Mary:


Mary Van Buren

Training and Education Manager

Tread Lightly!

298 24th Street, Suite 325

Ogden, Utah 84401



I will see you guys during the kick-off, but since I've taken the class, I am not taking it again plus free up a seat (I was thinking of taking a refresh). No need.


Also guys, as reminder, take the pre-work; you will appreciate the program more during this 8 hour course (pls you can be teacher's pet knowing all the answer; lol): http://www.treadlightly.org/page.php/education-onlinecourse/Online-Awareness-Course

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Hey guys,

I'm gonna have to skip the training.. My 4 year old daughter has had some significant medical issues since December (pneumonia, both ears infected at the same time and then a kidney infection). Last night we ended up in the ER with a 105.3 temp and learned she has pneumonia again... I can't justify being gone. I've sent Mary an email and will call her today to let her know. I really am sorry!!



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Like Phil said, no worries Troy on not making it to the class - there will be another one I am sure.


Great call - take care of your daughter first; hope all goes well; keep us posted and let us know if you need anything from us e.g. support... some of us have kids and been thru medical challenges w/them; managed to pull thru; we hope a speedy recovery and well wishes for your daugther.


And just reach out to Mary, let her know you can't make it; I am sure someone on the waiting list would be happy to take your place.



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Sorry to say, I'm out for this weekend. I sent Mary an email and offered to pay the $25 anyway. Thought you guys would want to know in case there's one of you who wanted to go. I'll try to join the Tread Lightly! team another time.


Now who am I going to cheat off of?

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Just left a message with Mary with my contact phone # and email. I also just called LR San Jose to confirm that is the location being used and the lady who answered the phone didn't know anything about it. All she knows about is an event (Wheels?) in May. Then I called LR Fremont and they don't know anything about it either. Can someone who received a confirmation email post if it lists a location, and if so, where is it? Thanks!
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Here's the latest email I received, plus the attachments.


Course Participant


Just a follow up to my previous email. Attached is the agenda and a pdf of the Tread Trainer curriculum manual. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with manual and review the sections on What is an Outdoor ethic and the Tread Lightly! Principles. You will receive your manual along with other support materials during the workshop.


Also, one of the pre course assignments is Tread Lightly!’s Online Awareness Course. This course takes about 30 minutes to complete and we ask that you bring your certificate of completion on the day of the Tread Trainer course (if you are able to print it). If you are using Firefox or Safari (Mac) web browsers you may run into trouble as the course is not very compatible with these browsers.


Tread Lightly! Online Awareness Course


The majority of the course will be dedicated to familiarizing you with the Tread Lightly! outdoor ethic and preparing participants to present and train others on the Tread Lightly! message, so please come prepared to work and share your experience with others.


Course Logistics:


The workshop will start promptly at 8:00 am!


San Jose, CA (Bay Area)

When: Saturday, March 20, 2010

Location: Land Rover San Jose

5080 Stevens Creek

San Jose, CA 95129



Tread Lightly will provide coffee, lunch and afternoon snacks.


Please don’t hesitate to call me if you have questions. I will be in the office March 12, 15, and 18 (traveling to a conference on March 16 and 17 and to California on 19 for the course). I do check my email while I am traveling.


Mary Van Buren

Training and Education Manager

Tread Lightly!

298 24th Street, Suite 325

Ogden, Utah 84401


Tread Trainer agenda CA.PDF


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Thanks Phil for posting the email you got from Mary.


Brenton and others, also you can see the location/date/time committment on the Tread Lightly trainining schedule - Land Rover San Jose is the location for the March 20th class: http://www.treadlightly.org/page.php/programs-catreadtrainer/California_tread_trainer.html


We just have to give feedback to Gordon Blackstock, general mgr of LR San Jose, and LR Redwood City that one if his receptionist didn't know about the event. If anyone else need to call LR San Jose who knows about the event this Sat, contact Gordon @ 415-515-2850. We want thanks Mary and Gordon for making this event happen and for you guys taking your Sat time to take this course.


Despite Tread Lightly is not the greatest on enrollment administration, this upcoming Tread Lightly Trainer course is a good program; you also get to network with people in Forest Service etc... and meet other outdoor enthusiast. Great way to promote our club.


Speaking of, just a reminder - wear your NCLR shirt or sweatshirt.



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Saturday is just around the corner! Remember class starts @ 8am ends 5pm. You need to attend the entire class to earn your certifcate.


I'd suggest be there before 8am if you want free breakfast! :)


Plug this on your GPS: Location for the class: Land Rover San Jose, 5080 Stevens Creek, San Jose, CA 95129


Roll-call here - we have:

Steven D

Mark G (unable to attend)

Colin B

Jim M

Brento C

Phillip E

Leigh A

Troy B (unable to attend)

Will S

Steve N

Enrique G


I will be there early to help setup, meet Mary, Gordon and see the rest of you folks (may even check out the LR4s on display); and then take off after the intro and kick-off session; I've already taken the class and didn't want to take up space in this sold out class.


I am also showing up to accompany a prospective NCLR member who just signed up for this class; she is a new LR4 owner; contacted us thru the NCLR website and wanted to spend more time w/LR enthusiate and get some trail time on her new LR4. Let's give Ann a warm welcome Saturday; she tells me enjoys sky diving, has two boys and really excited to meet us all. Folks with LR especially LR3 let's talk to Ann during the break - I told her about our MORG where she can take her LR4 for some trail time.


It all goes well for me; I will have my two boys in tow, wife and will be heading to the San Jose Tech Museum while you all become Tread Lightly Trainers; could meet you with the rest of you after class interested in grabbing something to eat/dinner/drinks after class.


C yah all!

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Looking forward to this training event. I'm going to wear my Restoration for Recreation t-shirt from our Bald Mountain work day. Of course I'll be wearing the NCLR sweatshirt over it to start with. Ron, think about a group photo shot before things get underway.


See you all there.

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Looking forward to this training event. I'm going to wear my Restoration for Recreation t-shirt from our Bald Mountain work day. Of course I'll be wearing the NCLR sweatshirt over it to start with. Ron, think about a group photo shot before things get underway.


See you all there.


Good idea; bring your camera, and wear your NCLR wear.


See you all tomorrow!

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Attending the Tread Lightly Trainer class @ Land Rover San Jose with Will, Steven, Brenton, Stephen,

Phil, Leigh & Colin. Ron was here earlier to take pictures.


Jim is good with the quick post on/his Iphone. Cool!


Yes, here are pictures from today's class; I showed-up in the a.m. to show support to these guys who (by the end of the day) will be certified Tread Lightly Trainers. It's about 2:30pm right now (I am at home working on the Classic and taking a break to post these pictures); these guys are on the last 2 1/2 hours of the course before Beer-Thirty (lol). Congrats in advance guys.


Sorry to hear Troy, Mark and Ann couldn't make it - understand your family commitments. And hope all is well with Enrique - we didn't see him today.


Also just remembered - could have brought Steven's POR15. Da*#n forgot; next time.


Also we checked out the LR4 on display. Sweet interior.


Pic 1 - NCLR members networking during the break


Pic 2 - I think phil and Will are ready to upgrade their RRS and LR3 to the newer LR4


Pic 3 - Check out the interior of the new LR4. Nice.


Pic 4 - Thanks you to Mary from Tread Lightly for putting the class together, and Gordon Blackstock for hosting the classrooom location. Make sure you go see Gordon's sales staff @ LR San Jose or Redwood City when yuo are ready to get-in a new Land Rover or certified used one (lil plug there - just my way of saying thanks).


Pic 5 - Mary in action teaching a very attentive class


Pic 6 - Tread Trainer Spring Class of 2010 in the Bay Area


Pic 7 - LR San Jose rocks!


Pic 8 - There is Gordon, center manager, for Land Rover San Jose and Redwood City!









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