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NorNorcal Trip anyone?

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Alright, so It has come to my attention that NCLR should really be called BALR (bay area land rover). Is there anyone else that is in the sacramento, eldorado, placer or maybe even higher up that would like to do and off road gathering? I would really like to attend some of the MORGs but it is just cost prohibitive for me (and others I'm sure) to drive to the bay area (or farther south) for the weekend.


So, anyone got any interest and/or Ideas?

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You alao have Greenhorn OHV in Grass Valley. Cambo hosted a run up that way. Lots of creeks to cross it seems. Looked like a ton of fun. I'd try and come up for something like that...but I too know little of the area...
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You alao have Greenhorn OHV in Grass Valley. Cambo hosted a run up that way. Lots of creeks to cross it seems. Looked like a ton of fun. I'd try and come up for something like that...but I too know little of the area...


X2, I know very little about the area, but I wouldn't mind taking a nice ride up that way. Hell, I do it for day trips to go skiing. Why not for wheelin'???



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Alright, so It has come to my attention that NCLR should really be called BALR (bay area land rover). Is there anyone else that is in the sacramento, eldorado, placer or maybe even higher up that would like to do and off road gathering? I would really like to attend some of the MORGs but it is just cost prohibitive for me (and others I'm sure) to drive to the bay area (or farther south) for the weekend.


So, anyone got any interest and/or Ideas?


There's serveral folks here from Sac or north of Sac.


And there are wheeling trips up and down California spread during the calendar year; granted the birth of the MORG is in Hollister; feel free to make suggestions for next MORG!


As for scheduled wheeling trips, there's Gold Lake (closer to you) in August; check the website Calendar for details, directions, etc...


And if you are not too far, Blue Lakes is scheduled this month July 19; click here for details: http://nclrclub.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=143&Itemid=111


Like all wheeling trips (when finalized), you'll see designated Trip Leader, Trail Leader, description, camping info if applicable, GPS coordiantes and/or maps, etc... and sign-up online.


Hope to see you on the trail!

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Have you looked at the website? We have a run this month to Blue Lakes/Deer Valley/SlickRock and one next month to Gold Lake.


Alright, so It has come to my attention that NCLR should really be called BALR (bay area land rover). Is there anyone else that is in the sacramento, eldorado, placer or maybe even higher up that would like to do and off road gathering? I would really like to attend some of the MORGs but it is just cost prohibitive for me (and others I'm sure) to drive to the bay area (or farther south) for the weekend.


So, anyone got any interest and/or Ideas?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Bear River to Silver Lake (Deer Valley?) looks to be some fun. Does anybody know this trail?


I ran a part of it during the week in my Range Rover. I was on my way to do some hiking to one of the hidden lakes in the area. Thought that we would have the place to ourselves but ran into about 200 kids pulling wagons as they were walking the immigrant trail in full period costumes. Really, bonnets and they were carrying plastic babies! Then all of a sudden here comes modern technology climbing over the rocks and passing them with the A/C on. It was very dusty.


I would like to run the whole trail sometime to check it out. Probably only 75 minutes from Folsom.

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