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Yosemite area suggestions

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Planning to drive into Yosemite area and need suggestions on where we can park - we are just 2 alone and not looking for anything sketchy or scary that I wouldn't want to do without another truck near by. Something light and easy so wife enjoys it and doesn't get freaked out. I don't know the area well except to the main tourist traps which I have visited before.



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Depending on what one considers the 'Yosemite Area', a great destination we ran a trip for last year was the Eastern Sierra mines & Ghost towns one.


It's about an hour east from the center of Yosemite and provides some easy trails to drive on with good visuals and stops along the way.  Check out the link below for more info.




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Most of the camp grounds have day of arrival spots too, so you can look at the map then check them out on reservation.org site.


Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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we're into October... and I think many of the in-park campsites will be unavailable as park prepares for winter. If you're looking at outside the park, I think there are a few campgrounds outside YNP, in the Stanislaus NF. You may want to check there. 


But as Jethro said, best to check recreation.gov (URL correction) I don't know where recreation.org goes to... I'm afraid to click it. ;) 

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Unfortunately I won't be going out this weekend - the D2 isn't ready unfoertunately. Colin is still finishing up installing all new transmission hosing and other things up in Walnut Creek and just won't be ready by tomorrow. Lost Coast will be my next chance to take it out for a ride as I am not back in the Bay Area until that weekend.

Sucks as we really wanted to make Yosemite this weekend as it might be the last one we will get a chance to visit until next year. Temp's are alreadty below freezing at nights and that's about as cold as she'll take.

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