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August MORG

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Good time even if Fremontia proved a bit more than I planned to throw Julian into on his first outing.  ;)  Sorry about that - I should have stuck to my original route and taken the easier low road instead.  But hey, at least you got to put yourself though the paces and see how different trucks behave over the same obstacle.  


I think our final turnout was 3 LR4s, 2 D2s, and 2 D1s.  What's missing from this picture?  Not a single Rangie or Defender (?!?!)


I hope we didn't scare any of the new faces away!  We don't usually break things, at least not at the MORGs!


Hopefully somebody got some video of the LR4s coming through and pulling the big 'ol Captain Morgans.  

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I had a great time at the MORG and it was nice seeing  old and new faces.   There was no major carnage other than a broken drive line and a few scratches.  


Here are some of the pictures i took: https://antonioanguiano.smugmug.com/Hobbies/August-MORG-2017




Mine are little more vehicle-centric, but thought I'd post anyway.  Great place to camp on the Friday night too, which I think we should try to do more of in future.







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So, the crazy 8 Greame...underdrive?    You have some SUPER flex there.  I was not able to make it...currently under the supervision of Colin getting the front end sorted out. Which turns out to have been a good call as I have scouts and soccer starting today...and something for the kids every night until Friday this week.


We may go to WRL in the VW...just to get out of the house next weekend.

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So, the crazy 8 Greame...underdrive?    You have some SUPER flex there.  ....




Yes.  I love that thing.  However choosing which of the 20 forward gears to use can cause quite a problem.  Difficult to get used to pulling away in "top" (fifth) gear to move from one place to another because any other gear is way too low.  Had some fun "walking the dog" (letting the vehicle drive itself, with me reaching in to steer) going over the logs (frame twister) while a bunch of Toyota TRD drivers looked on somewhat baffled.  Tried the same up the concrete steps, but hadn't got enough grip or momentum, so had to hop in a couple of times.



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This trip was my wife and my first taste of off-roading.  Thank you all for guiding us through the trails.  Without your advise, guidance and leadership I would be too afraid to try most of those obstacles.  I gained a lot of experience and confidence in my truck and only a few scratches.  I am looking forward to the next outing and learn more from all of you.




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