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Big Sur dispersed camping spots this weekend

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Need some pointers on a route and roads to take up above big sur. Never been up above, always been on my list to do with my KTM 690 but just got my D2 geared up with an RTT and wife wants to go up to sleep under the Big Sur stars :-)


What's the best way to get to the dispersed camping spots and what should I am for with a GPS in a general area where dispersed is allowed? I know with the recent road closures now things are different but I was thinking of hitting up along Coast Ridge Rd and camping along there? Not sure camping is allowed there but I thought I read somewhere that dispersed is allowed up along this area. How can I tell where dispersed is allowed or not?


thanks for any pointers on this last minute rush camping run, but these are the best kind usually.  Huge thanks to the guys at OverlandPro's for the RTT setup and awning - such a nice sweet setup. Nick was extremely helpful getting the RTT mounted as i'm a total noob with handy work (give me a computer with net access and i'll delete your fines at the local library though).

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I bookmarked this spot on google maps b/c I've seen ppl just use the pull off to set camp. Figured some day, I would set camp there too.

The location is awesome and overlooks the ocean. I recall there are multiple pull-off locations on this road, so... you may want/need to drive up a bit. 

And I don't know if camping at these pull offs are legal.


I think there are also a couple of campgrounds nearby (alms campground).. but you'll have to do some searching on getting there. 

Note that there are multiple road closures due to rock slides or bridge out on HWY1 around Big Sur... So, some of these may not be accessible. Check on google maps. 


As for state-maintained campgrounds... they're likely booked out since February for rest of the year. 

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Thanks Chris. I figured the best way into the area is from the North East via 101 and into Liggit down Nacimiento Fergusson and then Coast Ridge Trail has nice turn off camping spots the ADV guys I know have used for years up there like you suggested - first come first serve sort of deal on these road turn offs.

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I was just up there. In April/May.


You'll need to take nacimiento ferguson road to get to the only accessible parts due to road closures. Once you get to the top of the mountains on the road you can either make a left onto coast ridge trail or a right onto another forest road. If you make a left and head down coast ridge trail, you'll hit a larger camping area, prewitt ridge- great views overlooking the ocean but can get kind of rowdy some times. All along the road you'll see turnouts and other roads leading to dispersed spots, so i would just drive around until you find a nice spot. Download the los padres forest north map on avenza and you'll see what roads you can take. dispersed camping is pretty much allowed in nat'l forests wherever there looks like a site has been established previously and it doesn't have no camping allowed annotated on the forest map or on posted signs- at least this is what has worked for me. Bring a shovel, download a camp fire permit and have a contained bucket of water to put the fire out too.


I also highly recommend the drive down south coast ridge trail for spectacular views of the ocean and coastal range. You'll also go through coastal redwoods all the way down to HWY1.


Tons of bugs in big sur this time of the year, especially in the forests, so just be prepared.


These are a few pics of my weekend there.









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Thanks TD1 - that's exactly the kind of spots i'm going to look for - thanks for the pointers. Head out in a few hours on our first ever RTT excursion... i was nicely surprised wifey pushed to make this happen, she loved the idea of using an RTT to get a different view and the 3" mattress built into the OP setup sealed the deal for her. On my KTM 690 and hard floor sleeping situation she has never shown any interest, lol wonder why.

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Made it back today, my first ever overland RTT based trip. This wasn't a very long planned out trip - wifey popped the 'let's go on a road trip with your new truck' 2 days before. So we headed to Big Sur to try and find some good views of the ocean cliffs below. Heat was killer during the days - upwards of 100 easily every day in the sun, low 90s in the share but tolerable. What was intolerable were the bugs. I realize I need a bug tent to at least create a safe zone around the sitting and eating areas. 


Aside from that, the truck and gear handled really well. A couple of upgrades/changes learned from this trip:

1 - get a second Yeti smaller but just for drinks - even in a 65 it's too much to cram in food and the drinks

2 - bug free zone tent setup needed badly

3 - 5G water tanks are great, suck for pouring out of, need some sort of hand pump like system addon

4 - RTT is very high, wifey who is afraid of heights had issues getting up and down without help for lack of hand supports - will be adding something attached to rack and looped inside the RTT to use as handles when going up and support when going down


Overall though was a very fun 3-day trip and being my first in the truck multi-day with company (I am used to totally alone ADV moto rides) the dynamics are very different in terms of what to pack, how to pack, what works, what doesn't. Lots to keep building on from this experience.


Thanks all for the suggestions on where to go - found the best spots in Big Sur in the summer due to the heat are the river spots on Nacimiento as you exit Ligget and enter the Forest. The water there is so cool and nice and the only way to beat the intense heat of the day up top during day light hours. I marked some great spots on Avenza if anyone wants the coordinates.


Some pics from the trip



























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Regarding the 5 gal water - if it's a Scepter style can you can find small pumps that fit into them, either battery powered or manual.  Or you can do like I did and add a stainless spigot right into the cap, then set the can on it's side and just open the spigot to pour.


Nice pics - truck looks good.  

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Looks like a cool trip. I need to do this one day... have had that thing bookmarked on the map for like 3 yrs.

I'm surprised the high temp when you're right on the coast, or was that when you were more inland driving out?

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Unfortunately getting to US-1 is impossible due to the closures. The Nacimiento to US-1 junction is closed. The high temps were up high in the mountains above the coast, at 2500-3000 feet elevation. It was unbearably hot and the flies. Dear god the flies. Oh and tarantulas... lol.

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Unfortunately getting to US-1 is impossible due to the closures. The Nacimiento to US-1 junction is closed. The high temps were up high in the mountains above the coast, at 2500-3000 feet elevation. It was unbearably hot and the flies. Dear god the flies. Oh and tarantulas... lol.

tarantulas are why you have a RTT!

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