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April MORG

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We've been down in the bay area for a while now, so time to visit Jefferson once again!


For April, we'll head to Folsom.  Last fall we had a great turn-out here so let's try it now that there's a lake again.   :P



As usual, this is the first saturday of the month, starting at 10:00 and running into the afternoon or whenever you choose to head out.  Plan to bring a lunch or snacks as there's nothing to eat at the park.


Cell service is pretty good in the park, but we'll also be on 146.460 as always.


See you there!

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I'll be able to stop by for an hour then have to make it to a baseball game, might be able to come back after if everyone is still around.
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I was hoping it would be closer this way since I have the morning open until 2. Sigh.... guess I'll have to try for May.

....and where were you the last 2 times I did Frank Raines?  

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We've been down in the bay area for a while now, so time to visit Jefferson once again!


For April, we'll head to Folsom. Last fall we had a great turn-out here so let's try it now that there's a lake again. :P


See you there!

Is Jefferson the name of an OHV? Some quick google searches didn't produce any leads



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....and where were you the last 2 times I did Frank Raines?

I already posted in the last MORG thread that there was some poor planning on my part last year that took away my Saturdays for a while. Now that I'm starting to get them back, I'll be hitting the trails more. Most likely I'll plan a trip to the Coyote Creek and Serpentine areas since they'll be closing up shortly.
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Is Jefferson the name of an OHV? Some quick google searches didn't produce any leads


Search for Folsom Lake. Jefferson...is kinda of a inside joke. I'm sure someone will explain its definition.



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The wife may have to work that day. Thinking of bringing the boat out and maybe we can BBQ.

Hmmmmmmmmm I think I already have plans for this day. Helping some one with an engine. If the plans don't fall through, I'm so down to BBQ and I could also bring the jet ski 😬

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Is Jefferson the name of an OHV? Some quick google searches didn't produce any leads



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Jefferson is what we call our sub-group of Sacramento people.  Taken from the 'State of Jefferson' secession movement.  Mostly just a nick-name for those of us 'way up in the north'.


We'll actually be at Folsom Lake.  There are trails and just open areas to play in.  We've only done it as a MORG once and we had a surprisingly good turn-out.    Best option is to enter via Douglas Blvd.   We'll pick a meeting point as we get closer, but we'll likely be heading to the north end of the park from there.



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I'm out of town April 1. Would anyone be interested in meeting up at Folsom April 8th (the following weekend)? Would be my first time there.

There's a good number of us up here and we are often there. Need to look at the calendar but likely meet people there if we are in town.


You can always start a thread on it. There is prairie city very close by that is fun to explore too.


It's definitely a great place to spend the day.

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There's a good number of us up here and we are often there. Need to look at the calendar but likely meet people there if we are in town.


You can always start a thread on it. There is prairie city very close by that is fun to explore too.


It's definitely a great place to spend the day.

Thanks Jethro. Good idea on the thread!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Lake is up to almost 430 ft.  WOW!  For reference it was about 400 ft when we were there last time.  You guys going to try and push into Lomida again?  I have a feeling Don wants a second try at Butt Pucker Hill in his new toy.  

Butt Pucker Hill ain't nothin.  The LR3 had no problems with that and even towed that funny FWD Rover up the hill while we were at it.


I would like to take another crack at that short shoot we went up to get out of the lake-bed though.  That one put a tiny scratch in the passenger door of the LR3.


Any suggestions on a rally-point that will be easy for everybody to find?


And Fuller - I'm 'fully' expecting your D1 to be there for comparison sake!

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Planning to get there before 10 so kids play around a little. Looking forward to catching up with everyone and hanging out for an hour. If everyone is still there around 1pm I'll try to get back out.
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OK - I just realized we never specified a meeting location.  


To keep it simple, we'll meet at the same launch ramp parking lot we met at last time:



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Fun MORG this time, though not without some issues.


To start we played a game of Smear the Cone - basically Jason set up a series of cones in the parking lot then we took turns driving through them blindfolded to see who could hit the most without backing up.   Sounds a little silly but it was fun and very disconcerting to put a bag over your head and start driving.  I think we'll have more games like this at future MORGS - it's a good way to keep the troops entertained while we wait on the stranglers to show up.


Eventually we headed out for some dirt on the north side of the lake.  Not nearly as much room to play with the lake up some 40' over what it was last time we were here but still plenty of granite to test yourself on.  Also a lot of washed out ruts and soft sandy dirt from the winter's rains.  As soon as we turned off the road Jason pulled down into one of those ruts, got himself very cross-axled, and 'bang' - broke a front axle.  I know he runs stock axles as 'fuseable links' to keep from breaking more expensive parts but I don't think he planned to pop a front within 100' of the road.


I pulled him out of the rut then let him drive my rig for a bit while everybody played around in the area.  Seemed only fair since I pretty much bought it because of him, even if he didn't know it at the time.  I didn't go so far as to pull the pin on the front radius arm to try out the funky articulated link since we weren't doing anything too crazy but it was really point-and-shoot.  It easily crawled up anything I pointed it at.  I'll have to be careful as I'm getting a feeling of invincibility in this thing and that's going to get me in trouble.


We re-grouped further back lake-side for lunch and Nick set up his demo Overland Pros awning while Ted put the drone in the air.  After a bite, several of us started heading further back.  There is a small stair to climb up from that point which broke one of Tim's Defender axles last time and after watching me go up it the other guys decided to look for another way around.  I went back a bit further but they decided to head back the way we had come in and try some alternate lines there.  Then I got a call over the radio asking me to come and lend a hand as somebody needed a tow out of a jam.  I didn't quite know what was going on but made my way back to find Justin's RRC half way up a short, steep, rutted hill.  Didn't look all that bad until I got closer and saw he'd taco'ed both rear radius arms, dislocated a rear spring, and broken the rear diff input flange.  An autopsey was easy to figure out - he'd tried to climb it and failed a couple times so tried 'just once more' only to start spinning and bouncing.  Bouncing is bad, mkay?  Then he re-enacted Lucas's similar incident at Hollister a year or so ago, ending up with the same results.  

We winched the RRC out of the rutted up hill to a semi-flat area we could work on it, only going as far as we had to since the driver's rear tire was into the front of the wheel well pretty hard.  We removed the driveshaft, borrowed Nick's bottle jack to lift the truck and re-seat the spring, then used ratchet straps to pull the axle back slightly and remove the L shaped driver's radius arm and kinda-sorta straightened it by parking a truck on it and using a high-lift handle as a cheater pipe and giving it a good shove.  We then re-installed the less-bent arm as well as we could but couldn't get the rear bolt fully home as the eye wasn't lining up well.  It was enough to push the axle back and get the tire out of the bodywork though, so he was able to limp it out to the park entrance as a fwd only.


So fun for everybody.  :)


Actually Justin didn't suffer much.  It looked dramatic but no body damage was done; the driveshaft appears OK and only needs a u-joint; stock radius arms are cheap and easy to replace, as is the diff input flange, though this is the perfect opportunity to do some upgrades.  Mr. Fuller will need to do a bit of work to pull out the front axle but with any luck there won't be any other damage.  And I got to test out the winch on my new rig.  ;)


I know there are pictures, so hopefully some folks will share.  As usual, I got lazy and didn't take any once we started moving.  (boo me)

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