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Shop Warming / Wrenching Day - Sunday

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*the shop is open for business!*


Sunday Erin is going to come up to my place in Walnut Grove to install a snorkel and do some minor maintenance.  I'll probably be doing a little work on my LR3 as well.  So I figured this is as good a time as any to invite the rest of you out to break in the new shop.  


So come one, come all to exotic, exciting Walnut Grove!  Sunday, 9:00 until you get bored or I kick you out... :)


As for lunch, there's  a Pizza Factory across the river, and I have beer in the fridge.  So we're good to go there.




Don't know where Walnut Grove is?  It's a little town south of Sacramento on the river:



If you need the address, just drop me a PM.  Look forward to seeing some of you Sunday  :)

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YES!!! Perfect timing. Now I got to get together with Graeme to pickup my new front Drive shaft. 


I'll definitely be coming out. I have to install the shaft prior to shaver and this works out.


I'll be arriving around 11ish / noon 

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Don, have you installed the roof thing that you said needed multiple people in order to get in place?  Might be a good opportunity to get us 'shop warmers' to do something...  happy to come out and help if you need/want it...

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@RedRover... you mean this? 




Close, I was thinking more like this:





I expect the party to be off the hook if we're installing snorkels and diff guards.

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Don, have you installed the roof thing that you said needed multiple people in order to get in place?  Might be a good opportunity to get us 'shop warmers' to do something...  happy to come out and help if you need/want it...

I have not, but that's an all-day project by itself and I need to do some planning/research on how it goes together before I take it on.  I will be taking names on who is present though and will reserve the right to call you back at future time to be determined.  


You didn't think this was free did you?


(insert evil laugh here..bwahaha)

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Gona have to bug out. Unplanned extended Sierra road trip due to mud slides plus kids sport practice has put a dent in the weekend.


It's happening all over the state... Hwy 17 from the South Bay to Santa Cruz has been shut down due to mudslides and today is just partially opening.


As if our traffic headaches weren't bad enough... 

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Yeah, 37 was closed to flooding from Tuesday.  Up here (not on my island, but near) there's a lot of flooding including a big train wreck just off 99 maybe 10 miles west of me that may have been due to flood waters causing track issues.  I've seen a big heavy-lift helicopter flying over a couple times today and wonder if it's involved in the clean-up.

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I was like 20 min from getting caught in the big slide on 50. Comming back from skiing at Sierra. Instead going caught in the tail back


Ended up getting home about 4am via south lake - Carson city, Reno - to have dinner with son at unr, then back over 80 - which was still closed west bound, but the detor over 20 was not a parking lot anymore as everyone had either given up and got a hotel or finished.


One saving grace - the classic completed it all with flying colors - just about 300 miles. Never done that much in it on one go.


Brakes did give me a slight scare in south lake as the locked up in the slush.

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Yeah, 37 was closed to flooding from Tuesday. Up here (not on my island, but near) there's a lot of flooding including a big train wreck just off 99 maybe 10 miles west of me that may have been due to flood waters causing track issues. I've seen a big heavy-lift helicopter flying over a couple times today and wonder if it's involved in the clean-up.



Lots more water comming down the hill - the south fork american yesterday afternoon was churning and v high.

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Wrenching day success!  


Nice turn-out.  We fixed a leak and installed the snorkel on Erin's LR4, installed front and rear diff guards on Cris's D90, installed a front driveshaft on Justin's RRC, and maybe a couple other little things I missed.  All jobs completed.


I was worried that drilling through the A pillar on the LR4 was going to be a nightmare but with a cobalt bit it wasn't too bad.  I did have a rivet gun failure though as it wouldn't release the shank after breaking it off.  That made a bit of a challenge but there's always a way around those things when you want it bad enough.  :)

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Thanks Don & Michelle for the hospitality! Pretty awesome day. 

In addition to the diff guards - Thanks, @AlanB!, my check engine light (on for last 11 mos) went out on the drive back! So, no more CEL! It's a Christmas Miracle! 

And @RedRover also helped me removed two jump seats out of the D90... so, I can figure out how to best mount the fridge. 

Oh... I had to stop at the grocery store on way back... I was in the store for maybe 15 min. When I came out to start the truck, it started but slowly died. 

I started it again, gave some gas and it ran rough for a few seconds and then back to normal. 

Don saw this as vapor lock on my truck at Mojave... I'm not sure why a fuel injection engine would suffer from this. 

Need to look into & replace fuel filter, maybe? 


On my way home, the was a motorcycle accident that shut down 160 in both directions.

Turns out, they had to bring in helicopter to evacuate the rider. The bike was about 30+ feet from the base of the embankment (which was about 15' below the road surface). I hope he/she is OK.


Anyways, here are some pictures from today.  











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Hmmm...not sure on the no-start.  I'll refer that to the guys with more knowledge of the Rover engine than I.


Looks like you didn't even make it to Isleton before the accident (I think I can see the bridge in the background).  Hope you weren't caught up too long.  If I had known I could have sent you down the road on the other side of the river or even out to I5, 205, 680.

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