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Is it too early to talk about next month's MORG?





After 2 weeks of rain and snow the Sierras are way above normal with snowpack we haven't had in years.  I think this means we need a snow run!


Two possibilities come to mind - we could do Morman Emigrant Trail and see how far we get, or we could try something off highway 4.  I would suggest Corral Hollow, but I'm pretty sure we wouldn't get very far on that.  MET may prove to be more challenge than we want depending on what vehicles we have, but it seems like a good option.


Thoughts?  Since I'm not waiting until hours before the event this time there's time to consider other routes.

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You should also consider HWY 108 around Mi-Wuk Village and Long Barn. Took some easy to moderate roads around the area last summer. It's a little lower elevation so snow level is not quite so deep. Also there are hotels in the area if you want to make it a two day trip. Day one take an easy trail and day two a moderate trail. I know there are gates around some of the trails so not sure which ones are closed for snow.


Plus it would be the shortest drive for people from the bay area.

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I don't think we'll be heading to Fordyce - the only two trails I know up there are both going to be way to difficult with the snow we have now for a day trip.


Somebody did suggest going up to Uncle Tom's Cabin.  They don't plow Wentworth Springs rd so we could meet in Georgetown, head up to UT's, then push on out to Ice House Rd and circle back down to 50.

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I like the 108 idea - lower elevation that would let us work up to deeper snow and see how far we get, while still being out in the forest. I'm sure Corral Hollow will be impassible based on our experience last year. I think I might be able to make this one!

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OK,  been looking at the weather for this week and it's supposed to start raining Wednesday and continue right through the weekend.  There may be a clearing for Saturday so we have a shot for the MORG.


The question is - do we want to head to the Sierras as discussed with the weather or do we play it safe and do a OHV park?   I have no idea what the snow levels or accumulation will be this week, so a trail run will be a bit of a gamble.


Give me your thoughts.  I need to nail this down sooner than later since we're getting down to the wire.

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Right now I'm leaning away from doing a trail run just because the weather is questionable and I don't know what the snow levels will be.  Plus I'm not that familiar with the trails along 108 so it would be a bit of a WAG as to what we'd get into.  Some people are fine with that, but it can make for a pretty lame trip too.


I'm leaning toward one of two things right now.


Uncle Tom's Cabin, which is along Wentworth Springs Rd and an iconic watering hole on the way to the Rubicon.  It's a paved road out of Georgetown that isn't plowed but should be passable.  We can meet somewhere around Sac at say 10, then head up 80 to 49 and on to G-town.  We hit UTC for lunch, then push on down Wentworth Springs Rd to Ice House rd and head south down to 50, then back toward Sacramento.  


Alternative - we could check out Praire City.  I understand they've made a number of changes since we were there last.  It's just outside Sac so it would be easy for those who can't get away in the morning to join us.  Maybe meet at 11 instead of our regular 10 to make it easier for those coming from the bay area?


I know we have some Sac area people who would like to come, so I'm trying to keep this one 'out yonder'.   Next month we can head back to the bay - I'm hoping to hit Frank Raines for March.


Chime in - who's up for which run??

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I'm not sure of the plans yet, so I'm going to have to hold out until the last minute.


Sounds like great options though!!!


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OK, let's go to Uncle Tom's Cabin then!  (had to make a call eventually)


I've only got a moment here between calls but I'll look at the weather and snow levels some tonight.  We can also decide on meet-up points once we know who's coming from where.  


Pipe up if you're coming and let us know!  We can pick a meeting area in/near Sac at 10:00 then head up to Georgetown and have lunch there.


Fair warning, don't expect 5-star dining.  It's basically a 4-wheeler's bar.  I don't actually know what sort of food they have so you may want to throw a samich in the truck.  :)

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OK then - how about we set a meeting point at 10:00 in Sacramento.   How about Starbucks at 4354 Madison just off I80:





From there it's about an hour to Georgetown, then we head up Wentworth Springs rd which should be where we get into the snow, though I don't expect anything serious at that point.  Another 40 minutes or so should get us to Uncle Tom's.  You'll want to bring a sandwich or other food as the bar doesn't really have much to eat but we'll make it work.




Afterword we'll plan to continue up Wentworth Springs Rd to where it intersects Ice House Rd, then head south to highway 50 and make our way back to the valley.


Be prepared for rain at lower elevations and snow at higher.


We'll be on 146.460 radio and I'll have an extra hand held with me if anybody doesn't have a radio in their rig.  We'll have cell service much of the way but I wouldn't count on it once we get into the mountains.

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So right now I have




Don and Michele


renelozano & friends w/Jeep & yota (throwing old tomatoes at them fully encouraged... ;) )

coachmac joining us at Uncle Tom's

Maybe a couple of the Sac guys

Maybe Will


Who else??

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