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Shaver Lake 2017

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There's snow in the Sierras - that means it's time to start thinking about our second biggest event of the year:  the Shaver Lake snow run!


There has already been some chatter in the shout box about dates for this event so I wanted to start a thread for discussion.  I've heard suggestions of Feb 3-4-5 and the President's day holiday weekend of 18-19-20. 


I haven't actually looked at a calendar yet so at this point I'm just looking for input.  Hopefully by the weekend we'll be able to nail down a solid date and get things formalized.


What kind of year will 2017 be? An easy cruise to the top?  Or an epic stuck-fest where we don't even make it onto the actual trail?  It's too early to tell, but either way you know you don't want to miss out - Shaver is always a highlight of the year!

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  • 2 weeks later...

After some discussion at the BoD meeting, it looks like we'll be going for the weekend of Feb 18-19-20


Mark you calendars now!



I'll start an official trip information thread soon, but here's the short of it:


Meet at Camp Edison in Shaver Lake, CA Friday evening.  Expect cold.  Bonus:  electricity is available in each site as are hot showers in the heated restrooms.

Get up and go wheeling Saturday.  Depending on conditions, it could be an easy drive to the top of Bald Mountain, or it could be a stuck-fest where we don't even make it to the trailhead.  We've seen both in recent years.

Post trail-run pizza in town before returning to camp in the evening to tell stories of your trail heroics

Sunday, pack up and head down the hill for home


Again, actual details will be in the official thread soon.

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Traditionally it's arrive friday night, wheel saturday, head home on sunday.  The holiday would give you an extra day to recover.  If there is enough demand I have no problem moving it a day later.

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My vote would be arrive Saturday. I'm trying to save vacation days for DV and a summer family vacation and would not take Friday off. So, if the trail run started Saturday morning I would miss that. Doing Sat-Sun-Mon saves everyone using a vacation day...

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Traditionally it's arrive friday night, wheel saturday, head home on sunday.  The holiday would give you an extra day to recover.  If there is enough demand I have no problem moving it a day later.




Two days on the trail ... camp half way and make it to the top ....



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Just got my reservation in for the whole weekend Friday to Monday @ the village as last year (seems to be a busy weekend, obviously, so I figure I do it now and change if needed later), so we are game. Girls have both days off actually, so I figure we'll be there from Friday to Monday... we'll be 5 this year, well, 6 with the dog.



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Official thread coming tonight in the club section of the forum.  Looks like Sat-Mon has legs so we'll go with that this year over President's day weekend, though I'll likely head up on Friday anyway.  

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