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tick, tick, tick....countdown to MORG

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Ah yes....it's almost that time again.


December 3rd would be the first saturday, and the first Saturday is always MORG day!


Last month we had a great turn-out at Folsom.  Since that was North, I'd like to head back south again to make nice with those south-bay members.


Likely locations are Hollister and Frank Raines.  I'm thinking the latter since we don't get out there that often and it's the most central of the local OHV parks.


Of course weather is going to be questionable just because of the season.  And we know FR gets pretty greasy in the rain.  I'll give it a couple days and check the forecast as we're still a bit far out for any sort of accurate weather-guessing just yet.


Feel free to chime in with your suggestions or opinions.

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FR isn't as big as other places but it's entertaining, and the location is good for the majority.  Plus it's a really nice drive.  No cell service though, so keep that in mind if you're on a snapchat streak or something.


(inside joke from last weekend's trip)

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Ah yes....it's almost that time again.


December 3rd would be the first saturday, and the first Saturday is always MORG day!


Last month we had a great turn-out at Folsom.  Since that was North, I'd like to head back south again to make nice with those south-bay members.


Likely locations are Hollister and Frank Raines.  I'm thinking the latter since we don't get out there that often and it's the most central of the local OHV parks.


Of course weather is going to be questionable just because of the season.  And we know FR gets pretty greasy in the rain.  I'll give it a couple days and check the forecast as we're still a bit far out for any sort of accurate weather-guessing just yet.


Feel free to chime in with your suggestions or opinions.




Did a pre-run today with Lucas .... everything now hurts.  I do not suggest taking any Rovers on double-backs, as they are somewhat tricky (even on a KTM and Honda).  Very good traction (on all except the toughest climbs), a good amount of water crossings, but not really muddy at all.  Best of all, no dust!





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Weather Channel says no rain in the forecast for next week right through Saturday so I say we call it -  Frank Raines it is!




As per usual, 10 AM meeting at the front gate.  Again, no cell service here so we'll have the radios set to 144.460.

Bring a snack or lunch with you as there is nothing in the park.


Park location:




BTW - whoever has my spare red hand held from last month's MORG in Folsom (Conner?) can you bring it with you?

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never been to FR... will give this a go! 


Oh! oh! I think my winch gets here on Tuesday!

So, I will find time to install it before the MORG! 


I plan on coming, if it is not too "greasy."

Greasy is always possible at FR but we'll try to make sure you don't need Chris's winch.  :)


BTW, I think I still have your chainsaw from Cow Mountain last year.  I can hold onto it, but just an fyi.

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Um., rain today.  And Tomorrow.  Not been to FR either, but with sun predicted all week, it should be nice and dry, except for the shaded places.  Hoping to try and make this...although not a mud bug.

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I'm not a huge mud fan either.  I seem to recall a trip here last year that ended up with 3 dead alternators.  Will be attempting not to duplicate that particular event this time around.

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I'm not a huge mud fan either. I seem to recall a trip here last year that ended up with 3 dead alternators. Will be attempting not to duplicate that particular event this time around.

I've heard of other non rover people who have had electrical/alternator issues after playing around in the mud at FR. Must be something in the mud.
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I will not be attending this one, as much I love FR.  It's probably one of my favs.  We are having our first Rebelle Rally meeting tomorrow meeting and then I have my office holiday party at 6pm so I wouldn't have time anyway to get back, showered, changed etc and make it to Saratoga by 6.  January will also be out of the question since we will be on the Mohave.  Don, I think you are planning on coming to the Mojave, correct?  If so, you'll want to see if you can find someone to cover the MORG that weekend or postpone it to the following weekend. 

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We're getting down to the wire on this.  Again for anybody new we'll meet at the entrance gate at 10:00 as usual.  No cell service in the area, so we'll have the radios on 146.460.  We usually wrap up around 3 or 4 so you'll want to bring a snack/lunch.   I have to attend a company party in Sausalito that evening so I'll need to leave around 2:00-2:30.

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I was hoping to come but Scouts and kids school projects was keeping me from committing and I have yet to prep the truck. Currently working on a relief map of CA with my daughter for school....
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