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Sierra play weekend - Nov 19th

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As usual of late, I didn't even think of taking any pics until it was too late.  I did snap a few:  https://goo.gl/photos/R1TJBZwF7JEqxjgf9


As we got on the trail it was just beginning to snow and there was nothing on the ground.  I shot a little video at the end as we were on the paved access road getting back onto I80 going home so you can see how much snow we got in about 2 hrs.


According to Gaia we went 3.3 miles in to the top of Sunrise Hill - the long hill down to the first water crossing.  We didn't have any stucks or stops (a couple of back and try a different lines) so we made it in just over an hour.  I didn't record on the run back out but I believe it went faster despite (because of?) the snow.  It did make for a few slip and slide moments on the rocks but nothing crazy.  We briefly considered going on down to the water crossing but I recall having to pull cables in the dry getting up that last year so I was pretty sure getting the LR3 up it in the snow would have been more work than I wanted to put in.

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