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Sierra play weekend - Nov 19th

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On our last outing to Signal Peak a couple weeks ago Mr. Jason Fuller mentioned that we could camp at his buddy's cabin just a few miles west and run any number of trails in the area.  


My response to this is:  Yes Please!


Since it's getting late in the year we decided to make this happen pretty soon.  We're looking at the weekend of the 19th; the weekend before Thanksgiving.  The weather guessers are saying November should be fairly dry so I'm hoping we won't have crazy snow on the trails but of course that's a distinct possibility.  


For those who haven't been, the cabin is pretty bare-bones.  Think bunk house.  But it's got a good fireplace and working kitchen/bath and....bunks.  And it sits on 17 acres with it's own trails cut.  Plus of course it's in close proximity to several other trails that can keep us entertained for a weekend.  It's located near I80 and hwy20.


Anybody interested?  I know it's pretty short notice and it's close to the holidays but I wanted to squeeze it in before the weather really sets in.

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At the moment I have interest from 5 or 6 people including myself and Jason.  As this is a public viewable subforum I know not everybody likes to post that they may be away from home so I'll refrain from putting names up unless they post.  

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This one is a little tight on timing mainly because we're trying to fit it in before the holiday season and the snow season kick into full gear.  We'll have some snow trips to the Sierras over the winter as well - one of our members has a place in Arnold on highway 4 and just this week he mentioned doing a weekend up there again.

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I'm looking at wunderground for Cisco Grove which is a bit more local to the property.  They are calling for 80% chance for rain starting about 1 pm and yeilding 0.8" of precip and tapering down to 40% chance on sunday with a total of another 0.12".  On a positive note, 1-3" snow this wednesday after 0.6" rain on tuesday, so at least there wont be much dust.  

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More info for this weekend:


The owner of the cabin is happy to let us use it for free.  In exchange, it would be nice to leave him a little gift for the place like some paper towels TP, paper plates, trash bags, beer, etc.  I'll be sure to drop off a 'donation' and if any of you care to leave anything it would be appreciated.


There is room for tents or RTTs if you want to bring one.  The cabin itself is pretty basic; about 650 sq ft with two full size bunk beds and two twin size beds in the loft above the fireplace.  There is also a loft above the garage with a space heater.  Outhouse bathroom.  He's building a bathroom and shower in the cabin but they may not be working yet.  There is also a sofa and loveseat for sleeping and an RV with a queen bed.


It sits on about 17 acres with some trails cut.  Also has a good area for shooting a short distance from the cabin.  And Lake Spaulding is about 10-15 min walk down the hill.


To get there, take I80 to hwy 20 and head west toward Lake Spaulding about 5 miles 2 miles.  If you reach Zeibright mine Rd you've gone too far.  The driveway will be on the right, just before a yellow 2-way traffic sign.  There is a gate and the turn is about 130* back in the direction you came.  If the gate is open you will drive in past a green cabin on the left - stay on the drive and follow it for a couple hundred yards and it will curve left and head down a slight hill.  You should see the cabin on the right; it's grey with red trim and should have a couple Rovers parked in front.   


If the gate is locked, we'll have our radios on 146.460 and my cell is 510-825-5056 though I don't know if I'll have service at the cabin.


Jason and I plan to head up after work Friday, so will be there in the early evening.  I'm not sure who else is coming up that night and I know at least a couple of people are coming up Saturday morning.  If you're coming up Saturday drop me a line so we know to keep an eye out.  I'd say be there by 9:00 so we can get a decent amount of time on the trail.


Do bring warm clothes and rain gear since both rain and snow are possible.  We'll be between 6000' and 7500' so it will be cooler than here in the valley but it shouldn't be crazy.

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To get there, take I80 to hwy 20 and head west toward Lake Spaulding about 5 miles. The driveway will be on the right, just before a yellow 2-way traffic sign.




It isn't 5 miles.  Zeibright (Mine) Road is only 4.8 and it is way before that.  Maybe 0.6-0.7 mile would be my guess.  It is less than half the way to the Camp Spaulding turn off.



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WUnderground now shows snow starting about 10 am on saturday at cisco grove.  with 3-5 inches expected that day and precipitation not stopping until very early monday morning.  I would suggest some good footwear.  Cisco Grove is about 400 ft higher in elevation than the cabin but it's the closest station.  I believe Matt still has an easy up we can use for shooting.  Hope to see some of y'all up there.  


Graeme, you are partly correct about the distance.  I just google earth measured it. It's almost precisely 2 miles.  My mistake on the distance.  If it's snowing the gate is usually open but exercise extreme caution as the driveway turn out is sloped and can get slippery.  

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Looking at different forecasts (Accuweather, WeatherUnderground, Weather Channel) we'll get anywhere from 0 to 12 inches of snow.  All say precipitation Saturday afternoon with temps near freezing.  I think the difference is where they peg the snow level based on temp.


Could be interesting.  I haven't been out in a good snow storm in a long time.  Fresh snow is always fun - it's the stuff that's been through repeated freeze/thaw cycles that's a PITA.  So don't let this put you off, just pack warm and waterproof and come on up.

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What a great weekend!  This is going to be the shortest report ever ....


To all of you that didn't go into the Sierras this weekend, you missed a really fun time.


Jason (D1), Matt (Scout Bronco), Mike (D2), Graeme ad Lucas (D1), Don (D3/LR3), Nick (RRC LWB).


A fairly mild (but chilly) morning was spent frightening the local wildlife. In the afternoon we headed up to Eagle Lakes Road and onto the Fordyce trail.  As the temperature dropped to just below freezing, we were about a mile in when the fluffy white stuff started to fall.  Made for a little more fun, but unfortunately spoiled the view from the overlook at the slabs.  We got around 3 miles in (I would guess, but Don can confirm since he has one of those new fangled gadgets that measure distance).  There were a couple of stock-looking Jeeps ahead of us, traveling very slowly.  There was around an inch of fresh white powder snow by this time.  We headed back to the warm cabin, and some members headed home.  Not a winch used all weekend.


Sunday, after a lazy start, Don, Lucas, and I, checked out a few lesser traveled roads around Scotts Flat reservoir.  We headed home after a quick lunch in Auburn.


Some photos here: https://goo.gl/photos/xyTUz6UaDWtJ15Ww8

More to be added later in the week.





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Why yes it was....that was Jason's dog Emma.  She usually walks when the trail gets slow.  Her and Zowi (sp?) are my favorite camp dogs.  Sorry Boozer...they're just less slobbery!

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Thanks for the pictures and video everyone.  Had a good time and made it home without a tow.  I have justin looking for a new steering box for me, otherwise I may take advantage of the pick-n-pull 50% off sale on thanksgiving.  Two local yards with 3 discos between them.  I should be able to find a working unit.  I will post some pictures of the carnage when I get the old one out.  

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Oh and as for that forecast 8-12" of snow...not so much.  We were right at the snow line so it couldn't decide if it wanted to rain or snow most of the time.  We might have gotten 2" of accumulation at one point but then it switched back to rain and washed it all away.  I understand chain restrictions went up Saturday evening but were gone again in the morning.


Had we gone 500' higher or lower it would have made a big difference I suspect.

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